It was Antonia. She came to talk to Aurora but found them talking. She didn't want to eavesdrop but when she heard Aurora talking to dad coldly she felt something odd and decided to listen to them.

" Ronald Richard? Why does this name sounds to familiar? He is that king? But I haven't even seen him let alone know him. Then why is it sounding so familiar to me?" Antonia mumbled to herself. She thought of getting in and console her dad.

" Dad?" Antonia called coming into the room.

Mr. Mariano looked up in helplessness.

" I have heard everything. Sorry for eavesdropping dad." Antonia said lowering her head.

" It's okay dear. You are our family. You have the right to know about the inside too. I'm sorry that I didn't let you guys know first."

" I agree dad. You should have let her know from the first. She has the right. I'm not talking about myself but her. She has felt betrayed again."

" I know dear. I'm a terrible dad."

" You are not dad. But you have made a mistake. Yoh have to repent and beg for her forgiveness. That is all I can say. You have hurt her. It'll take time I know that." Antonia said hugging her dad.

" I'll do anything for her forgiveness dear." Mr. Mariano said almost crying.

" Dad, do they know about me?" Antonia asked anxiously. She was afraid if they would accept her as a grandchildren or not.

" Yes dear. They adore you very much. Even your elder sister loves both of you. Don't think them like the people from your past. They have accepted you gladly. I'll let you meet them soon."

Antonia smiled. " Thanks dad. Can I ask something dad?"

" Sure dear."

" I have to study their group. Can you give me their details?"

" Yeah dear. These are confidential files but I have managed nonetheless. I'll give them to you tomorrow."

" Sure dad. Now let's go to sleep."

" Yeah Let's go." They both went to their rooms.

Aurora didn't go back to her room. She went outside to the yard for a walk. She needs to calm herself. She was taking a walk thinking all the things that was happening to her.

Mrs. Zaffino came out of his son's room where her husband and son were sleeping peacefully not giving her any space. She was about to go to their allotted room which is in the ground floor when she noticed the main door of the mansion is open. She furrowed her brows. Who is outside this late? She thought. She very well knew that no one can enter the mansion as they had high security. So it has to be someone from the inside. She walked out and found Aurora walking in the yard. She went towards her. Aurora turned around hearing the faint footsteps. Her hearing is very good. Well thanks to the mafia training.

" I didn't even make that much sound and you turned around. I guess you have a good hearing skill." Mrs. Zaffino said smiling.

Aurora nodded at her." Why are you still awake this late auntie?"

" I can ask the same question dear. Why are you outside this late?"

" Just taking a walk to refresh mind." Aurora said sighing.

" A lot of things are running inside your head right?"

Aurora looked at her and said sighing, " A lot indeed. But why are you here?"

" Well I have been kicked out kinda." Mrs. Zaffino said chuckling.

" Who the hell kicked you out?" Aurora said furrowing her brows.

" My idiot husband and bratty son." Mrs. Zaffino said trying to be serious.

Aurora looked confused. " I didn't get it auntie. Charlie has his own room. Why will k kicked you out?"

" Well we were in Charlie's room as we wanted to spend some more time as a family. But they felt asleep while gossiping and they were not giving me any space. So I decided to go back to the room when I saw the main door open."

Aurora nodded.

" You should go back to sleep then auntie."

" Won't you come?"

" I will go later. I'm not sleepy yet."

" Well how about we stay together then? I'm not quite accustomed to sleep alone." Mrs. Zaffino said pouting.

Aurora chuckled seeing her acting like a child." Why? Does uncle go with you everywhere?"

"Hell yeah. That man since marriage has never let me go alone anywhere. Even not in my parents home. He always goes with me and even he is busy he will make sure to come later. He can't stay without me."

Aurora smiled." He must love you a lot then."

" Yeah. I was right when I saw the love for me in his eyes. Today I have seen the same love in Charlie's eyes and you know for whom." Mrs. Zaffino said smiling.

Aurora kept looking at her.

" So are you allowing me in your room or I'm kicked out from there too?" Mrs. Zaffino asked in order to tease Aurora.

" I have no problem. I'm not that habituate sleeping with others. But I guess you can be the exception."

" Well Charlie will be jealous then." Mrs. Zaffino said chuckling.

Aurora became red thinking she has slept in a same bed with Charlie too. That even twice. She didn't say anything because of she was shy.

Feeling her quietness Mrs. Zaffino looked at her making her eyes big in realization.

" Or my son is an exception too already?"

Aurora closed her eyes being embarrassed.

" It's not like what you are thinking. I was sick so he took care of me and stayed the night with me."

" I wasn't thinking anything." Mrs. Zaffino said wiggling her brows.

Aurora chuckled seeing that." Let's go to my room then auntie."

" Yeah let's go."

Aurora and Mrs. Zaffino both went to Auroras room. They hopped on the bed. Aurora switched the lights off and they lie down.

" You miss your mom right?" Mrs. Zaffino asked looking at Aurora. Aurora turned to her.

" Yeah. Sometimes I wish I were never born. She would be safe now if I didn't come."

" Don't say such things dear. Your mom has

chosen you. You can't understand what a mom feels till you are not a mom. A mom can do literally everything just to keep her child safe. So don't make her feel low by thinking these things. She is watching you remember that." She said patting her head.