When a Monster becomes a demon chapter 5

Tyler opened his eyes next to see Sakura had snuggled up closer to his face, and was still sound asleep. He smiled at her cutely asleep face as he looked to see if Asuna had climbed in again as had become a habit for some odd reason. She had, and was cuddling Sakura on her other side on the wide cushion. She had effectively sandwiched the smaller girl between their bodies and had her arm draped over her like her mother. That is a kind of cute I WISH I could take a picture of…..hey. I wonder. He pulled his UI up and went to a feature for photos. HE smiled as he saw it was still there. Any photos taken would be saved directly to the helmet for upload or download to their computer. The feature was useable through the eyes or a cube, but for this he would use his eyes. He blinked and it took the shot, and he saved it to his helmet. His helmet was the best he could get, plus he had installed a larger hard drive for more files and other such things to be saved to it for his dives. So, in essence, he could store several hundred million photos and videos. The shot was saved and he smiled as he looked at both bikini clad girls.

"Did you do what I think you just did?"

HE looked up to see Svenity with a smile on her face as he closed his UI. HE Shrugged.

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

The petite friend to Lorg laughed quietly as she looked at the sleeping girls on the couch.

"Be careful Lorg don't catch you."

HE smiled as he looked to the girls.

"She'd be more jealous they look better in photos then she does."

Sakura squeaked in her sleep.

"Damn, cute to the max."


Tyler was gently stroking his little sister's hair when Asuna opened her red eyes to see Tyler playing with Sakura's hair as she slept. The red head smiled as she gave the smaller girl a hug.

"Almost feels like she's our daughter."

He smiled.

"Except I can't have kids."

Asuna laid her head on the cushion.

"Why not?"

"A few years back, we were going some experiment in science class and the idiot next to me was just screwing around with the chemicals and such. He did something and it blew, filling the room with a nasty black cloud. Well, since I was standing right the hell there, I got a good few lung fulls of the cloud along with the liquid is was coming from on my pants. It made me sterile. Docs say I can get blood made into seed if it came to it but yeah."

Asuna sighed sadly.

"That sucks. What happened to the kid?"

"Funny enough, he got the same thing. But, he went overboard with the sex and got an STD that year. Last I heard he got arrested for drugging some girl. Her mom came in as he droped drawer and her daughter loopy as hell on the bed."

"Wow. Do you have any GOOD tales?"

"I got one about that time a mountain lion tired to pounce on me and hit a tree and got knocked the fuck out."

Asuna laughed quietly as she pictured it.


"We went on a field trip to hike a mountain. State I came from is kinda famous for them. Well, I took off down the trail alone as usual. I had the map and off I went. I musta been a good fifteen minutes ahead of everyone when I stopped for a water break. Well, I had my back to a the denser part of the forest, and was looking at a red oak tree a good four feet thick. I noticed my boot was nearly untied, so I went o retie it. Only to hear a nasty thunk on the tree I had just been looking at. I look and a full grown mountain lion was on it's side out cold. There was also a new dent in the bark of the tree as well. That dumb cat had launched at me as I ducked to fix my boot, and slammed head first into the tree so hard it got knocked the fuck out. I took a bunch of photos of it as the teacher came around the bend to see me patting it's fur. She was horrified and when she tried to get me away from it the thing came to and took off like a thunderbolt into the brush. I told her what happened and she nearly died laughing. A ranger that patrols the trails came up next and when I told him the story, he sighed.

"That's ole Tom. He's our resident dumb cat. Likes to pounce on kids, and misses every time. Even if he gets you, most you have to worry about are scratches and a nasty bruise from the tackle."

Ole Tom as they called him was a famous cat that got knocked out daily by botched attempts to be a predator. He took so many shots to the head he's effectively harmless to humans, and many come to see him GET knocked out. We went back a few times and usually I was the one he pounced for."

Asuna was laughing as quietly as she could at the antics of the cat.

"That is too funny. He ever kill anyone?"

"No, believe it or not. Closet he ever came was when he misjudged a pounce and head butted an old lady in the jaw. He got knocked out again and the lady as well."

Asuna rolled onto her back, smiling as she pictured it.

"Seems that state was a little nuts."

Tyler chuckled.

"Just a little insane. Japan is better though."

She smiled as well now.

"Even if we're a little overzealous about vending machines."

"Land of the rising sun my ass. Land of the rising vending machine more like. Ya know I saw one that sold underwear?"

Asuna snorted.

"Those are everywhere. Should see the ones that sell lobster."

"When we get out, could I interest you in a fine pair of vending machine panties my dear?"

Sakura giggled then, and both teenagers looked at her.

"I see she was eavesdropping."

"But she cute so we'll let it go."

The pink haired girl rolled onto her back as well now, smiling as they looked at the brown wood paneling of the ceiling.

"That was funny with the cat."

Tyler joined them as they laid on their back.

"Yeah. It sucks but a year later I guess he died from some disease or something."


"That sucks."

They went silent again as they all looked at the ceiling.

"Wanna see another cool feature?"

They looked at him as he took the mini UI and held it up to the ceiling. Then the wood became the view of the ocean from the lower floor. The two girls laughed at that and just watched the sea life go by. Asuna sat up and stretched, getting cracks and pops in her spine.

"Wow, Asuna. Comfy much?"

She laughed.

"Just a little. Hey, where's Lorg and her crew?"

it was true. Svenity had vanished along with the others. The trio went downstairs searching for them, only to find the crew sitting around the fire pit watching as different sea creatures would swim through the room. Lorg saw them come down and smiled.

"Goreleech, you are a mad genius with this one."

"Wanna get crazy. Watch this."

HE walked over to where a small reef shark was moving through the room, grab it and bring it over to the now stunned group.

"Anyone wanna pet a shark?"

Sakura came right over to pet it's sand paper skin as it moved its tail back and forth like it was swimming and not being held captive.

"Wow, it feels rough."

