Keep Haewon Safe

After leaving his grandmother's house on Saturday, Jake returned to his apartment at school as he had said he would, and although Haewon had been disappointed when he told her he left without waiting to go back with her and Charlotte as they had planned, she had gotten over it since she had a lot going on with her sisters to bother about such irrelevant things.

Ever since Jake got back to his apartment on Saturday, he had been thinking of how he could get all the information he could, regarding his father's death and after brainstorming for twenty-four hours he finally got an idea.

He decided to pay someone to look into it for him. Now that the idea occurred to him, he couldn't help but wonder why he had not thought of doing that the whole time.

It didn't take him long to locate a private detective to help him out, and on Monday morning he met with the man in a cafe not far from his place so they could discuss the details.