Jake's Emergency

"Chief matchmaker!" Jake greeted with a welcoming smile the moment he opened the door, and Haewon winked at him as she went into his apartment. 

"Let's hope it works and they both fall for each other," Haewon said and then raised a brow when she saw that his bed was littered with clothes as hers had been, but his bed was still more organized than hers even in that state. 

"Let's hope it works," Jake said as he offered her the only seat in the room. 

"I see you're packing your bags already," Haewon observed, and Jake nodded as he sat on the bed. 

"Yeah. I figured I do it now since I don't know what the rest of the day has to offer, and I will be sleeping over at your place tomorrow," Jake reminded her. 

They had all agreed that Jake would sleep over on Sunday so that they would all leave for the airport from there. He would sleep in her bedroom while she'd share Charlotte's bed with her.