The group all took a turn petting the beast, then Tyler tossed it up and away it went. Then he walked over to the wall, and smiled as he leaned back against it, only to fall right through into the ocean water. Lorg and her crew were speechless as they watched the seamless transition from indoor to underwater. Tyler swam around a moment before pushing through the barrier to go give a now shocked Lorg a hug.

"Hey! I don't wanna get wet!"

"Wow, Lorg. Feel bad for the other guy then. But, your purity is intact."

Her friends lost it as Lorg realized two things: 1, she was still bone dry, and 2, she was going to KILL him. Tyler smiled.

"That wall insta dries players when they go through it. Since we're in a video game, logic has no place."

Sakura giggled again.

"Just wait until IT shows up!"


Tyler smiled as he saw IT approaching.

"Just an old friend."

They were confused, until the 25 foot great white shark was seen cruising through the room not four feet from them. The room went deathly quiet at the sight of the undersea behemoth not four feet from their faces just utterly ignoring them. Tyler reached up and slapped it's side hard, and not getting so much as a twitch.

"Say hello to Jaws himself."

Lorg and her team just sighed and went with it.

"Video games."


"Should see the house that hangs off a cliff on floor 23. Thing has a solid five thousand foot drop straight down."

"Yeah no, I'm good."

"Scared of heights?"

Svenity chuckled now.

"Lorg had a rather nasty close call with a railing on the Kyoto Tower. Thing gave way and she was left dangling as a child a good five feet out."

"Yeesh, nasty. Sadly we still got her, so ya know, we lost that one."

Lorg threw a knife at him.

"Why is it that every time I'm about to LIKE you, you have to RUIN it?"

HE flicked the knife end over end in the air before Sakura flicked it herself for it to land back on the table in front of the blonde samurai.

"Not sure. Why do you have to always ruin photos?"

She glared at him, and was at war with irritation and admiration for the flawless display of in sync teamwork she had just seen. Svenity made it easier.

"That knife trick was sick."

"Even if he's an ass. That was still tight."

"Uh phrasing."

Both siblings said this at the same time with the same tone of amused matter-of-factness. Lorg and Svenity looked at each other then back to where Tyler and Sakura were bro fisting.



They both burst out laughing as Asuna chuckled now.

"It seems like dirty minded, perverted brother, like corrupted little sister."

"Nice image, Asuna."

"And where does that leave YOU?"

"Where indeed?"

Asuna gulped as the two looked at her with a now probing expression.

"hey, I'm not getting left anywhere!"

"We'll see."

"That we will. I get the feeling her jokes will be dirtily pure."

"That was kinda poetic, Sakura."

"It was wasn't it?"

Tyler and Sakura went to a couch that looked out at the sea floor and laid on it as the others just sighed at the conversation.

"From sweet, happy, purely innocent little girl to a foul mouthed, dirty minded little devil of a girl."


Asuna just gave up.

"Whatever. I'll go get a deep tissue again."

"Have fun."

"I think she just wants to 'explore' herself."


"Still cute."

"Very Still."

Tyler had Sakura resting her head on his shoulder as they looked out at the ocean beneath the waves, as Asuna walked up the stairs with two things: a beat red face, and a raging debate in her mind over what she liked. Lorg saw this and smiled as she went to follow the poor confused girl. Svenity chuckled.

"Let's go have a little girl talk with her, Lorg."

"While getting pampered too."

Tyler and Sakura were smiling as they rested.

"Seems odd, don't it?"

He looked at her quizzically for her out of the blue statement.


She snuggled against him more.

"Just relaxing like this. Feels wrong."

HE understood then.

"I felt the same when I did this myself. But, when I left I cleared two floors myself in a solid week after."

She giggled as he stroked her pink hair.

"We'll be fighting a dragon after this right?"

"A crystal dragon."

She sighed as a seal swam past the window chasing a fish.

"Still feels weird. But I like it."

"we'll get lost again soon enough."

She yawned hard.

"We've done nothing but sleep and eat and yet I still feel tired."

"That's the effect this place has on you. Seriously, I designed it to utterly relax you when you're in here for longer then ten minutes. And when we leave we'll feel like new people."

She smiled and snuggled even closer to her brother.

"Well, it works."

HE wrapped an arm around her and they settled down to sleep again.

"Watch, we'll wake up to Asuna sleeping with us."

"You ARE very warm and cuddly."


"Cute too."

They closed their eyes and were out like lights again.

"Those two are sooo cute together!"

Sakura's god mother was smiling as they saw the screen go dim as the two slept again. Tyler's mother sighed as well.

"He's like that. He got close to a neighbor's girl once and we'd find them cuddled up in the oddest of places. Just sound asleep, and when they interrogated her after, they found it hard to believe all they did was sleep and cuddle. Was funny the time he went to her house, and they found him and her resting in a small alcove in her room he'd made into a small cave with blankets and pillows with her laptop set to a projector he'd brought. They said when they poked their heads in, it was both extremely warm and cozy, and strangely soothing."

Sakura's god father understood.

"Like their own little world, and they the only ones in it."

Asuna's dad was laughing as he watched the conversation between his daughter, Lorg and Svenity over her sexuality.

"Plus how he seems to be prodding my girl to better understand her own heart without flat out saying it. Not sure if he's doing it for a show or to help her though."

"With HIM? Both. Always assume it's both. Plus, this one is just teasing her."

"well, teasing or not, it's nice seeing her try to figure her own heart out regardless. Even IF that kid still scares the hell outta me."

Tyler and Sakura were out for a while, and when they opened their eyes again, the light outside was coming from another side altogether. She yawned and stretched her back like a cat, getting her own batch of cracks and pops now. Tyler just flexed his back and cracked it that way, getting a cute giggle from the small girl. They sat up to see Asuna asleep on a nearby cushioned lawn chair that was comfy to sleep on. The red haired girl was on her stomach still in her bikini and softly breathing.

"She's really pretty like that."

Tyler smiled as he patted her head.

"Yeah, I guess so."

She smiled as her belly rumbled.

"I'll go make some food."

"I'll do something."

