PART 141

Lucas hurriedly put the plate on table and sat beside her taking her in his arms. " Cool down. Don't panic. I'm here Antonia. No one will snatch your family. I promise. Please calm down sweetheart." He said running his hand all over her back.

Antonia hugged him back tightly and put her face on the crook of his neck. Lucas kept saying sweet things to her. He felt her rage was somehow personal. He didn't know whom she was talking about.

Was the Diamond King somehow related to her past? She came from America he knew that and it is an American group too. Did she call that king monster? But why? He was sure of one thing she wasn't angry at him for attacking them. It was surely personal anger.

But what is the story behind it?  All these questions were running inside his head. He wanted to ask but surely he wasn't in that place in her life to ask those. He realized Antonia has calmed down.

" Let's finish the lunch now okay?" Lucas asked with a soft voice.

" Not hungry anymore." Antonia mumbled still hugging.

" Just a little dear. Promise." Lucas again said.

This time Antonia sat properly. Lucas smiled a little and again took the plate. He again started feeding her. After sometime she was finished.

" Have you eaten?" Antonia asked drinking water.

" Yeah. Now lie down and take rest." Lucas said hiding the fact he didn't even take two bites properly to come to her.

Antonia kept looking at him. Putting the glass back in the tray Lucas also looked at her. They were close due to the previous incident.

" Why do you care for me this much Lucas?"

" Because I love you." Lucas said directly looking at Antonia. Antonia breathe hitched hearing his confession. She couldn't reply at all.

" I want to be there for you just like your family. I want to protect you from all evils even though I know you are capable enough to do that by yourself. I want to be by your side in happiness or sadness. When you feel low, when you need some shelter, someone to hold you tightly, whenever you need comfort, I want to be that someone Antonia. Is that enough for you to know why I care for you?" He asked still staring at her.

Antonia took a deep breathe to control her thumping heart. She was suddenly feeling giddy. She knew that kind of feeling and she didn't want to give in because of her horrible past. She thinks herself like some dirt and she surely doesn't deserve an honest handsome boy like Lucas.

" But I don't deserve someone like you Lucas. You are too good for me." Antonia said staring back this time.

Lucas furrowed his brows but let her continue.

" I know I'm being ridiculous now. I can't afford having feelings for you or for anyone. I don't have that in me anymore. Don't be this good to me Lucas. It hurts seeing that. You should not get your hopes high rather you should stay away. It's better for you." Antonia said sadly smiling.

Lucas get closer this time. Their lips were inch away. Antonia sucked in her breathe. She was suddenly feeling hot. Her started beating like crazy like it would come out at any time.

" Don't you think I'm old enough to know what is good for me or not? Have I have pressurized you about my feelings? No. Love can happen from one side too. I'll never force you to love me Antonia. So I'll expect from you that you won't force me to not love you either. I'll be by your side and take care of you as long as you don't feel uncomfortable. I have no high hopes for you. It's just trust in you and in myself too."

" What will happen if I feel uncomfortable?" Antonia whispered looking at his lips. Why his lips suddenly started feeling so tempting? She wanted to have a taste of it. She gulped in anticipation.

Lucas went more close. " The day you will tell me that you are feeling uncomfortable for me, I'll go away from your life. I'll not meddle into your life anymore. I won't even complain about anything. I'll move away from you as silently as possible so that you won't even feel my absence. Though It's not like I'm someone important that you will ever miss me. But Antonia, I'll not stay around you just to keep my heart in peace while suffocating you.  I promise."

Antonia felt hurt at his words. There is no way this amazing boy can suffocate anyone. Any girl would be glad to have him in her life. But she wasn't that lucky. Her life is messy and dirty. She can't drag this awesome boy into that mess. It's for his sake, she has to stay away.

But why she her heart is continuously asking her to keep him in her life? To treasure him forever? She was having an inner battle to kiss him or not.

They were this close. She felt like she would die if she didn't kiss him. It's just a kiss right? She won't get addicted right? But does her lips even deserve this pure boy? At last her heart won and she moved closed to kiss him.

Lucas smiled at that. They were about to kiss. Both of them closed their eyes to feel their lips.

" Antonia! How are you feeling now?" Sofia said directly running to Antonia's room.

Antonia and Lucas moved further being shocked. Sofia was shocked too. She stood there being awkward. Antonia was about to die in embarrassment. Lucas started coughing to ease the situation. He took Antonia's laptop hurriedly.

" I'll complete you assignment. Take rest." saying that he ran out of the room passing a shocked Sofia.

Antonia closed her eyes thinking she would have to face this embarrassment alone now. She facepalmed herself internally thinking what's wrong with her. What was she going to do? She was going to kiss him! What the hell!

Thank god Sofia came in time. Otherwise how would she face Lucas after that? Lucas would get hopes that she loves him too. Well maybe she does. But Lucas doesn't need to know that. He needs to stay far away from her or his life would be finished with a dirt like her.