Episode No.38 Cheer Up My Girl

With her knee bandaged, she was leaving the hospital with the support of Shams, Shams had carefully seated her in the front seat and himself in the driving seat.

Prishe was not crying anymore but her face was covered with deep sadness, her eyes were swollen from crying.

While driving, Shams used to cast a half glance at her, who, despite being aware of his eyes, was busy looking through the window.

"If I don't mind, I can ask what happened?" Shams started the conversation, Prishe remained silent.

Shams also kept quiet seeing him.

''Waqar! He has become very strange, he has changed a lot, he fights over everything, he. He doubts me.''

What? But why?" Shams was surprised

''Do not know! But he has started fighting with me a lot, insulting me for everything. Today we went for our wedding shopping, the salesman showed me the bangles, I liked them very much. If the salesman praised, that's all. He started such a big fight over such a small thing!" said Parishe with wet eyes

"Then leave him!" Shams replied with a relaxed shrug

''are you mad? I can't leave him, and not now that we are going to be in a relationship! Impossible," Paresh shook his head

"Anyway, there is no other option for me as far as my family is concerned!" Paresh said again in a sad tone.

"And if you get a good option from it?" Shams asked suddenly

"Good!" Who?" Prishe asked with a smile

"There is no shortage of good people in this world!" Shams said in a relaxed tone

At that time, Shams' gesture of "good people" was towards him, which Aamir was listening to through the device in Shams' car and Parisheh, both of them were understanding well.

Prishe had a hard time holding back his laughter at his calling himself a good person, while Aamir's eyes were full of tears.

Just as he was talking, Paresh had reached his house, Shams called Paresh before he got off.



"That's nothing!" Shams shook his head

"Ok!" Paresh had entered the house with a shrug of her shoulders, Shams had driven the car away from Zin, he had felt that someone was following them, but who?

The hero of Aashiqui Two! How was he talking about nothing!" Paresh shook his head in the negative and went inside.

Shams wanted to know who was chasing him after turning the car upside down.

Because at that time there were four vehicles traveling on the same roads as Shams's vehicle

One by one all the vehicles had changed their routes, Shams got a call to Jhat Bahadur Khan

"Speak Shams!" He heard Bahadur's voice

Someone is following me! I think this is the work of this chit-wale!" Bahadur Khan's eyes started to sparkle on Shams' answer.

"So did you recognize him?" Bahadur Khan immediately asked the question

''no! There were four vehicles, one by one they all changed their ways, now I don't know if it was to scare me or a warning."

"Alright, you come home and talk!" Bahadur Khan answered him and hung up the phone while Shams bit his lip and looked from the rearview mirror where the fourth car had changed its way with a smiling look at him

She was looking very anxious as she kept spooning on the plate, while she was having lunch with Ramesh at Bahadur's house.

"What happened, why isn't she eating?" Everything is fine, isn't it?" Ramesh asked worriedly, keeping his hand on her hand

''Yes! Nothing, that's all. Just like that!" Xenia shook her head

What happened, why are you so sad? Didn't it feel good to come here?" Ramesh took her hand

"No it's nothing like that, I'm sorry I ruined lunch time!" Xenia apologized.

"Oh come on Xenia, don't be silly!"

Bahadur Khan was apparently having lunch, but he was raving about his son's acting

"I want to use the washroom!" Xenia hesitated

Off course. Left side, third room!" Ramesh told her, Xenia got up from her seat with a nod.

As soon as he left, Ramesh twisted the corners of his mouth and poured a glass of water on his hand with which he was holding Zenia's hand.

"God, these women are so stupid!" Ramesh frowned and shook his head, Bahadur Khan smiled

In a short time, Zainia had returned, Bahadur Khan had also finished his lunch.

Now he started asking Xenia questions regarding her future and business, which Xenia was answering very sensibly.

