I Trusted You

As soon as the car pulled over at Jake's apartment, Charlotte looked around to make sure there were no cops around, and then she headed for the apartment as quickly as her feet would allow, and her heart skipped a beat when she saw that the door was not locked.

Perhaps the police had come here already to pick Regina? If that were the case, then they would have left already since there was no sign of them outside. That meant the house was probably empty, and she could hide in there until she came up with a plan on what to do next, she reasoned as she walked inside the house.

Charlotte was taken aback when she heard someone crying in Jake's room, and she slowly made her way inside and was both relieved and glad to see that Regina was still there and had not been carted away by the police.

Charlotte exhaled in relief when she saw Regina seated on the floor crying. She had never seen her so broken before. Maybe it was because of Jake's betrayal.