Episode No.30 Your Wife For One Night

Leaning over the wash basin, she was constantly vomiting, washed her face, looked up at herself in the mirror, sunken eyes, surrounded by deep dark circles, yellow face, weak and emaciated. Being, she was starting to feel her own bone structure, she did not look like a rose from anywhere, it had been three months since the incident at the farmhouse and in these three months, Bahadur Khan had shown her his true color and face, his Izzat was less than an animal in this house, his parents never tried to contact him and whenever his brother came to meet Bahadur Khan, he would make him look like he was there!

His alienation made his eyes wet, his control was starting to break now, he poured cold water on his moist eyes and tried his best to stop himself from crying, he washed his hands thoroughly and looked at the wall clock in the washroom. It was about nine o'clock at night

Gulab's face flashed with fear, Bahadur Khan was coming and she had to welcome him before his arrival like a good mistress, yes mistress not wife, because according to Bahadur Khan she was of the same rank.

There was a pain in his stomach, a pain, in the last three months Bahadur Khan had reduced his food and drink very little, he used to taunt him for being fat and ugly and only gave him a slice of bread and a boiled egg in the name of food. Same was the case for lunch, lunch and dinner

If she wanted to eat, she would have to please Bahadur Khan and the day she failed she would not get two more days of food as punishment.

With a thick layer of make-up all over her face, wearing a silk nightie, she was really ready for it like a mistress, but the stomach ache was getting worse.

It was nine o'clock when Bahadur Khan entered, seeing him so ready, a devilish smile appeared on his lips. The smile disappeared

"I hate this hideous and ugly face, which is a deceitful face in the name of innocence, look at the look, no one would like to spit on your face again, and this make-up!" Cleaning it with the help of his finger, he brought it in front of his eyes

"Let's be like the shape, the body is of work, isn't it!" He said with a disgusting laugh, Gulab's heart wanted to kill himself.

Bahadur Khan was about to lean on her with her face in her hands when Gulab felt her condition getting worse again and pushed Bahadur Khan.

Bahadur Khan looked at him with disdain, whose anger was not stopping, Bahadur Khan continued to look at him like this for a while, but suddenly a thought came to his mind, his eyes widened, while Gulab felt his head heavy and She woke up on the ground.

"I don't know anything. I don't want this baby. End it!"

"Look, sir, your wife is only two months old, and her age is also small, secondly, her diet is not right, in such a case, your wife may die!" The doctor tried to explain to him while Gulab His eyes slowly opened

"I don't know anything, I don't want this child, kill him, do anything, but I don't want this child!" Bahadur Khan flared up again.

"But head." The voices were now quiet

Gulab's hand went to his stomach where a new life was bubbling in him, a painful smile appeared on his face

Meanwhile, the doctor entered her room with nerve and seeing Gulab smiling with her hands on her stomach, she shook her head sadly.

"Sister, get the operation room ready!" The doctor instructed the nurse standing next to him and she went to Gulab's head to prepare the injection, who was shocked to see the doctor.

Seeing the injection in the doctor's hand, his eyes widened

"No, stay away from me, don't ever do that, look, stay away from me!" Gulab started to move away from her.

The doctor was also forced, she could not do anything because the orders came from above to obey Bahadur Khan

"Sister help me!" the doctor beckoned to the other nurse standing next to him as Gulab began to sob uncontrollably in his grip when Bahadur Khan angrily entered and cupped Gulab's face in his hands, his grip tight. But Gulab's eyes got wet

"Do what she says!" Bahadur Khan said in Urdu

"No, our child!" Rose cried

What not? And which of our children? Tell me whose children are you putting on my head? The Edward with whom you spent that night and have been enjoying his child for two months now?" Bahadur Khan's grip became tighter.

"Mmm... I'm right, this is your child!" He was not being told, Bahadur Khan signaled to the doctor who immediately injected Gulab with a sleeping pill.