It was time for evening tea, Ramesh and Bahadur Khan could feel the nervousness on Zainia's face, Bahadur Khan thought her nervousness was a natural process, but Ramesh knew that it was something else.

Bahadur Khan had a habit of drinking evening tea alone in his study, so he excused himself and left.

Xenia and Ramesh were present in the lawn at that time.

"Now tell me what happened?" Ramesh asked, touching her face

"Nothing!" Xenia shook her head

"Zinya!" Ramesh said in a warning tone

"He, he today he!"

"Is that Xenia today?"

"Today is Maan's last session, Ramesh, he had cancer. If his operation goes well today, Maan, he will be saved. I am very nervous!" Ramesh was also worried after listening to Zenia.

Maan was his brother, he was also very dear to him, but now Zenia's anxiety was making him anxious too.

"Sit here!" Ramesh made him sit on the chair

"Nothing will happen, Zainya, everything will be fine, God willing, Maan will be fine." Now it's time for Xenia to get well. As bad as it was meant to be, we have lost what we had to lose. Not now!" Ramesh put a hand on his cheek.

Zenia nodded her head at Ramesh's words.

"And it doesn't matter?" Is that why you didn't have lunch?" Ramesh asked

"Sitting and eating with him in the enemy's house is nothing less than dying!" Ramesh smiled and shook his head at Zenia's words.

"Let's go!" Ramesh raised his hand


"Eat something, what's that? Eating at an enemy's house is really nothing less than dying!" Ramesh shrugged with amusement while Zenia narrowed her eyes and stared at him.

"Yes, I was seeing how much this lunch was like dying for you!" Ramesh laughed at Zenia's sweet joke.

Holding her hand, he brought her to the car.

Bahadur Khan had seen them both from the window of the study, he could not hear their words, but something else must have crossed his eyes, that was Ramesh's eyes.

Ramesh's eyes did not support his words in the case of Zainia, Bahadur Khan understood both pure and pretentious emotions well.

What do you want to do Ramesh? I don't think I should trust you too quickly!" Bahadur Khan said to himself seeing the car leaving the gate.

She was constantly reciting prayers while pacing around in the lounge. Her eyes were getting moist again and again, which she used to wipe with the sleeve of her shirt.

She had also forcibly sent Zaroon to the office, she was seeing that due to this, Zaroon had no focus on work at all, Zaroon stopped wherever he was, but Gulab did not agree and sent him away.

"Rose!" Zarqa called him as he entered the house

"Phupho!" She immediately went and hugged his chest

"Just cheer up my girl, we'll see our man will be fine!" Zarqa patted her head


"In the pitch!"

Zarqa was sitting on the sofa with her beside him, on one side she was engaged in both prayers and on the other side she was on Ahan's life, he was constantly in contact with Zaroon.

"Doctor!" As soon as the doctor came out, Ahan immediately ran towards him

"Congratulations Mr. Ahan, the operation was successful, your patient will regain consciousness by tomorrow!" The doctor smiled and patted his shoulder.

Ahan thanked the doctor and immediately took out his mobile phone and told Zaroon the good news.

On the other side of the phone, Zaroon also smiled and thanked Allah and closed his eyes.

Opening his eyes, he picked up the mobile and dialed the number of the house, when thinking about something, he put the mobile back in its place

Not so! I will tell you this good news face to face!" Zaroon said to himself with a smile when Aamir once again entered with a smile on his face.

"Brother, I have brought two good news for you!" Aamir said with a smile on his head.

"Well, and what did he do?" Zarun raised his eyebrows

"Brother, the first good news is that we have found the whereabouts of both Faisal Bakht and Ghazan, and the second."

"The second one?" Zarun asked impatiently

"Look at this!" Amir presented a video to him, as the video progressed Zaroon's eyes began to glow with victory.

"When did you do this, Amir?" Zaroon could not hide his surprise

After listening to him, Aamir reached the incident that happened last night.

