Set Things Right

Oliver paced around his suite as he thought about his conversation with Ken as well as what Selena had said to him.

He couldn't believe that he had been resenting Selena all these years when he was the one at fault and the one to blame for everything.

Ken was right. He had acted so cowardly. When he should have called off the bet and told Ken that he was in love with Selena, he had kept mute because of his ego and because he was too embarrassed to let Ken know he had fallen for Selena despite all he had said he would do to her.

He couldn't imagine how hurt Selena must have felt with the knowledge of the bet and his deception.

Oliver felt deeply ashamed of himself, and he felt deeply sorry that despite being the one who had hurt her, he had spent years accusing and blaming her for using him. No wonder her Dad and Gabe had reacted the way they did at Liam's birthday.