"No, no, not my baby, not my baby!" She cried and swung in the doctor's arms

"The work should be done as soon as possible!" Bahadur Khan, who was giving orders to them, had left there

She had been lying in that hospital bed for a week, since she had regained consciousness she had been silent, staring at the ceiling, the life inside her had been drained, she had just felt it, but this How easily the feeling had been taken away from him

Closing his eyes tightly, some pearls were broken and absorbed in his hair

On asking the doctor, she found out that she had a daughter, while her husband said that he did not want a daughter, that is why she was killed.

She was supposed to be discharged today, she had entered the house with the help of the maid, she was sitting on the bed watching the strong winds blowing across the window when Bahadur Khan entered the house like a storm and grabbed her by the arm. Brought to another room where two or three beauticians were already there.

"Get it ready in half an hour, he was gone when he ordered them!" Gulab looked at the beauticians with lifeless eyes who started their work without answering any questions.

She was completely ready in half an hour, wearing a red party dress that came two or three inches below her knees and a deep throat, but she was silently watching all the proceedings.

Today Bahadur Khan called all his friends to the farmhouse again but this time he wanted to introduce Gulab to all of them, especially he wanted to show Edward that Gulab is his wife.

As Rose got ready, he took her by the hand and led her into the party hall where all her friends were present, except for Edward who hadn't made it.

"Dear Gentleman's Meet My Wife Gul Rana!" Bahadur Khan smiled and introduced her.

On Bahadur Khan's introduction, all his friends looked at Gulab with contemptuous eyes, whose eyes were downcast

"Baby welcome!" Bahadur Khan warned her in a sweet stern tone

"Huh. Hello!" Rose stuttered

"She's so damn sexy!" Bahadur Khan laughed at a friend's comment while Gulab's entire being shook

"You really got a Jack Potman!" commented another friend

"Baby serve by drinks!" Bahadur Khan signaled to Gulab

"It seems your wife didn't like our visit, why is she making a face?" One of his friends laughed.

"Why is it like this, baby?" Bahadur Khan asked, tightening his grip on her waist, Gulab quickly shook his head in the negative.

So smile! Is there any chicken?" Bahadur Khan asked laughingly in Urdu

"Yes, my child is dead and his killer is in front of me, my emotions are dead and I myself am dying!" Gulab could only think as she forced a smile on her lips and started serving them drinks.

All of them touched him, tried to be free with him, Bahadur Khan was blinded even seeing this and was busy with all these things.

After all his friends left, Adam remained, Bahadur Khan had to start a new business in London (selling drugs here too) and Adam was the only one who could help him.

Sitting in the study, both of them were engaged in discussion, when Bahadur Khan called Gulab

"You called?" Gulab asked in a low voice

"Yes, make us some drinks!" Bahadur Khan ordered him while Adam was now looking at him with curious eyes.

"I am ready to help you, Bahadur Khan, but I want something in return!" said Adam, looking at Gulab with tempting eyes.

"What?" Bahadur Khan asked

"Your wife, for one night!" The glass slipped from Rose's hand and fell to the ground

"I will give as much money as you ask for it!" Bahadur Khan smiled at Adam's words

"You go!" Bahadur Khan signaled Gulab

As soon as she came into the room, she started pacing restlessly. If Bahadur Khan agreed, then he really handed me over to her? Gulab's soul was trembling, she was being cut from side to side when Bahadur Khan entered the room in full glory and without giving Gulab a chance he slapped her on the face so hard that she fell on the ground. Face up q"You vile, dirty, indecent, shameless woman, I thought I would make you my wife, but you proved to me that you are nothing less than a slut, living in my own house." You are thinking of building a bad relationship with my friends by drawing on my pieces? Driving around with them? Shameless woman, today I will give you the fate that you will remember till the Day of Judgment!

How many dirty words were spoken to him without knowing it, how much this person insulted his mother, how much he cursed his existence.

Even his whole being was bathed in blood, but Bahadur Khan did not stop and when he stopped, he threw away the belt and left the room in anger.

