Act Fast

As Selena drove back to her office, she gave some more thought to what she wanted, as her father had asked her to do.

As much as she didn't want Oliver in her life, she couldn't deprive her son of the right to know his father.

Doing this didn't mean she would be running back into arms. That ship had sailed already and was long gone.

Although a part of her feared that Oliver might steal Liam from her if she gave him access to the kid, but another part of her wanted to be fair and do the right thing.

It had been four days since she had that conversation with Oliver and had told him she would think about it. And seeing how he had respected her wish and stayed away from her, she wanted to believe that he had truly repented and wouldn't do anything untoward.

Still, to be safe, she wasn't going to let him meet with her son without supervision. She might have forgiven him, but she couldn't trust his sense of judgment.