That got a small giggle as she headed to the kitchen as he looked around. Lorg was in Svenity's arms on the other couch, and her crew were all over the place as well. He smiled and went upstairs to look over mats and other gear. He sat where he could watch Sakura work her craft and smiled as he pulled his UI up. He looked over their leftover mats and saw they were due for a hard grind session back up on 7. He sighed as he saw his design for Sakura's surprise dress needed more mats now since a good amount of leather had been sold. He closed it and pulled the people watching feature up again and just relaxed. Sakura was heard humming as she flited about the kitchen making know knew what as he watched the players going about their lives. The area he was watching was a open plaza near the main teleport hub and as such was packed with players. HE found her could pan the camera and it even had a minor zoom function which he thought was kinda cool.

"Playing stalker again?"

HE looked up to see Lorg and Svenity coming up the stairs yawning.

"More just relaxing."

The ladies curled up on the couch near him and looked at the screen as well.

"Seems weird just sitting here watching people."

"The original plan for this thing was to broadcast things like duels or tournaments the worlds over. Or boss raids as well. I think that one got scrapped for some reason. It sucks cause some of the best moments in the game can come from a decent boss raid."

He sat back with his feet on the table in front of him as Lorg chuckled.

"Wow, what a lucky man you are Gore. A house full of ladies, and you the only straight man in the place."

"well, I guess victories in all forms. Even if most can BARELY be considered ladies."

Sakura was heard giggling.

"Love you!"

"Same sis!"

Lorg just smiled as Svenity chuckled.

"It seems you become nicer, Gore."

"He hasn't. Just to me he is."

That got a laugh as Tyler shrugged.

"Girls got a point."

The ladies just laughed as Asuna came up next rubbing her eyes.

"Hi everyone. What day is it?"

Tyler tilted his head.

"Good question. Let's see."

He pulled the HUD for the house up.

"Okay, days spent in owned home. Wow, we've been here 3 days already."

The feisty red head blinked.

"But all we've done is sleep, and you're saying we've been here three days already?"

"Yup. That's another effect this place has. Think you've been here two days? Nah, a week. When you DO leave, you feel utterly and completely recharged."

Lorg smiled widely.

"I haven't felt this relaxed in years."

Svenity stretched again.

"Neither have I. Or as at ease."

Asuna looked to see Sakura pulling a pan from the oven and smiled as well.

"And to think we're trapped in a deathgame, and yet we all feel like this."

Tyler chuckled.

"I designed this place to relax ME. Seriously, that's the joints main purpose. Help us to chill the FUCK out after ANYTHING."

"Food's ready!"


They fed on Sakura's good cooking, and the pink haired girl had NOT disappointed. She'd made some baked bacon, chicken and toasted bread burgers dipping mustard and ketchup with some lava cake to go with it. As they were engrossed in the goodness, Tyler laid their plan out.

"we need to head back up to seven and just get lost again. Floor one mats are useless, and floor two is just about. We'll load up the way we can, and go from there."

The two girls nodded as a mass message popped up on their screens.

"We've found out the first event. It's to take place on floor four near Briyack. It's a monster hunt. Most kills gets a high rare."

Tyler looked to the girls.

"Wanna shatter some dreams?"

They smiled widely and requiped into their battle gear as Tyler did the same. Lorg called muster as Tyler and the two girls left to head to the start point. They wore their long cloaks just to make a point. The start point was near a large field with boulders, forests and small hills everywhere. Tyler snorted as he saw the field.

"Okay, we're hunting wolves and rock drakes. We're looking for a landslide win so go ham."

They nodded as several hundred players all appeared in moments. Tyler, Sakura and Asuna were merely sitting on a large boulder as the countdown started. Tyler had his blade out, Sakura her bow, and Asuna her Rapier. Tyler was looking over the crowd, when he spotted a set of players in the ragged cloaks of the murder guild.

"Stay close. We got Pk'ers in PLAY."

They did not acknowledge the heads up, though they did heed it. The timer hit zero and the trio were off and running, easily outstripping the others in speed. Tyler surged forward and shattered four wolves with a slash each as Sakura fired arrows at further off targets as Asuna poked holes in leftover targets. Tyler's sword was an instant kill, along with Sakura's bow. Asuna needed to hit a target twice for a kill, but was getting great amounts of exp for each kill. The trio were never more then five feet from each other and were in sync like the cave ambush. Tyler leading the charge into a group of enemies, Asuna killing the leftovers as Sakura shot into the further ahead targets. They reached the other side of the field, and turned right around to do it again. The event last two hours, and when it ended, Tyler, Sakura and Asuna had first, second and third places on the kills board. Lorg and her party filled the spots under them. They returned to the start point for their reward, only to be faced with an angry mob led by a player in black plate armour.

"Damned Beater. You stole that from us!"

Tyler smiled, as his hood was still up.

"If I did, the hell you gonna do about it?"

The player drew his great sword, murder in his eyes. Tyler tilted his head.

"Oh. Right. I forgot a step."

HE removed his cloak, and the player facing him with a drawn sword went pale.


Tyler slung his sword on his shoulder.

"Still wanna play me?"

The player sheathed his sword.

"No sir. Sorry sir."

"Good sheep."

The now terrified players left, along with Lorg and her group.

"We need to get back to it."

They said their good byes as they used crystals to jump. Tyler looked around and saw the three cloaked figures were left. He sighed.

"Piss off. I am not going to join your guild. If you're here to kill us you will die instead and I do not take bribes."

They looked at each other and tossed a card to him. He looked at it. The thing was black with a picture of a coffin with leering eyes and a dagger out.

"We are Laughing Coffin. This is a warning. Do not interfere in our work."

"Don't fuck with my-screw it."

Tyler surged forward and slashed the man in the center's head clean off, before pivoting on his foot to stab the next man as he fumbled for an axe in the chest with savage force, shattering him as well. The last man had a pair of sickles out as Tyler charged him with his single blade and a smile on his lips. The red blade glowed as he spun a sideways flip with the blade smashing clean through the man's weapons and splitting him in half.

