
On Tuesday night after a forced dinner with Ivy, Selena lay on her bed with a thoughtful frown etched between her brows as she thought about what to do with the information the doctor had given her earlier that day.

After leaving the house on Sunday to go look for a solution, she had gone to a hospital to have an abortion but because she didn't have a prior appointment, they had asked her to come back the next day.

Instead of going back home, she had sought solace in the privacy of Gabe's penthouse to have some time alone to think about the mess she had made of herself because of her carelessness.

She had returned to the hospital on Monday expecting to have the abortion but the doctor had insisted he conduct a couple of tests and an ultrasound to ascertain that she was in the right state for an abortion. He had also asked her a series of background questions about her feminine cycle and health before asking her to go home and await the result.