A Bet?

Jake, who was lying on his bed, thinking about Haewon and smiling at the pictures she had sent him at breakfast, quickly hid his phone under his pillow when he heard a light tap on his bedroom door which was slightly ajar since his grandmother had made it a rule to not lock his bedroom door unless he was dressing up.

He didn't bother going to check who was at the door or responding to the knock since he naturally assumed it was his grandmother and she would come in as she always did whether or not he responded.

He frowned when Charlotte walked in instead of his grandmother and his first reaction was to look himself over to be sure he was properly covered as he immediately sat up.

What was she doing in the house and in his bedroom? He asked himself as he shot her a glare.

"What are you doing in my room?" He asked with barely contained anger. He didn't like seeing Charlotte, even more so when she was in his room or his private space.