They went inside the restaurant and sat in a private place.

" What do you want to eat Princess?" Austin asked.

" Anything you want." Aurora said looking at her phone. She messaged Leon to start her work.

" What so important on the phone?" Austin asked.

Aurora kept the phone aside and chuckled, " Nothing special. You know I have to keep checking on everything."

" Yeah. It must be so hard right?" Austin said showing fake concern. Aurora rolled her eyes internally.

" I'm accustomed to it now. Let's order. I'm hungry."

They ordered food. Suddenly Austin remembered that he didn't bring his phone.

" Princess I may have forgotten my phone in the car. Do you mind giving me the car keys so that I can get it?"

Aurora got shocked for a second. But she composed herself.

" Is it more important now?"

" Yeah. I'm on call today. Please? I'll be back soon."

" Okay. Go ahead." saying that Aurora gave the keys to him.

As soon as Austin was out of sight, Aurora called Leon.

Leon received the call after two rings and said, " Yes venom, I'm done almost."

" Do it fast Leon. Austin is heading towards the car to get the phone."

" I'll need a minute just Venom."

" Fast Leon. Even of you fail to do it, make sure to get out of the car fast. Your life is more important to me."

Leon smiled hearing that.

" I'm done Venom. I can see him coming in the car. What should I do now?"

" Get out of the car. Did you put the gift in the car?"

" Yes Venom."

" Okay. Then get out of the car. Message me when you are out of danger. Then go back to the mansion."

" Okay venom." Aurora cut the call.

Leon fastly got out of the car and went outside the parking area. She messaged Aurora as soon as she was safe. Aurora smiled at their victory.

Austin came towards the car and unlock it. He took his phone and called someone. " Sir, Venom has took me out on a date. What should I do?"

" She is finally falling into the trap Austin. Make her more comfortable around you. Then kill her!"

" Yes sir."

Antonia messaged Aurora that they were done too and was now going back to the mansion. Aurora smirked and thought now only her part is left. Austin came back. They eat their lunch. Then got out of the restaurant after paying the bill.

Again they got into the car and Aurora took the car on the highway.

" I feel really calm whenever I'm with you." Austin said looking at Aurora.

Aurora smiled and said, " Then come to me whenever you need calmness in your life."

"So you are saying I can come to you whenever I want?"

" Yeah you can."

" I'm glad. I'm feeling very lucky now."

Aurora didn't say anything and just smiled. " Your luck won't be on your side for long" She thought. She stopped the car beside a quiet place.

" Why did you stop here?" Austin asked.

" To give you something. Let's go out." They got out of the car. Aurora took a gift box from the back seat and went closer to Austin. She gave the box to Austin.

" It's for you."

" Gift? Why?"

" It's our first official date. So I wanted to give you something."

" But I didn't bring anything for you princess."

" Yoh can bring next time." Aurora said smiling.

" Let me help you to wear it." Aurora said opening the gift box. There was a very expensive watch in it. Aurora helped him to wear it.

" It's really awesome. Thanks Princess."

" You are welcome. Should we go back? Or you want to stay?"

" I want to but I have a meeting to attend in the office."

" Well let me drive you back to the office then." They again got into the car and drove towards the Montero. Aurora dropped him off and drove towards the mansion. She was hella tired. She was in need of some rest.


On the other hand, in a secret place 5 men were discussing about something.

" We have to do something. Today Lucas has been attacked. It can happen to any of them." Mr. Rossi said.

" You are right. But we can't protect them. You know how much powerful they are. For them most of the groups are denying to help us." Mr. Martin said.

" We have to tell them about this group first. They are totally clueless." Mr. Ricci said.

" But even after we tell them everything, they don't know how to protect themselves. They will be new in this world. They don't even have the mafia training." Mr. Bruno said.

" They need someone or some group to protect them. But who will give them shelter against that group?" Mr. Rossi asked.

" Only UNDOCILE can help us." Mr. Zaffino said. " They are not afraid of any group. They give shelter to every innocent ones. I think if we request the emperor, he will give shelter to our heirs." He added.

" But the Emperor stays at Australia most of the time. How will he protect the heirs?" Mr. Ricci asked.

" Are you forgetting about Venom? She is enough to give protection to our heirs." Mr. Martin said.

" But what will the heirs think about living in her protection?" Mr. Rossi said.

" It's not time for considering their male ego. They need shelter and only Venom can give that." Mr. Zaffino said.

" But she is a young girl. What if she gets attacked too? How will she protect our heirs then?" Mr. Bruno said.

" She can be a young girl but anyone regardless of their age always bows down to her. She has that kind of aura." Mr. Martin said.

" She has never lost any war, she is not afraid of anything. It's been years since she is in this under world. No one can give better protection to our heirs other than her." Mr. Zaffino said.

" But why will she help us? We are not in an align?" Mr. Bruno asked.

" We have to request the Emperor then. He can ask Venom for protecting our heirs." Mr. Zaffino said.

" But The emperor will head back to Australia after the groups annual meeting. How will we talk to him?" Mr. Rossi asked.

" I can make an appointment." Mr. Martin said.

" Yeah. All of us should go and request him. Only he and his daughter can help us now." Mr. Ricci said.

" Yeah. Then I'll make an appointment on the day after tomorrow." Mr. Martin said.

" Yeah. Do that then." Mr. Zaffino said.
