Chapter 2: Ichinose had sucking Aya blood

Meanwhile, back inside the Nogizaka mansion, there have Ichinose that she had something on her sleeve to be sucking Ogawa Aya's blood.

Ogawa: Ichinose how did you become a vampire?

Ichinose: someone had passed down toward me

Sugawara: where did he know?

Out of the blue, an Ichinose servant had appeared out of nowhere he had to bow toward her master human friend.

Servant: master how can I help you

Ichinose: can you give me some bad or innocent people to be sucking their blood

Servant: of course as you wish master *bow*

Once Ichinose servant to give some of the mission for her to get be sucking their blood.

Servant: master I have someone who is not behaving so well

Ichinose: who was it then the person?

Servant: it was from the Nogizaka46 member that she want to know

Ichinose had disappeared from the Nogizaka mansion with her servant along to see her in action.

Ichinose: where did she go to a servant?

Servant: master it was her who had been crazy for you

Ichinose: do your magic servant

Meanwhile, Srvant had to do his magic to her so that she can't move any of her body.

Kaki: what the hell is going on here?

Ichinose: we'll...well...Kaki, it was you who had been crazy for me

Kaki: did you do this magic on me Ichinose?

Later Ichinose was shaking her head toward Kaki while others here watching the 5th gen member who bring some gentlemen Butler from Ichinose's side but Kaki had do to some mannequin challenge.

Yuna: Kaki...why did you do some mannequin challenge

Kaki: it wasn't me it's all Ichinose we're doing this

Miyu: Ichinose please let go of Kaki Haruka

Suddenly, Ichinose sped toward Kaki Haruka and she can see that she are no longer the human with her.

Ichinose: I'm sorry Kaki to do this to your neck

Kaki: wait...what are you doing on my neck?

Servant: master can I freeze another member as well

Ichinose used her signal to say to her servant to get there and froze the member.

Kaki: wait...Ichinose don't drink my blood?

Yuna: wait...did...Kaki...just say that Ichinose wants to drink her blood?

Ichinose: Kaki...*vampire bite*

Without any sound coming from Kaki and Ichinose had to suck her blood and she had fallen while others are free from her magic spell turning them into a mannequin challenge.

Nagi: Kaki please drink this anti-vampire heal potion

Kaki: thanks Nagi but how did you know that Ichinose was a vampire

Ichinose: where is Ogawa Aya?

Ogawa Aya had to rush to her and she had to hug her and she let her do some magic on her neck so that everyone can see that she was sucking Aya's blood.

Ogawa: please Miku do your magic

Ichinose: Aya...*vampire bite*

Yuna: Ichinose was drinking Aya's blood

While Ichinose had finished sucking Aya's blood later Nagi had to give Aya an anti-vampire hea potion let her to heal her wounded and after that servant had to read her mind of saying to her.

Servant: master can you go to the Sakura studio to see someone

Ichinose: of course, I will let do this mini-mission

Servant: as you wish master *disappear*

Once Ichinose and Servant had disappeared from the Nogizaka studio and they had to go to see Sakura members at the studio.

Servant: master we are here and she is eating for you

Ichinose: you better wait here while I go and meet her in person

Servant: of course master

When Ichinose was doing to see someone at the Sakurazaka46 dressing room and she are hugging Ichinose Miku went other seeing them with some history with the Nogizaka46 5th gen member.

Ichinose: how are you doing so far

Rena: Miku did you want my taste-

Ichinose: Rena you know the best of all time *vampire bite*

While Rena had to do her hair just for Ichinose to be sick her blood and she had Ichinose fangs on her neck and Rena's eye changed to half-vampire to become an Ichinose slave but once she had finish drink and Rena was healed her wounded without any anti-vampire heal potion.

Rei: Rena what happened to your eye?

Rena: thank you master for becoming your vampire slave

Yamasaki: wait...did you say that Ichinose was a vampire and turned Rena become as one of them

Ichinose Servant had bowed to Moriya Rena and she had become Ichinose Miku's vampire slave as her partner so that she can feel the same as her heart.

Servant: master please go back to the mansion along with Rena and she can stay on your side

Ichinose: Rena can you protect Aya for me

Rena: as your service Ogawa Aya *bow*

Ogawa Aya dragged Miku's arm shoulder while she was alone Ichinose and Rena are waiting for her return from the room together with the master.

Ichinose: Aya...why did you drag me on my arm shoulder

Ogawa: Ichinose please do sucking more blood on my neck did you to Kaki

Ichinose: I see someone here is jealous just for me to drink someone member's blood right, Aya?

Before Ichinose Miku had to force Aya to drink her blood on her neck while Nagi was here to give Aya drink an anti-vampire healing potion.

Nagi: I'm sorry Aya here is the anti-vampire heal potion

Ogawa: Ichinose how could you have another become your vampire slave

Ichinose: Rena are my old times from years back to become my vampire slave

Back in the living room and Rena had to hug back from Ogawa Aya who are confused about her feeling about something that she could most want with feeling not in abandoned her mind.

Rena: Ogawa Aya I will protect you no matter what happens

Ogawa: Rena...please you can drink my blood if Miku give some permission

Ichinose: Aya...Rena is the same as my connection to my mind

Ichinose Miku had her vampire kiss Ogawa Aya on her lips while Rena had to go back inside to some room to get rest inside the coffin where Ichinose had brought her coffin that she wasn't to bring her coffin and she had to sleep and morning can make someone special for the vampire power.