Aurora woke up after few hours. She looked aside and found Charlie dozing off. She kept looking at him. She remembered how panicked he was when she fainted. Since when this boy has fallen for her that much? How can a boy love her with her cold personality? Why does he making it hard for her?

Charlie woke up suddenly and found Aurora staring at him. " Oh! You are awake. Sorry I dozed off. Are you feeling okay now?"

Aurora just nodded. She looked around and realized she was not in her room. " Why am I in your room?"

" Your room was dusty and Antonia has asked someone to fix the door."

" They haven't cleaned the room right?"

" Don't panic. It's fine. But it's risky for you princess. I know it has your moms memories but she won't be happy if she knows that you are taking life risk just to keep her memories, will she?"

Aurora didn't reply.

" What if I clean it for you? Will you mind? You can guide me in video call what to clean or not?"

Aurora looked at him with glistening eyes. " You will clean it?"

" Yeah. If you allow me to do so."

" I'll be glad. I wanted to do it for a long time. But they and my condition didn't allow me."

" Okay then. It's fixed. I'll clean it but you have to stay here tonight."

" Where will you stay then?"

" I'll go to any of the boys room. Don't worry I'll not stay here."

Aurora giggled a little. " What if I say you can stay here?"

Charlie looked at Aurora like he has seen some ghost. " What? "

Aurora laughed. Charlie felt like he was listening to some music.

" You were joking right?"

"We will see that."

Charlie sighed. " Oh! You have to eat something and take medicine. I'm asking someone to send something to eat. Can you get freshed?"

" Yeah. I'm going. Don't worry."

Charlie nodded and went outside. Aurora woke up and went to washroom. She doesn't know why she said that. Maybe it came from her heart. Her heart wants to be closer to him. She was feeling safe in his embrace. She is liking the masculine scent of Charlie.

She came out of her thoughts. What was she thinking? She can't listen to her heart. Not anymore. Thinking that she went to washroom.

Aurora came out of washroom and found Antonia sitting on the bed.

" Why are you looking so down?" Aurora asked.

" Nothing. How are you feeling now?"

Aurora knew something was wrong. She knows Antonia like the back of her hand. But she didn't ask further.

" I'm fine. Where is Charlie?"

" Why? Are you missing him already?" Antonia asked smirking.

Aurora coughed to remove the awkwardness of that question. " He went to bring me food. I'm hungry. That's why I'm asking."

" What a great news! The great Venom is finally hungry."

" Don't exaggerate it." Aurora said rolling her eyes.

At that time Antonia's phone started ringing. She saw and found her dad was calling. " Dad wants to talk to you. Receive it."

" You have told him, haven't you?"

" Yeah. I have to give him updates. Talk to him. He is worried."

Aurora received the call. " Hi dad."

" How are you now angel?"

" I'm fine dad. Don't worry."

" Antonia said one of the heirs has helped you?"

Aurora sighed. She new where the discussion is going. " Yeah. Charlie has helped me."

" Are you two close?"

" No dad. It's not like you are thinking."

" Then are you planning to be closer in the future?"

" No, dad! You know I have no feelings left in me. Moreover are you forgetting a mafia can't afford any weakness?"

" Love doesn't make you weak angel."

" I can't make people love me dad. People needs to fear me. Not love me. I need to be cold to be a queen. He can't handle my cold personality for long time."

" I fall in love with your moms cold personality too angel. Are you forgetting that?"

" Not everyone is like you dad. Why do you think Charlie is like you? I haven't seen your 1% in him still now."

" You have watched him that closely?"

" You are not understanding my point dad. He is nothing to me. He is nothing like you. He is nothing more than a spoiled brat for me. I can't trust him with my life. I have to focus on my goals now not boys."

Mr. Mariano sighed hearing that. When will this girl understand what power real love holds? " Okay okay. I hope your mindset changes soon. Be safe and take care of all of them."

" Okay dad." Aurora cut the call and gave the phone to Antonia. When she looked up she found Charlie with a tray full of food standing outside the door with a sad smile.

Aurora felt someone has squeezed her heart when she saw that sad smile. He has heard everything. She thought. Should she say sorry to him? What have she done again! She has again hurt the boy! God! Why did she say this much things to her dad about him.

" Antonia, here is the food. Her hand is injured. Please feed her. The medicine in on the side table. Give it to her. I have something to do. I'll be back soon."

Only then Antonia noticed Charlie. She also felt bad. Charlie put the food on the table and walked out of the room. Aurora kept standing there lowering her head.

" Stop being harsh on yourself and him too Aurora. You don't know how much this boy crave for your love. Don't do this to him just for that motherfucker."

Aurora sighed but didn't say anything. " Come. I'll feed you. You need to take medicines."

Aurora sat on the bed. Antonia fed her and gave her medicines. " Call me if you need anything okay? I'll be at office. I need to change their locations again." Aurora just nodded. Antonia sighed and went outside.