A Break?

Carter had a smile on his face as he watched Ivy approach his table, where he was seated at a newly opened fancy restaurant for their date.

Ivy had told him about Haewon going to Jake's home to meet his grandmother for the first time and since he knew her class schedule, he had then decided to take her out on a date so that she wouldn't feel lonely or bored at home.

"Hey, babe," Carter said as he stood up to kiss Ivy.

Ivy noticed this and turned her cheek to him so that he ended up kissing her cheeks. Carter frowned as he pulled away. He had noticed that every time he tried to kiss Ivy on her lips ever since their first kiss, Ivy would always find a way to avoid it and it was beginning to bother him.

He had tried asking her what was wrong and why she always avoided kissing him but each time he brought it up, Ivy would always laugh it off and change the subject.