Lunch Break

After Charlotte went out to see Regina during lunch break, Haewon, who was still very worried about Jake and had not been able to concentrate on work all day headed for Ivy's office.

As she walked to Ivy's office, she couldn't help feeling disappointed and hurt that Jake would deliberately switch off his phone and not find a way to reach out to her knowing fully well that she would be worried.

She had tried reaching Jake again a couple of times after she got to the office but his number had stopped going through.

The fact that he had not bothered to call, text, or even come looking for her to explain things, made her feel very hurt. Did she mean so little to him?

As she passed by Charlotte's desk, she noticed that Charlotte was not on her seat and even though she was curious about her whereabouts, she was much too worried to bother about it.

Charlotte was a big girl and could go wherever and do whatever she wanted, after all.