Sound Recorder

Jake was pleasantly surprised to see that all the attention on the table was directed to someone else other than him, and this helped him relax.

Without meaning to, he began to actually enjoy the lunch with them as he listened to the discussions and struggled not to laugh as they all threw questions at Eun-Kyung's boyfriend.

"So, who are your parents and what do they do?" Haewon asked Taesun with interest.

"Haewon!" Eun-Kyung scolded before anyone else could speak.

"What? It's okay for you to ask Jake that, but I can't ask your boyfriend? I'm a part of this family too and I have to look out for my darling aunt," Haewon said with a sweet smile as she batted her lashes at Eun-Kyung making everyone laugh, including Jake and Taesun.

"We have an announcement, everyone," Mi Cha announced after some time, and all eyes turned to the table.