"Dragon flip."

He shattered and Tyler sighed as he sheathed his blade.

"Takes some balls to threaten me to my face."

Sakura laughed as Asuna seemed a little nervous.


"That's that murder guild that's popped up."

Tyler shrugged.

"Let's head back to the lair. Idiots wanna play I'll leave their entire guild a heap."

He looked at the card and tore it in half as it shattered. They left the field and returned to their Hut for more rest and to look over their drops. Once the door shut their swapped to their swimsuits and laid on the couch. Tyler opened his recent drops list and smiled.

"Hey, got another mirror."

Sakura smiled as well.

"I got a sword."

"It good?"

She pulled it out and showed it to him.

"Not too shabby, Sakura. Damage is decent, looks great, and durability is pretty good as well. We'll stick it in the backup section."

"Teehee! I got a goodee!"

"I got a set of mats. Not sure if their useable."

Tyler looked at them, and smiled again.

"Nifty. We got 30 perfect Snoufler pelts. Things are rare and a pain in the ass to get as well. Think a deep blue hippo with fur like a chinchilla striped like a raccoon tail."

The two girls smiled at the weird image.

"Sounds kinda cute!"

"In a weird way I guess."

"Should see the Fennecs on floor 9. Think a fox with extra large ears, raccoon patterned fur, softer then it should be fur, and a fluffy as all hell tail."

Sakura's blue eyes lit up like stars at the thought of such a cute animal.

"I wanna pet one!"

Asuna was right there with her.

"Me too! it sounds adorable!"

Tyler smirked.

"Sure. BEFORE well kill everyone we find."

Sakura tilted her head.

"Now I want undies made for the fur."

Asuna was a little more taken aback.

"Why'd you have to go ahead and say that? I was loving the image!"

He shrugged and laid back on the couch.

"Reality sucks, Assy."


"Love you too."


"Still too cute, Asuna."

"It is."

The poor red head just gave up and laid down as well.

"I hate you both so much right now."

Sakura giggled.

"Well, we still like you."

"For SOME friggin reason."

"She's warm to cuddle with."

"There's that yeah."

"When you least expect it I am going to inflict some damage on your nuts."

They laughed as they drifted off to sleep again.


"Asuna! Left side low!"

"Got it!"

Tyler sliced the head off the skeleton before him as Asuna did a round house kick, taking the head clean off the skeleton to her left. The things shattered as the floating spirit before them got it's eyes shot out by Sakura's bow.

"Pink Eye Popper!"



They laughed as Asuna fell into Tyler's shadow to deal overlapping attacks. He'd deliver a nasty smash, as Asuna launched off his hunched over back to poke the thing full of holes before an arrow from Sakura smashed into it. Tyler would recover with a vicious underhanded shot and deal another shot where Asuna would slide into the gap to poke more holes. Their patterns succeeding in utterly overwhelming the mini boss they'd found in a cave they were strip mining. They had reached floor 9 alone, and were thus far the only three players on the entire floor. The thing shrieked a last time before shattering and a winner's fanfare was seen over their heads. Tyler sheathed his hand and a half bastard sword over his back. He'd upgraded his gear pretty heavily the last two months, though his red coat was still around. It had the ability to be upgraded with mats, and was still viable.

"Clean fight everyone. Pop potions."

Asuna smiled as she drank one.

"This Rapier is awesome."

He'd finished her new sword, and it was indeed. The thing had a black blade with a red guard, boosted attack by 125, speed by 250, and dexterity by 275. The red head loved her new weapon, and had nearly lost her mind when he'd made it out of the blue after a raid in a cave.

"Hey, Flamer, heads up."

She had looked over to see him toss the weapon to her and had simply gaped at it.

"It weighs literally half my other blade!"

"And hits harder too."

Her outfit had been revamped as well. Her Bloodoath uniform had been ditched for a pure white leather sleeveless, shoulderless gown that left a good portion of her back exposed, and buckled down her front like a jacket. On her arms were a pair of light blue gloves that ended at her elbows, and made her fiery hair pop when she moved them. Her waist was belted by a red sash with a gold buckle and supported the slightly flared skirt of her gown. Her legs were sheathed in deep blue boots with two inch heels that rose to her knees. She looked ridiculously beautiful and intimidating as well. It boosted all her stats by 300, and since was pure dragon skin, gave her the dragon slayer bonus that added extra impact to her attacks with a ten percent of a heavy knockback. She loved her new outfit and it shimmered like scales whenever she moved. Tyler smiled as he looked to where Sakura was looking at her UI. Her gear had gotten an upgrade as well. Her paper boy hat was now a bright blue like her eyes and had a small eagle feather in the cap. Her wolf fur scarf was still present, as she refused to part with it as it had been the first thing he'd made her. He'd even pulled the leave card, and she had pulled a card of her own.

"Fine! Then leave! This is the first thing you made me in here!"

She had then dropped to the ground with it under her and cried heartbrokenly until he let her have it as long as he could repair it and upgrade it. She'd smiled widely that entire day, proud she'd finally won an argument against him and got her way.

"Pull that again, however, and you're alone. We clear?"

He'd used his ice cold voice, and she had shuddered.

"We are brother."

"Good. Let's go then."

She loved that scarf dearly, and would cuddle it like a security blanket at night. Her top had been replaced with a pink crocodile skin with snake thrown in to around out the scale pattern. It made her pancakes still look bigger, ended at her belly, and had no sleeves. She had pink croc fingerless gloves, short shorts, and boots. She also had a pink belt that had the teeth of the thing on the band like bullets in a belt. Her bow had been improved as well. Now it was a deep red like a coal in a brazier with spikes along the ribs.

"How'd you do Saky?"

She tilted her head.

"A few bones, droy, and a sword."

"Not too bad I guess."

Tyler looked to the door.

"Let's keep going. We need more of the Adamantium crystals here."