Soon after Shams was chased he came to meet Bahadur Khan, Bahadur Khan gave him to decode the chip which he found with Burhan's dead body.

"Come, my lion, tell me what news you have brought?" Bahadur Khan asked, motioning him to sit down

"There is more than one traitor among your men, Bahadur Khan, and you are so ignorant?" Waqar said in his usual harsh tone.

"What do you mean?" Bahadur Khan was shocked

"This boy who died is the son of an old colleague of yours, isn't he?"

"Yes, then?"

"So that he has all the proofs of your black lies, it seems he came here to blackmail you!" Bahadur Khan's mouth uttered many insults on Waqar's words.

"Where is that chip now?" Bahadur Khan asked

"Here it is!" Waqar extended towards him

Bahadur Khan looked at this chip with disgust

"By the way, why did he want to blackmail you?" On Waqar's words, Bahadur Khan angrily told him some important things and at the same time thanked him that he died.

Bahadur Khan was completely unaware that all these things were being recorded.

Aamir also did some editing in this recording, in which Bahadur Khan instead of saying "Thankfully, Burhan died", was seen saying "Thankfully, I killed him".

So, what is the plan for the future, brother? Faisal Bakht or Ghazan Ansari?

Ghazan Ansari! Give a little more relief to Faisal Bakht! And listen to this recording, I need to reach Ghazan Ansari in any way, I want that person in Pakistan within three days!" Aamir immediately nodded his head and left the office.

Zaroon's gaze followed him to a distance

"The story of this Shams must be ended now, it is getting too much!" Zaroon said to himself.

Ghazan Ansari was mad with anger after seeing this video from a private number

His son, his support, whom Bahadur Khan had so cruelly taken away

But Ghazan Ansari had forgotten that he had also made many people destitute, how many people had empty houses.

"No, Bahadur Khan, no, you did not do well, you will have to pay the price, I am coming to take revenge from you, Bahadur Khan." I will give you a death worse than an animal!" His eyes were red embers, while the arteries of the brain were as if they were about to burst.

He entered the house with a bag in one hand and a chocolate cake in the other.

His eyes fell on Rose sleeping uncomfortably on the sofa in the lounge, he sadly shook his head and moved forward to place the luggage on the table in the dining hall.

"Zaroon!" Zarqa who came out of the kitchen smiled at him

"Assalam Alaikum Phoopho!" Zaroon hugged him with love

"Welcome to peace, my son, I spoke with Ahan, is everything alright?" Zarqa asked.

Thank God, Maan's operation was successful, he is completely fine now! He thanked Zaroon.

"Until I tell him, I will call Wijdan and Xinya!" Shaking his head at his uncle's words, he went towards Gulab.

"Rose, princes." Get up!" Zarun gently shook his shoulder

"Maan!" Gulab was shocked

Zarun! Believe? Mere Maan!" Gulab quickly looked at Zaroon

That's right Rose! Maan is completely fine, I had a talk with me, the operation was successful!" Zaroon said with a smile

"You. You are telling the truth, aren't you?" Gulab couldn't believe it

The truth at once. Look, I have also brought a cake in this happiness!" Zaroon laughed and said, then Gulab happily hugged him

"Zaroon, talk to me Maan?" Once the heart will be satisfied!" Gulab begged

Rose! Do not be silly! He has been operated, where will he be conscious now? Ahan had told that the doctors were saying that he would regain consciousness by tomorrow, then Karleena had to talk as much as he wanted!"

Seeing this, Gulab immediately realized his folly

"Phupho I'm sorry, you had to do all this!" Gulab said shyly

"It's okay, son, you were suffering from mental stress at that time. It's not a big deal!" Zarqa said lovingly

Gulab was further embarrassed. She had come to their house for the first time and Gulab could not do anything

But in no time, she was smiling again, enjoying the nook of Phoopho and Zaroon

This was his real family, the family he had longed for all his life. And now she had met him. What else did he need!