Who Is Ji-Tae?

A short while later, Tan and everyone else in the car came down the moment the car came to a halt in Mi Cha's and Min-jun's compound.

Haewon ran into the house, leaving her parents and friends behind because she wanted to go greet her aunt first.

"Aunt," Haewon called the moment she walked in and saw her Aunt Mi Cha sitting with her Aunt Min-jung.

"My beautiful Princess. How are you?" Mi Cha asked, and Haewon turned around for her to see. While she was doing that, Min-jung glanced toward the door's direction as she wondered whether or not Jake had come with Haewon.

"I'm fine. Good afternoon, Aunt Min-jung," Haewon greeted before leaning in to kiss both Mi Cha and Min-jung's cheeks.

"Good afternoon indeed," Min-jung said with a smile.

"I know you didn't come alone, so where are the rest? Especially your handsome boyfriend," Mi Cha asked the same question on Min-jung's mind.