His gear was more or less the same. His long blood red coat's tail had been lengthened, and had buckles to close it with a black lining. His under shirt was pure white and was more tank top then shirt. He had swapped his pants to a denim material that increased speed, and his boots were blood red as well. He wore spiked fingerless gloves and had a black spiked belt. His sword was red as well, 5 feet long and since it was a bastard sword, gave him access to both one handed and two handed sword skills. They were after the high level ore as with it Tyler could add a heavy impact bonus to their weapons, plus the neon blue looked both beautiful and tranquil. They had just cleared a hidden boss of the floor, and as such gotten a decent amount of exp. Tyler, Sakura and Asuna had just barely reached level 24. The leveling becoming harder as the levels increased. They didn't really care as they preferred the long grinds and getting lost. The trio being skilled and strong enough to handle nearly anything the game could throw at them at that point.

"Hey, Gore got a red vein here."

HE looked over at Asuna as she looked at a mound of red rock.

"Nice eyes. That's a Ruby deposit. Only find those in deep caves. Get it, you won't get as many as if I did, but it'll raise your mining and crafting by two."

The red head nodded and used her pick to mine the precious stone. It shattered and she got a ping.

"I got 15 rubies of high quality."

"That many? Guess you got lucky."

"I also got three levels for each."

"Wow, Asuna. Nice. That musta been a Perfect Ruby vein then. Them things are friggin rare."

She smiled as Sakura looked around the cave.

"hey, what's that up there?"

The cutie in pink was pointing to a small ledge just above their heads. Tyler tilted his head.

"Could be a secret area. But, we ARE in a secret area. Okay, guards up. Let's check it out."

They climbed up to the ledge, and found a chest sitting in a small chamber a good thirty feet wide and forty high. Tyler sighed.

"Again? Get back. That thing's mean."

The two girls drank buffer potions and readied shots as Tyler walked over with blade drawn. He looked to the girls who nodded. He kicked the thing open, and it grew teeth to lunge at him. Only to miss as he sprang backwards. Sakura fired four arrows at it with her skill.

"Multi-pink Shot."

They giggled at their loveable companion, as ever since she got her new outfit, everyone of her attacks had the word pink in it somewhere. The shots knocked a decent chunk of it's first health bar away, but it had six.

"Fuck. We're in for a slog."

"We needed a workout."

"Yeah. I wanna play!"

They smiled as Tyler went forward to smash the thing with a two handed skill that made the ground shake.

"Grand earthshaker."

Asuna surged forward with her glowing Rapier as the beast staggered back to stab it a flurry of times.

"Dancer's fury."

Sakura timed her shot to when the chestbeast went to counterattack with it's tail and hit it in the fangs with a shot that did more damage the longer it was charged.

"Pink Piercer!"

They worked in tandem to cut through five of the six health bars that way. Tyler and Asuna both taking nasty hits every now and then, but each time they took the hit, Sakura would fire a series of rapid fire hard hitters to both stagger the beast and distract it as the pair chugged potions. When the chestbeast tried to get to her, she'd back up the exact length it approached, firing arrows the whole time and effectively making it halt to go defensive under her rapid shots. The thing's health reached it's last bar and started to glow red.

"Rage mode!"

They nodded and all downed a buff potion before getting to it. Tyler charged the now much faster thing and spun a leaping slash like a helicopter blade.

"Rising Death."

The follow through was a two handed smash.

"Dragon Hammer Smash!"

The impact took a quarter of it's health away, and he did a back hand spring to avoid it's tail sweep. Asuna laughed as she came over from the back for double flanking damage.

"Nice moves Gore! You're nearly a cheerleader!"

Her pokes dropping it by another third. Sakura was giggling as it turned to attack the now dancing away red head.

"Speaking from experience Asuna?"

She shot the thing in the rear of it's chest and it got knocked forward as Tyler was right there to also deliver a smash of his own.

"She DOES seem the head cheerleader type."

Asuna laughed as well as she and Tyler planted backs against each other for the last surge.

"I WAS a head cheerleader once."

They moved as one, Tyler with his sword tip level with Asuna's Rapier tip as they both preformed a nasty thrust upon the things back as an arrow from Sakura impacted at the same time. Result? All three getting the final attack bonus. They had timed their sequences perfectly, as it had been another lesson he'd drilled into their heads, as a triple threat attack was a truly powerful force once mastered. The chesthead chattered and another chest was seen with a winner icon.

"Don't relax just yet, ladies. I've seen this one before now."

"A second rigging?"

"Most likely."

They sighed and all drank potions to rebuff and heal up. Tyler kicked the thing open, only for it to turn into a chestspider with the box supported by eight spike-like legs. Tyler tilted his head as he saw the 5 health bars.

"Wait. I know you. Your that bastard Lark's idea. Okay, spits acid that eats the clothing of lady players, loves webs, and can't climb. Weak defense and ranged attacks."

"Lark a pervert?"

"Sex addicted fiend. He won the sex village competition."

The girls shuddered as the fight got underway. Tyler would use sweeping underhanded attacks to lift the thing high, as Asuna would stab it's underbelly as Sakura fired a charged shot. The chestspider was significantly weaker then the chesthead, and shattered easily enough. Leaving a THIRD chest. They looked at Tyler.


"Lark was an asshole troll. Watch, it'll either be twice as strong as the first, have ten health bars but be an utter pushover, be a smaller version of that spider, or some mix of the bunch."

Sakura hung her head.

"I hate this guy already."

"Dude was a creep, like legit. We had a small group of girls like Sakura here as a focus group for all things cute and cuddly. Yeah, dude nearly got banned for the shit up predator shit he'd pull. One time he got caught following on girl along a rooftop where she couldn't see her. Worst part? Kid was 10, he was 40."

The girls shuddered again as they took up their spots.

"I feel kinda dirty now fighting this thing."

"I wanna bath!"

"We'll clear this and keep going. Dude was a freak, but he knew a decent mini boss. We should get some good shit off it."

He kicked it and jumped back as it tilted sideways, and grew arms and legs with a small child's head.


They ALL shuddered at the downright disturbing voice the thing had now. Tyler groaned.

