Unexpected Visitor

Jake spent most of the night on the rooftop of the hospital brainstorming on the best way to convince his grandmother and how to go about telling Haewon and her family the truth.

How was he going to tell his mother, Min-Jung, the truth? She had been searching for him this whole time while he had been right there in front of her. How was she going to feel knowing that the so-called son she was dying to meet was such a liar? Jake mused with a frown as he got into a cab the next morning and headed home.

When was he going to tell them the truth? It was already Friday and he certainly couldn't tell them about it this weekend. This weekend was totally out of it.

Liam's birthday was on Sunday and he just couldn't ruin the kid's birthday and the weekend for everyone.

Although he doubted that Haewon would be having much fun at the party knowing what a worrywart she was.