He Wouldn't Dare

Even though he had told himself that he would enjoy these last moments with her, he just couldn't bring himself to do that, knowing how much pain he would cause everyone starting tomorrow.

"Is everything okay with you? You look like you have a lot on your mind," Min-jung observed when she saw all the emotions in his eyes as he gazed at her.

"It's nothing," Jake said with a smile, and Min-jung smiled back at him.

"Thanks for everything. Thank you for treating me as your son all these years," Jake said, and Min-Jung patted his arm.

"You don't have to thank me for that. I should be thanking you for putting up with my incessant calls," Min-Jung said with a smile.

"Not once have I ever felt bothered by your calls. Thanks to you, I experienced the maternal love I was deprived of and didn't know I needed," Jake said with tears in his eyes, and Min-Jung patted his cheeks.