"This is gonna be PURE nightmare fuel, ladies."

The thing now had ten health bars and lumbered forward on ten foot tall legs as Tyler slashed it's left leg.

"Owwie. Daddy, why are you so mean?"

It's bar's dropped by four. Tyler sighed.

"I got this one, if you don't think you can stomach it. I mean, I barely can myself."

Sakura grimaced as Asuna readied her blade.

"Let's just get this over with."

"Yeah. We can take a bath after and feel better."

Asuna charged and hit the thing with her flurry shot.

"Dancing Death."

It lost another four bars, and it sobbed at this one.

"Why mommy? Why are you hurting me?"

Sakura fired her arrow at the vile thing and it shattered. The trio shuddered again as another chest appeared.

"Damn Lark. That one's fucked up. And that's coming from ME!"

The ladies gulped as he kicked it open and it shattered. They got 150,000 droy, fifty high grand polar bear furs, four mirrors, 250,000 exp. Plus a new sword, shield and coat called Misery's torment. A bloodred coat like Tyler's with FAR better stats. Plus it was upgradable with a rename option as well. He renamed it Demon's Mantle and equipped it. Then they dropped down to the cave floor to forget their nightmare fuel. Though as they did, they heard a demented small child's giggle from the ledge they had just dropped from. Asuna looked at Tyler as they got back to strip mining.

"Is that guy in here?"

"He is, then he's locked himself in that sex village."

Sakura was busy ripping some adamantium crystals from the walls.

"Why'd they keep such a creep around?"

"Dude was an evil genius with scary events. Like say for Halloween, spooky mobs, or nasty areas. Guy mighta been a child predator, but he knew how horror works. Seriously, some of his shit scared the living hell outta ME."

The two girls shuddered again.

"Halloween's next month."

"And the mental scars will last a lifetime."

They sighed and kept at it. The cave was three days long from entrance to end. They were near the middle at that point. The group would swap duties as they went. Tyler mining as the girls fought off mobs, or Sakura would play gold digger as he and Asuna played slaughter. Or it would be Asuna playing in the dirt. The friends reached the back of the cave on day three, and found a most interesting surprise. There was a large door nestled in the back of the cave with curious pictures and others thing on the steel. Tyler tilted his head.

"No freakin way."

Sakura was watching the rear in case of ambush.

"What is it?"

"I think we found a Dev Hub. They were supposed to use these to regulate how the game plays out. Should have a console or something they access to see the status of the game itself."

Asuna looked at him with hope in her eyes.

"Can we force a logout?"

He sighed.

"Not at all. Even IF I could crack the console, which I probably could, if I were to start fucking with the system itself, it could every well kill us all. But let's at least see what we DID find."

The girls nodded and he kicked the doors in. The room was pure white and empty. The reverse of the dark stone cave they had spent three days in. In the center of the room was a large slab of white stone without any notable features. They walked inside and Tyler placed his hand on the slab. It was then traced in lines of light and energy as a holographic image of the hooded figure from the first day appeared.

"Greetings Player. It would seem you have found a Developer Hub. These were used to build the game from the ground up. Unfortunately it cannot be accessed from within the game. That said, you will be rewarded for finding such a well hidden location, as these Hubs are even harder to locate then the Villages of Pleasure throughout the world of Brictally. Since you are in a party, each of you will place ONE item on the slab to be upgraded to it's absolute maximum, and the visuals will be yours to customize as you see fit. Should you prove of extreme fortune to locate another, you will be granted the same bonus again."

Tyler took his coat and placed it on the slab. He made the thing longer with a pair of black demon wings upon his back with black flames on his cuffs that licked to his elbow. The coat glowed and was upgraded as was promised, and when he requiped it, found it to be perfectly fitted. Next, Sakura placed the scarf he'd made her on the slab. The wolf fur was then upgraded to the very height of wolf fur, and she giggled when it was requiped on her neck.

"Now it CAN'T be replaced!"

The other two smiled fondly as Asuna laid her Rapier upon the slab. It was given a fresh polish, and the colors more vibrant as it too was brought to it's peak. Then the figure reappeared.

"I hope you chose wisely. Farewell players."

It was gone and Tyler placed his hand on the slab again. Nothing. He sighed.

"Okay. If not even a KEYBOARD appeared, then I can't do anything period. I can't use my tricks if I can't input them. Okay, these places can be teleported from."

Asuna sighed as she replaced the thin weapon on her hip.

"Do we teleport or walk out?"

Tyler pulled his map sphere out and set it on the slab.

"Okay, we're here. If we teleport to Rost, we can start heading this way."

Sakura groaned.

"I don't really want to go to town. I like just roaming."

They patted her head, getting a squeal. Tyler rotated the sphere.

"If we go to this small outpost here, we can get lost in a mere two hours."

They nodded and pulled crystals when a message icon popped up on Tyler's Hud.

"Hey, Gore. I could use a hand here. I'm at Rost. Really appreciate it."

"Heads up, Kirito just asked for help. We're headed for Rost."

They nodded and held up crystals.

"Teleport; Rost."

"Teleport: Rost."

"Teleport: Rost"

They jumped and were at the main hub of the floor. This one being more rustic like a mountain village then the previous floors. Tyler looked around and spotted Kirito near a pole with his Coat of Midnight and one handed sword. The group headed over as the fear started.

"Holy. It's the Demon."

"Awww, look at the Cutie in Pink-oh Shit Demon."

"What the hell is HE doing here? They haven't been seen in near a month an a half!"

Tyler walked over to the black haired boy who smiled as he saw them.

"Hiya, beater boy. Got your ass kicked by a rabbit?"

Kirito snorted as they clasped hands.

"Fuck you too ya bloody mary bitch."

"well, damn Kirito. Nice one."

Sakura giggled as Asuna sighed.


"Hi Kirito."

The boy smiled as he saw Sakura.

"Nice to see you still cute as hell Sakura. You too Asuna."


"Nice to be an afterthought."

Tyler chuckled as he looked to the boy in black.