Gulab was still looking for her own fault, why Bahadur Khan has adopted such an attitude towards her?

But very soon he was going to get this reason.

A year had come to a close, today was the thirty-first night of December, there was no part of his body left where the marks of Bahadur Khan's brutality were not present, after this incident Bahadur Khan himself deliberately gave him to his friends. Started to put it in front

All his friends would ask for a night with his wife in return for his help, which he would laugh off, but Gulab would later be punished for.

She would have been punished for deliberately exposing herself to his friends, but Bahadur Khan had not yet handed her over to anyone, he had told all his friends that his wife was a wicked woman who Had many affairs secretly with her and now she is HIV patient, but Bahadur Khan loves her so much that he cannot leave her but is getting her treated.

Seeing the setting sun of December 31st, his eyes lit up, a sentence echoed in his ears from somewhere far away

"You are a good girl Rose!"

And some soul-crushing words as well

"Wicked, wretched woman, accept my kindness, who honored someone like you, married her, who ran away with her acquaintance, how many black nights will you spend with her!" These words of this person had come out of his mouth, which was a witness of his purity, but now he was possessed by a kind of madness

Seeing Gulab in pain, Bahadur Khan used to get some relief

"After all, what is my fault?" she asked

And the answer?

He had denied Bahadur Khan, it was Bahadur Khan's kindness that he wanted to give his name to Gulab, but he refused, so much punishment for just such a reason? But this was only a reason for Gulab, not for Bahadur Khan, who got what he wanted, whoever he wanted, he only had the right to the beauty of Gulab, and also his right to admire her, but how did Gulab give him He refused, he had never heard anyone deny him, no one had dared to come in front of him, except Ramesh, but he was his son, how could Bahadur Khan punish him, whoever Yes, but children are children, right? No children, no son! Yes, a son is a son

The addiction of power and money had blinded Bahadur Khan that he had forgotten everything

The pranks of his friends from above, which further infuriated Bahadur Khan

Ever since he told his friends about Rose's fake illness, he became a joke in his circle.

His friends said that after all, how long will a young girl like Gul Rana continue to rot with an old man, she is of the age of enjoyment, it is not a big problem.

And Gulab would also get the punishment for it, he was entitled to every punishment even if he did nothing

But when those same friends looked at Gulab with disdainful eyes when they came home, Bahadur Khan would feel relieved

It was one year today that she was imprisoned in this hell, she was hopeful again and now it was her third month, but she did not tell this to Bahadur Khan.

Exhaling deeply, she left the room, intending to sit in the TV lounge for some time

She was about to enter the lounge going down the stairs when she had a huge collision with someone

"Oh sorry!" Edward said

Seeing Edward, the rose color faded, Edward also recognized her, this was the same girl he met six months ago.

"Yo?" Edward was startled

Rose took a step back in fear, Edward was furious at his actions that day, he wasn't one to force himself on women but his friends had made him drink a little too much that day which made him He had lost consciousness

"Listen Miss, whoever you are, I want to apologize for my behavior today, I'm really sorry, I didn't know what I was going to do that day, I had a little too much to drink, I wasn't conscious, please forgive me, or I'll feel so bad!" Feeling embarrassed in Edward's tone, Rose forgave him.

He was really embarrassed, his tone and his eyes, there was nothing wrong

Gulab smiled and forgave her, but this smile of hers for a few seconds had brought another big apocalypse for her, when Bahadur Khan's maid, who was watching Gulab, told Bahadur Khan about two-eighths.

Falling on the ground, she was holding her stomach, screaming loudly, writhing in pain

Everyone closed their ears and watched him lighten up, but no one stepped forward

Bahadur Khan got fed up with her screams and proceeded to pick her up when Edward entered and his eyes widened at the sight of Gulab in agony.

"Oh my god Khan, take her to the hospital quickly or she will die!" he panicked.

"Yes, if you die, what will happen to you?" Bahadur Khan wanted to say, but he remained silent and went outside carrying the rose.

