PART 128

" Give me the pillow." First one whispered.

A boy from his behind passed the pillow. Without waiting he pressed the pillow over Auroras face. Aurora got really scared. She started moving her hands and legs hurriedly.

" What are you doing? Lock her hands and legs!" She heard someone saying. She knew those boys were trying to kill her. What was she gonna do now? They hold her tightly and another one pressed the pillow more on her. She was out of breath.

After struggling a lot she was almost in the verge of losing her sense. Then a thought came to her mind. She could pretend to be dead. She had the experience of stopping her breath for a long time due to the swimming lesson. So she did what she thought. She stopped breathing and struggling. After sometime noticing that they let her go.

" Wah! This bitch was really easy to kill huh?" The boy who pressed the pillow chuckled saying that.

" You know how weak she is! Anyway Let's go."

" Wait we should check she is actually dead or not." someone said.

A boy checked her breathing and found she was not taking air. He smirked.

" Out of our way." He said smirking. Others smirked too and got out of the room.

After sometime Aurora opened her eyes. She woke up, locked the door and sat down. She drank a glass of water. She teared up thinking what more they could do to her. What should she do? The master also wouldn't help her. She sighed and lied down. But sleep didn't visit her anymore. She was afraid what if they came back? She just tossed around the bed until morning.

Next morning everyone was in the field according to their routine. But Aurora was not there. The boys smirked thinking that they were successful in their plan. The master also came.

" Everyone start your exercise." He ordered. Soon he realized Aurora was not there. He called a guard and asked him to look for Aurora.

" Sorry for being late master." Aurora said as soon as she came while bowing. The boys became shocked and looked at her like they have seen some ghost.

" Why are you late?" The master asked.

" I overslept master. Pardon me."

" Time sense is really important for mafias. You are late today so you will have punishment. You will do your exercise twice when everyone will take rest."

The boys thought of teaching her a lesson but what the master said next made their plan failed.

" I'll watch you." The master said.

" Sure master." Aurora said while bowing.

They started the exercise.

" How is that fucking bitch still alive? You told me that she is dead?" A boy asked another one.

" She was. After putting that much pressure no one would survive!" That boy said.

" Well then is she a ghost? You fucking idiot! Can't you do a work properly?" He snorted and continued exercising.

After they were done they went to their rooms but Aurora stayed behind as she was punished. She started again and the master was with her the whole time. When she was about to finish she saw that the master was gone and soon a guard came with her food.

" Master has ordered you to continue this before the next session and take breakfast."

Aurora nodded.

Then it was time for their next session. Aurora was really afraid. They would kill some animals to see if they were capable of killing someone. Aurora can't tolerate blood shedding. She was afraid of that on top of that why would anyone kill innocent animals? She was really against it.

When she came to the field everyone was already there.

She stood in a corner and saw few animals. Every one of them were given a target. Aurora was given a Doberman dog who was big but Aurora felt bad for it. Everyone was on their position and their guns were fixed at the targets.

" Shoot!" The master shouted and everyone shot except Aurora. All the targets were spot dead except that Doberman.

" Why didn't you shoot?" The master shouted at Aurora.

" Look who is going to be a mafia! Can't even shoot a mere dog." A boy mocked her.

Aurora lowered her head.

" I'm sorry master. I can't take the live of an innocent."

Everyone laughed at her hearing that.

" So what do you want? Want to be the heir of UNDOCILE without killing someone?" The master asked with rage.

" I'll be in mafia that doesn't mean I'll kill innocent people master." Aurora said still lowering her head.

" So when you will go to kill a group you will look after who is innocent or not? How pathetic!" A boy spitted.

" Are you trying to be a good mafia here?" Another one mocked.

" Look Aurora, if you can't kill a dog how will you kill people? Do you think mafias job is some kind of joke? Do you think how many peoples live you have to give up in a war? Can you save all of them?" The master asked coldly.

" I can't assure about everyone master. But as long as I can I'll save every innocent around me. Even after being the heir I will not let my people die unnecessarily." Aurora said with determination.

Everyone laughed out loudly hearing that.

" Are you here for charity or something? You can't kill a dog and you are dreaming of being the heir?" A boy mocked again.

" You don't have to be cruel to everyone to be a mafia. You can be good to good ones and bad to bad ones. That's should be the motto of a mafia." Aurora said looking at the boy.

All the boys became furious seeing her talking back.

" She needs a lesson or her fucking mouth won't stop." A boy whispered to another.

The master was impressed hearing Auroras word but he didn't show.

Aurora looked back at the master. " Master pardon me but I can't kill that dog. You can shoot me if you want in its place as a punishment."

The master was again impressed seeing her courage.

Aurora looked at the side and saw the animals lying covered in blood. She felt like vomiting at the scene. Her head was spinning seeing that much blood at a time.