"So, where's this rabbit?"

Kirito rubbed his eyes.

"A bunch of idiots found the boss. And are refusing to let the other players fight it."


"The fuck?"

"What they said?"

Kirito sighed hard.

"They're saying this is the last floor that's safe enough to live on. So, they say their preforming a public service by standing in the deaths of others."

"Okay. We got a cult. Easy fix. Let's go kill the boss ourselves. Want in Kirito?"

He smiled and they fist bumped.

"Why I called you."

They then followed the boy through the town to the wilderness towards a set of mountains.

"So, these idiots part of a guild?"

Kirito rubbed his temples as they went.

"Yup. The Players For Players guild. They believe that waiting for the real world to force us out of the game is the best solution to just getting ourselves killed."

"A cult of safers. Fuckin perfect. They get violent?"

"No. They're all great shielders. They literally are standing in a wall to prevent access to the chamber."

"They irritate me I'll just cut em apart."

"yet another reason I called you."

"Hey. Kirito. You should know something."

He looked at him, concerned now.

"Find something?"

"Yup. A Developer Hub."

HE stopped dead. Shocked.

"You FOUND one?"

"Yup. We can't even get a keyboard to appear."

HE slumped dejectedly.

"If it were that easy we'd be out already."

"Damn right. But if you DO find one you get to upgrade ONE item to it's absolute max. So not a total waste."

They kept walking as Kirito rubbed his hair.

"I guess. Still sucks though."

"Yeah. Least we get a free full upgrade."

"Silver lining."

"Wanna hear something mess up?"

"Oh shit."

"Remember Lark?"

HE shuddered.

"Yeah, that guy."

"what about him?"

"We found that multi-boss he came up with. Yeah, we need a bath."

"Jesus. What forms?"

"Basic chesthead. Then to the chestspider. Last one was that SUPER creepy girl one he came up with."

"Damn dude. Good LUCK sleeping tonight."

"Testify beater boy."

"Okay, you can stop saying that."

"You picked it, dude."


They were laughing as they came to a group of players all milling around a massive set of double doors. Tyler smiled as he spotted the blonde hair of Lorg near the side.

"hey. Watch this."

The three watched as he went silent and snuck up behind the blonde woman. He reared up and grabbed her shoulders hard as he yelled at the lady.


Lorg jumped a good two feet in the air as his and her friends lost it laughing. Tyler was laughing hard as she pulled a wooden club from her inventory and began to beat the idiot with it in a bout of red faced fury. She broke it over his head and he patted her new red armor.


She kicked him in the balls with all the force she could muster. He just laughed at her.

"You suck at ball fondling. No WONDER your alone."

She drew her sword a good few inches with intent to kill as Svenity then noticed Sakura's outfit.


Lorg looked over to see Sakura blushing as she awkwardly shuffled her feet in the leaves. The blonde lady immediately forgot her intent to murder Tyler as Sakura's cute outfit blew her mind.

"Sakura you look adorable!"

She smiled widely.

"As he says! Cutie in Pink!"

Tyler smiled as he shrugged.

"what can I say? I'm good at what I do."

Lorg looked to ream him for his prank when she saw Asuna's outfit then and gasped.

"Asuna, you look beautiful. Where'd you get that over gown thing?"

She smiled as she jabbed a thumb at Tyler.

"He made it for me."

Lorg looked at Tyler in equal parts shock equal part envy.

"I knew you made decent swimwear, but that? What the hell?"

"I told you."

Lorg tilted her head before looking at her armor.

"If I were to pay you, think you could make me a house outfit?"

"Sure. I'd need to see your Ui again, but no biggee."

She smiled.

"Thanks. We have a small place but it's hard to relax in full armor, and we can't go around in swimsuits all day."

Tyler smirked as he looked to the wall of shielders blocking floor ten.

"So. How stupid are they?"

She slumped as well.

"They say if we go in we'll die. So, they're here to prevent that."

"Anyone try it?"

"One guy did and they hit him with a paralyze dart."

"Well, well. I'm immune."

Lorg blinked.

"Um, okay. HOW?"

"My coat's status effect."

She sighed deeply.

"Just gonna smile and nod. Can you do something?"


Tyler drew his sword and walked forward to the line of players.

"No one else is going to die. This is a suicidal plan. We can't reach the 150th floor! The people on the outside will save us. I mean, do you really think one man is smarter than the entire world's computer masters?"

"Not our issue at the moment."

Tyler walked forward with Asuna and Sakura. The sight of the Demon intimidating the small man in the leather rogue armor with the bow. Tyler walked forward as the man got in his way.

"Not even you can kill this boss."

"Still gonna at least try."

"I cannot allow you to get that little girl killed."

Sakura squealed as a dart hit her ion the arm.

"Hey! Mean!"

She rubbed her arm as the poison had no effect due to Tyler having put paralysis toads skin in her outfit. It rendered her immune to such tricks. Tyler smiled.

"You good?"

She was really angry now.

"That sonuvabitch shot me!"

She stomped her foot as tyler looked back at the now gibbering in terror man.

"Well now."

He swung his blade and the man screamed as he got shattered. Then the shielders formed a wall around the trio as they readied spears to skewer them. Tyler laughed as he looked to the girls.

"We needed a good warm up. Kill em all."

Tyler, Asuna, and Sakura exploded into motion as the idiots rtried to wall them in. Tyler swung a two handed shot that scythed down the four before him as Asuna's Rapier punched holes straight through the shields of the men surrounding her, shattering them. Sakura had pulled a back flip as she fired a tri-shot bow skill.

"Pink Triforce."

Her friends smiled as the other guild was reduced to pixels. Tyler looked to the girls.

"we good?"

Asuna smiled.

"Yup. Not a scratch."


"idiots. They were just a bunch of idiots. I'm good!"

"Alright. Let's kill that thing! Kirito, Lorg, want in?"

They came over and smiled.

"Thank god you came."

"I knew calling the Demon was the right move."

They went inside to find another group of men waiting. Tyler sighed.

