
After Haewon returned from Min-Jung's place the previous day, she had asked her dad to tell her exactly what happened that day in his office with Jake, and Tan had told her everything and also played the recorded conversation between Charlotte and Jake's grandmother.

Ever since she listened to it, it had kept replaying in her head.

No matter how hard she had thought about it, she couldn't understand how Charlotte could have been so full of hatred for her as to want her dead. What did she ever do to deserve that?

Even though Jake's grandmother was the one who hired and paid Charlotte to be a part of her life so that Charlotte could monitor her, couldn't Charlotte have changed her mind, seeing how she had tried her best to be a good friend to her? Haewon mused.

If anything, their long years of friendship and how well she treated Charlotte should've been enough to earn Charlotte's loyalty, not her hatred.