Dark Place

Although it was already a week since Haewon came home from the hospital, there was no real improvement on her side. She was still not saying a word to anyone, and this bothered her parents with each passing day; they decided to invite the doctor over to check on her.

After the doctor checked on Haewon and saw how pale and weak she was, he decided to place her on intravenous infusion.

Her parents observed as the Doctor pierced the needle into Haewon's skin to infuse the drip, and Haewon remained silent and showed no sign of distress. Their heart broke even more since they were well aware of Haewon's fear of needles.

"Will she be okay after that?" Nana asked as they escorted the doctor to his car.

"I can't say. I gave her that because she is not eating and is growing weaker by the day," The doctor said, and both Tan and Nana exchanged a worried glance.