A Mistake

"Hello, Princess," Selena's father greeted in his usual tone the moment he received her call, and Selena felt the tears rush to her eyes once again. 

"Dad!" She said with wobbly lips, feeling like a kid again. 

"Oh, darling!" He said when he heard her voice.

He knew her well enough to picture the exact look on her face, and he could tell she had been crying and was struggling not to cry even now. 

He had heard from Charles how devastated she had looked, and Tessa had also told him she had asked to shift all her appointments and had locked herself up in her office. 

He felt terribly sorry that he wasn't there with her. He knew she would have been in so much need of a hug right now, and he would have loved to teach the scum bag a lesson for messing with his girl. 

"Don't tell me you've been crying," He said, and Selena sniffled.