A Year Later

A Year Later

It was the eve of Selena's wedding, and her stepmom, sisters, and all her aunts came together to throw a surprise bridal shower/bachelorette party for her since they were the friends she had.

Oliver had proposed to Selena three months ago after he had successfully gained the approval of every member of the family, including Gabe and Alex, who had finally agreed to let him work at the restaurant as a chef.

Selena's engagement had been a joyous event for the whole family since they had all been looking forward to it.

Even though they had wanted to throw an extravagant wedding party for Selena, she had insisted on having an intimate party at the hotel garden, consisting of just family members and very close friends.

"Remind me again why we are decorating the room ourselves when we could easily have paid people to get it done and save ourselves this stress?" Ivy asked irritably as she dried the sweat on her brow with her hankie.