Episode No.3 From The Pen


As soon as Gulab left the flat, Zaroon opened the door of the room and came out. He could not sleep the whole night.

His credit cards and wallet were all there. Nothing was missing from his wallet except a few rupees. Reading that small note lying near the same table, a slight smile automatically appeared on his lips, but the next moment that smile disappeared and his face became flat.


As soon as she reached her flat, Gulab first of all went to the washroom to take a bath. The area where Gulab used to live was a very dilapidated area. There used to be cases like theft, dacoity, murder and rape here. This area was very infamous but so cheap. Rose could afford only this. That's why he surrendered his life and honor to God and started living in this area.

As soon as she turned on the shower, cold water like ice splashed on her body, on which she was left shivering. But the facility of hot water was not available here. After taking bath, she entered the kitchen where yesterday morning's dirty utensils were lying. He opened the fridge, you empty fridge was tickling his face. Only the box of orange juice was present in it and along with it the old pizza of the week. Throwing the spoiled pizza in the dustbin, she cooked herself the last packet of noodles, having finished breakfast, she now intended to go to her restaurant where she worked as a waitress. Often people used to come to have breakfast from there.

By eight o'clock she entered the restaurant, waved hello to her colleagues and went to change her uniform in the room behind the counter. She used to pay the rent of her flat and all the other bills from the salary she got from this restaurant and from the salary of the club, and along with that she used to buy ration.

When she came out after changing her uniform, today's schedule was handed over to her. It was written on which tables he had to serve today

The day was completely over. People had started coming for breakfast. She was very busy serving her tables. When he felt the reflection of someone's eyes on him. Suddenly his body started trembling. Don't know why but he could feel alarm bells ringing around him. She was lost in her own world when Amna came and shook her pride


"Yes!!" she chuckled.

"What happened to the rose, are you okay?" Amna asked seeing the changing quality of his face.

'''''''' Yes. Yes, I am fine, tell me, was there any work?" asked Gulab, controlling herself. '''''''' Yes. she actually love can you switch your tables with me? She actually found me serving outside and you don't know how bothered I am with that?"

Now she had come to the tables outside the restaurant. Taking orders from everyone, she went to Zaroon's table and asked for his order, showing good manners.

Zaroon, who had come to this restaurant to have breakfast, got some solace to his restless heart by seeing rose in front of him. She was very beautiful, just like a blossoming rose. The rays of the sun were making her face more beautiful. He was restless since her departure from his flat. Since then he was in the same thought that will she be okay? Will he have eaten something? To undress but even while not wanting it, I was thinking of rose. Why? Maybe because he just wanted to be a better person. Many such probablys wandered in his mind while far away destiny smiled woundedly at the storm coming in his life.

"Your order sir!!" Gulab was waiting for fifteen minutes while Zaroon was lost in some other world. Never in the dim light of the heart, he has never seen Gulab so closely. He had found her and last night also he had not looked at her carefully but now in the light of day he was really startled to see her beauty. Now the rose had started falling prey to scab. One, you are the unknown eyes that she was continuously feeling on herself for a long time, and the other is this customer.

'''''''' Suri!! Note down!'' Zaroon came to his senses and said loudly. While Gulab went inside taking her order. While Zaroon started cursing himself for his recklessness. Three years ago, he was like this, the one who would die on beautiful faces. But now he has changed himself to a great extent

"The girl has been found Boss!!" The man sitting on the glass table could easily see everyone inside and outside. Seeing the rose, his lips smiled and he had sent a message.

At four o'clock in the morning she switched on the lights of the room and was busy making her designs when the prayer of Fajr started. Keep your hand on his sketch book while walking. Closing the sketch book, pressing her shoulders with both her hands, she leaned against the arm, closed her eyes and started answering the prayer carefully.

As soon as the azaan was completed, he prayed, you hoisted the picture of the enemy's life on the curtains of the mind, who had ended all relations for the last three years.

Ya Allah, if that person is better for me, then make him my fortune. No, may Allah put an end to the love that grows every day for him in this heart. If this is a test, make me successful in it and if it is a punishment, give me the courage to bear it!!

After taking a shower with hot water, his nerves became soft to a great extent and after ablution he made the intention of prayer. After five minutes of prayer, she continued to pray for twenty minutes.

Even in prayer, I waved the face of this oppressor in front of my eyes, and my eyes automatically got wet.

"Zaroon!!" A sob came out from the lips.

After finishing her prayer, she made tea for herself and came and sat in the lawn. The freshness of the morning was comforting him, unaware of the extent to which his lovely face was comforting someone else. That person standing in the balcony of his room was waiting for her to come again today and when she came to the lawn, I don't know how long I kept looking at her. And kept thinking, doesn't she feel the heat of his eyes? Has he never felt those eyes that carry a soft expression and do not know how many emotions are hidden in themselves, the crazy war keeps roaming around his face. But he does not know that in the heart in which he had that desire to settle down, someone else had long ago resided there with great pride and longing.

"Zinya!" Wijdan Sahib, who was returning after praying, called out seeing her in the lawn

"Assalam Alaikum Baba" Zainia stood up from her place

Hello my child. Didn't you sleep the whole night?

"Baba was just working on her designs," she said softly

"Don't do so much work. Look what kind of condition you have made, you have completely withered" he explained to him

Now what would she tell them, she had made herself so busy trying to get rid of someone's memories that it was difficult to find time for herself. But what would she do? Xenia realized how painful and cruel one-sided love is in these three years.

"Okay, let's go inside." I will sleep for a while, then I will go in the afternoon to show the designs to Mim" she said with a soft smile, then he took her under his eyes and the person also smiled. What a beautiful smile he had. That was all he could think..