Jake The Jerk

After staying in that position for a couple of minutes, Haewon pulled away from Charlotte, and Charlotte pretended to wipe her tears off with her hands.

"I'm not sure it's a good time to mention this, but Jake is here as planned," Haewon said, and Charlotte nodded.

"I see. You should go to him then. Don't worry about me," Charlotte said with a forced smile.

"I'm worried about you, and so is Jake," Haewon said, and Charlotte resisted the urge to smile.

It was working. Jake was worried about her, she thought happily.

"Tell him he doesn't have to worry. I'm fine," She said with a sigh.

"Well, you will have to tell him that yourself. He says I should bring you out. He wants to make dinner for you," Haewon said, hoping that would make Charlotte feel better.

Jake wanted to prepare dinner for her? Charlotte mused in disbelief.

"No. He doesn't have to...."