PART 160

" Do you think he has planted informers in our group?"

" Not possible. I have stooped recruiting new member as soon as Sofia was put in my care. Moreover do you think an informer can pass through my eyes and gather information under my nose?"

" That's correct. Moreover all the new recruiters are always examined by you. There is no way he can do that."

" But he will try to gather our information in todays party."

" What are you planning?"

" There is a saying enemies enemy is our friend. I'm going to use that tactic." Aurora said chuckling.

" We are counting on you then." Antonia said taking Auroras coffee.

" Hey! That's mine." Aurora said glaring at her.

" Make yourself another. Your coffee tastes good." saying that Antonia kept sipping on coffee.

Aurora sighed.

" Dad is in the training with the heirs right?" Aurora asked.

" Yeah. They are really working hard."

" That's good to hear. Have you talked to Lucas?"

" He is avoiding me like I have never existed. I can't force him to listen to me, can I?"

" Why will force someone when you are the one who is at fault?" Aurora asked raising her one brow.

" What else can I do then?"

" Keep trying. Just ask him to let you clear yourself once then he can decide what to do." Aurora said while going through the file.

" I'll try." Antonia replied sighing.

" Leo, Lucas and Roberts team is going with me in party today. Can you make sure their outfits are prepared?"

" Yeah sure. Have you chosen your dress? You need to doll up today." 

Aurora chuckled.

" A mafia doll?" She said.

Antonia chuckled to hearing her.

" What are you laughing about?" Sofia asked coming towards them. She was all sweaty for the training.

" You are looking wrecked." Antonia said eying her.

" Shut up bitch. This training is going to snatch away my life." She said pouting.

" Looks like Disney princess is complaining again." Leo said coming towards them.

" Don't you dare cat face!" Sofia glared at him.

" Don't start now. Take rest. Sit here." Aurora scolded them. They sat in front of Aurora.

" Good morning to both of you." Harry said coming towards them.

" Good morning." Both Aurora and Antonia replied. Soon Charlie, Lucas also joined them.

" When did you come back last night?" Charlie asked Aurora.

"Midnight." Aurora replied shortly.

Charlie wondered where she was till midnight. In office? That late?

" You guys should take a shower before breakfast." Antonia said. All of them nodded and went to their rooms.

" Antonia ask the maids to serve breakfast." Aurora said.

" Yeah sure."

Antonia went towards the kitchen and Aurora kept going through the file.

After a while., 

All of them were gathered in the dining area for breakfast. The maids has already served.

" Young master should I serve the tiramisu now or after breakfast?" A maid asked Aurora.

"Serve it now." Aurora said.

The maid served it fir everyone.

"Tiramisu? Did you make it angel?" Mr. Mariano asked.

"No dad. It's a gift." Auroea said chuckling.

Aurora looked at Charlie and found him taking the tiramisu to eat at first. Aurora understood that tiramisu is his favorite that's why Mrs. Zaffino gave it for all of them. Charlie tasted it and shockingly looked at Aurora only to find her staring at him.

" Who has made it?" He asked.

Everyone became confused at his question.

" Probably Rosy or any other maid. Why are you so surprised?" Antonia asked.

"It can't be made by any of them like this. Princess, who has made it?" Charlie asked eagerly.

" Mumma." Aurora replied looking at him. Everyone became shocked at her reply.

"Did Mr. Zaffino came to office angel? Is everything okay?"

"He didn't come dad. Everything is fine." Aurora replied.

"Then how did you get this?" Charlie asked.

"I went to your home yesterday. Mumma packed this for all of you when I was coming back." Aurora said continuing her breakfast.

Everyone kept looking at her being dumb.

"You went Zaffino mansion? Why?" Mr. Mariano asked.

"For various reasons. Mainly to see mumma." Aurora replied.

" Aunty is a good cook. I must say." Sofia said eating tiramisu.

"You should have tried her other dishes. She cooks awesome meals. I was so full after dinner yesterday." Aurora said smiling.

Charlie sadly smiled remembering his mom. He was missing her more now. Aurora saw his sadness.

"After everything becomes fine like before we should try aunties cooked meals then." Antonia said smiling.

"Which team is going with you today angel?" Mr. Mariano said trying to change the topic as he also felt Charlies sadness.

"Roberts." Aurora replied. She looked at Leo and Lucas.

" Leo and Lucas you both will go their as mobsters. Like Andrew. So try to pretend you are for a long time in mafia. Antonia will give you your clothes for the party. Don't freak out in anything. Try to be calm. Okay?"

"Sure." Both Lucas and Leo said together.

" About Dominic Gracia?" Mr. Mariano asked.

"I'll handle his case. His son is the target." Aurora said smirking.

"Why? Is he handsome?" Sofia asked. Charlie gave her a side eye.

"What does handsomeness have something to do in this matter?" Aurora asked being confused with her question.

" Ignore her. She is dumb." Antonia said sighing. Sofia glared at her.

"His son junior Garcia is a drug addict but he doesn't know it. I'll exposé that to him today." Aurora said while eating.

"What help that will do?" Charlie asked.

" That will help him to realize how badly Richard is playing with him." Aurora said smirking.

"Don't tell me if he realizes that, he will stop drug business in a day?" Harry asked.

" If he is a good father then it will surely have some effects on him." Lucas said.

" But he is a mafia after all. Drug is his main business as Antonia said. I think he will contemplate what to do." Leo said.

" More importantly Richard will get to know that you are attacking his business." Charlie said.

"Wah. You are getting trained really well I must say. All of you have started thinking like mafias." Aurora said.

"But they are right. What are you going to do about it?" Antonia asked.

"You will have wait for that." Aurora said smirking. Everyone groaned being impatient. Mr. Mariano chuckled seeing his daughters mysteriousness. He was sure she has planned something big in her mind.