They reached the Mariano mansion. Aurora left her car outside and asked a guard to park that. She directly went to the office room. Charlie didn't bother her. He came to the living room and saw other four heirs gossiping. They saw him coming.

" You are back soon." Harry said.

"Yeah. She is too busy to go out." Charlie said sitting on the couch.

" She is like that Charlie. When it comes to Undocile she removes the word compromise from her dictionary." Sofia said.

" Yeah. Sometimes I become amused that how e girl who was not even interested in this world is handling the group so well." Charlie said.

"We have got the answer today. It's because of her mother." Lucas said.

"If you have seen Aurora 7 years ago you would have never thought she can be this dangerous. She was the sweetest girl you had ever seen. But ..." Sofia didn't continue.

"Why did you stop?" Leo asked.

" I should not tell her story without her permission. It's her personal life."

Everyone nodded hearing that.

"I have decided something today." Charlie said.

"What?" Others questioned him at a same time.

" I want to take mafia training. It's inevitable that we will be declared as heirs soon and we have to manage our group. So we should have the training. It will help us to protect ourselves too."

"Yeah. You are right. Like today we were not able to help them in any way." Leo said indicating Aurora and Sofia.

" Do I need training too? I mean my work will be all computer and information related in our group like dad." Harry said.

"You need self defense too Harry. Don't be a coward." Sofia said.

" So we all will take the training. Will Antonia help us?" Lucas asked.

" Why? Do you want her help only?" Sofia asked smirking.

Lucas coughed being embarrassed. Others started laughing.

Aurora went into office and found Antonia working in some files.

She looked up hearing the door sound." How was the check up?"

"We can talk about that later. Where is the file?" Antonia gave Aurora a file.

" We will attack on all of them except their main base. I'll go by myself in the main base."

" But it will be dangerous."

" I don't care anymore."

" It's about our people too. Make the plan with a cool head."

" I'm cool enough now Antonia. Let's call for a meeting. We need to get it done tonight."

" Okay." Antonia went outside to call for a meeting. " Enough is enough Luke. It's time for play." Antonia said smirking.

It was time for the meeting. "Everyone tonight we will attack on the Pluto's main base. I hope you are ready for it." Aurora said standing in front of a table looking at everyone.

" We are always ready Venom." Everyone said in unison.

" Good to hear that. Eric you have two hours in your hand, select your team. You will set the time bombs in every base and shipment areas of Pluto. Remember in only two hours."

" Yes Venom." Eric bowed. Eric selected his team.

" Now you will help me to attack on their main base. I'm sorry to put your lives in danger. But I hope you know why I'm doing this."

" We trust you Venom. We can give up our lives without thinking just for you." The members shouted.

" Let's get prepared then. After Eric's signal we will go out for the war."

" Yes Venom." saying that the member went to basement to collect weapons.

" You have to take your dinner first." Charlie said from behind.

" Looks like you have gotten a strict governess Queen." Antonia said laughing. Aurora glared at both of them.

" We all will take dinner. Antonia ask nana to serve our food and the members food also."

" Sure queen." Antonia said chuckling and went to the kitchen.

" I'll kill you someday." Aurora said glaring at Charlie.

" I'm already killed by your charms princess." Charlie said winking at her.

" Why are you so annoying? Don't you have any things to do?" Aurora said with irritation.

" You are my priority now princess. So I'm focusing on you completely now." Charlie said smiling.

Aurora felt her heart warming hearing that. " You and your sugar coating words! They are not gonna work on me." saying that Aurora was about to go upstairs to get ready for the war. But Charlie hold her hands.

" What?" Aurora asked.

" Why do I feel they are working in you princess? Why are you so red right now?" Charlie asked smirking.

" Leave me right now." Aurora said glaring.

Charlie didn't leave her. Rather pulled her closer and put his hands in her waist. " Listen princess, I know there is no one better in this field than you but I'm asking you please be careful. I can't see you being hurt. It hurts me more than you. Please be careful okay? Don't lose your calmness in the war. I want to see you without any hurt." Charlie whispered near her ears.

Aurora get the rush of butterflies, the goosebumps, tingles down her spine. She pushed Charlie and went to her room without saying anything. Charlie smiled and went to his friends.

Antonia was getting ready when she heard a knock on her door. She was confused who would come to her. She looked there and found Lucas standing there. " Come in."

" Are you done?" Lucas asked entering the room.

" Yeah. You want to say something?"

" You are looking beautiful." Lucas said admiring Antonia.

Antonia was amused. " I'm going to a war and you are complementing about this dress? It's not even that good."

" I didn't complement the dress. I have complemented you. You look good in everything."

Antonia chuckled. " You are not here for that right? What is it? What do you want to say?"

Lucas came closer. Antonia suddenly felt nervous at this closeness. But she tried to keep her calm. But she was shocked by Lucas' work.

Lucas put his hand on Antonia's head and patted it. " Be careful okay? I know you are a good fighter. But don't forget to be safe. Your safety comes first to me Antonia."

" But to me Auroras safety comes first. I won't even regret my death if I can save her."

Lucas put his index finger over her lips. Antonia felt shiver running down her body. " Don't ever I repeat don't ever talk about your death in front of me."

Antonia kept looking at him. Her heart was yearning to hug the boy in front of her but why? Why is she feeling like that? Why this boy is making her weak? She can't be weak. She can't be a fool again believing that she can find true love.

Lucas stepped back and smiled at her. " All the best for the war Antonia. Take your time getting ready. I'm going. Bye." saying that Lucas went outside of the room.

Antonia turned around and looked at the mirror. " You have to push him away. You have to!" She mumbled to herself.