Gulab's operation was going on inside, while Bahadur Khan and Edward were waiting for the docks outside

Bahadur Khan was staring at him, who was circling around in tension, before Bahadur Khan asked him any questions, he received a call.

"Sorry buddy, an important call has come, I have to go home!" Jesus (Jesus) give you courage, and your wife life!

After half an hour the doctors came out

"Mr. Khan, your wife is alright, but I'm sorry, I couldn't save your child!" Bahadur Khan was shocked to hear the doctor's words.

This time he couldn't even blame Gulab, he knew this child was his

"How many months?" he asked

"Three!" the doctor let out a dejected breath

"Boy or girl?" Bahadur Khan asked another question

"Girl!" Bahadur Khan thanked the doctor for his reply

"Thankfully, he died before he was born, otherwise he would have gone to his mother, wicked! Hanna!'' Speaking contemptuously, he went towards the canteen in the hospital

Once again she was standing in the window of the empty room watching the snow falling outside, once again her womb was destroyed before settling down.

Now he had started hating himself, feeling sorry for himself, why hadn't she died yet? Why was she alive?

"Tell Edward, how did you come?" Bahadur Khan asked in a hateful tone seeing him

"Nothing, man, just came to give this card!" He held out the card

"What is this?" Bahadur Khan asked holding up the card

"My wedding with the love of my life!" Edward smiled "I came to your house but you weren't there that day, and the accident happened the other day, so I didn't get a chance!" He shrugged.

"Well congratulations!" Bahadur Khan smiled

And one more thing! I have to apologize to you!" Edward hesitated

"Excuse me?" Bahadur Khan asked in shock

"Dude, do you remember last year you threw a party at your farmhouse?" Yo no that day it was a bit too drunk by Adam etc, I was drunk and tried to touch your wife, but I'm glad that she defended herself and saved herself, otherwise she herself after regaining consciousness. I can't forgive him!" He said in a shy tone. He had pulled the ground under Bahadur Khan's feet.

"You mean nothing happened that day?" Bahadur Khan asked

"No, not at all!" Edward said immediately

Really sorry man! On that day, when you were not at home, I met your wife, she is a very good woman, she forgave him now, too!" Bahadur Khan could only shake his head at Edward.

As Edward left, he entered the room where Rose stood with her back to him, watching the snow fall outside

Bahadur Khan smilingly approached him and embraced him from behind

"My sweetie, my wife, my rose!" he whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek.

Rose felt the boiling lava bursting inside her, ants crawling over her body

"Stay away, stay away from me, you filthy person, don't come near me!" she said, pushing him away from her.

"What is this rudeness, Gul Rana?" Bahadur Khan asked angrily

"So now you will teach me the difference, vile, cowardly man, oh, a man like you should be flogged before the whole world, you are a snake, a snake that has eaten its own children, vile, fallen man, impotent you are!" "She was like bursting

"Keep your voice down!" shouted Bahadur Khan

Why put it down? Why should I keep it? Hey, let everyone hear how impotent you are, who receives money by showing off his wife, Hey Bahadur Khan, you mean bastard, but you are a stain on the name of a man! You are less than a eunuch, a coward, a coward, an impotent person." Before Gulab said something more, Bahadur Khan had covered his mouth

Am I a coward? Am I a man? Caste less than hijara? Now let me tell you what I am, you made a big mistake in understanding Bahadur Khan, I don't like women talking in front of me even one percent!

He was constantly being beaten by Gulab, from which his head was split open, and his face was bloody.

"Now see what treatment you have!" Holding her by the hair, he dragged her out of the house where heavy snow was falling, Bahadur Khan, throwing her towards the bench in the lounge, asked for a chain and key from a guard and Both his hands were tied to the bench there

"Now you will come to the shelter of your intellect!" Hitting her face with a shoe, he had entered the house, while she was lying on the ground shivering in such a heavy snowfall and lost consciousness.