"Typical. They beat the boss and were milking the next floor. Sadly, they didn't know that the boss respawns OUTSIDE the chamber and hunts them down if they don't activate the Hub teleport"

Lorg looked at him.

"That yours?"

"No surprisingly. That was the dev's idea. For once."

The men were horrified by the party's appearance. Tyler, Sakura and Asuna made short work of them and on they went to activate the teleport. Funny enough though, once they activated it, and Tyler set the toll, they got the boss cleared icon, the exp, drops, and droy as if THEY had killed it. Tyler laughed as he explained.

"That's the other piece. The first player to ACTUALLY to do the thing right gets the loot. Encourages fair play and not being a dick."

That got a laugh as Tyler looked around.

"Well, Kirito, lorg, we'll get back to it. I know a gnarly mountain three days that direction."

The samurai and the dude in black waved as Tyler, Asuna and Sakura took off running into the direction he'd pointed in. Tyler in the lead as he knew where he was going, Sakura to his right and Asuna his left. The trio blowing over hills and crossing streams as they dropped any animals they came across. They chatted as they went.

"Hey, Asuna, you said you were a head cheerleader, right?"

The flaming red head laughed as she threw a dart to shatter a rabbit.

"At my old school before I moved. My dad said to try it to see if I'd like it."

Sakura felled a hart with a shot to it as she leapt off a tall boulder.

"I'm surprised your mother didn't play that card."

she smiled as she turned a flip over a log just because it felt good.

"She was in Paris for a few months that year, so my dad was around more."

Tyler smiled as he took a large bear in the chest before moving on.

"was it fun showing off those legs in tights?"

She laughed.

"It was actually. And I know your picturing it."

"Not really. Since, ya know, I know."

She blushed as Sakura giggled.

"wow, she's as red as a tomato."

"Nice to see she's still a prude."

Asuna sighed.


"Whatever. Why'd you quit with the flips?"

"The girls were all SUPER bitchy. Like the nasty kind that likes to just bring others down."

She had a distinct look of disgust as she talked.

"seriously. They were so stuck up. Like one time a new girl joined the squad, she was beautiful, with blonde hair and a larger rack then the other girls. So, they started bullying her to the point she cropped out of school entirely and moved away. Best part? She was the best we had at flips and wheels, plus just as sweet as Sakura."

Tyler sighed as he took out his bow to one shot a brown bear.

"I hate people."

Sakura giggled as she slid under a fallen tree.

"well, we love you. So we're not all bad!"

"Sakura's okay. Asuna? Eh, getting there."

"Oh gee thanks."


"No problem!"

The fiery girl just sighed and ran along with the two siblings. They ran until it started to get dark out and ran some more. The trio could run for a week straight now without feeling tired or out of breath. Tyler having a harsh stance on stamina.

"More you run the longer you can last in a non-stop fight."

Sakura was happily humming as they ran along, more just loving life. Tyler swiped his Ui and put some music on as they ran and Asuna smiled.

"Hey, Gore, I got a thought."

"Should be good. What's eating ya?"

"When we get out, whaddya think it'll look like?"

Tyler tilted his head thoughtfully.

"Well, the survivors will most likely all get lumped together. Like for school, jobs, and general housing. Since some of us have blood on our hands, we can expect counseling, shrinks telling us we're fine and safe, drugs in some cases, and an overhaul to games like this."

Asuna sighed sadly.

"Will there still BE games like this?"

"Oh hell yeah. Seriously, Asuna? Deep dive ain't going anywhere. Most likely things will just get a revamp to NOT kill us. There is just too much money in these things and in the field itself for it to die that easily."

"Well, that's good I guess. You said shrinks telling us we're okay and safe?"

"Yup. We're looking at years in here at least. And we've been fighting for our lives the entire time. US three will be just fine since ya know, US. But some just won't be able to readjust to life outside the game."

Sakura sighed as well.

"It's a shame they don't see just how good we have it in here."

Asuna looked at her a little shocked.

"Care to explain?"

"He can better then me."

"Think about it Asuna. We get to get up when we feel like it, go wherever the fuck we want, do whatever we want. BE whatever we want. Look at us. We all started out with a single weapon, no money, and clothes. Now we got money to spend the rest of our lives in luxury, have the strength to basically dictate anything we want, and look badass to boot. We can have all the wild sex we want and not have to worry about getting sick or a girl pregnant, eat all the junk food we want and not get fat or sick or even throw up, we don't have to pay taxes, go to school, or really listen to anyone else. Those on the outside can't really touch us as we're protected by a law, and they can't force the game to shut down or it'll kill 35000 plus odd people. And no one wants that kind of blood on their hands. We get to go on adventures like raiding dungeons, fighting dragons, exploring places no one has every seen before and look damned good doin it. Death game or no deathgame, this place is a paradise to me."

Asuna sighed as she vaulted a rock.

"But it isn't real. Our strength is not our own, and our adventures fake."

"Hey, Asuna, you just touched that rock right?"

She jumped and nearly fell.

"It dangerous?"

"Did you feel it?"

She was now confused.

"I did."

"Okay. What did it feel like?"

"Like stone. Cold, rough, and hard. What's your point?"

"Okay. So, tell me this: If this isn't real, then why can you feel what that rock felt like?"

She rubbed her head, as a dull headache started to throb.

"Because we're in a video game. A fake reality."

"Oh my poor Asuna. Fake or real. True or false. Who are we to tell which is which? I can feel these rocks, taste this air, feel the warmth of that sun. So, this is my reality."

Sakura giggled.

"I think I get it. Wherever we are, it IS our reality."

"And WE make it real."

Asuna went silent as she thought it over.

In the hospital room, the families watching were rubbing their heads. Asuna's dad was then heard chuckling.

"I know a few philosophy professors that would HATE that kid. In a few sentences he just had us all questioning our reality AND agreeing with him."

Tyler's mother laughed.

"He does that. He LOVES that world. Cause like he said, in there? HE is in charge of his fate. Down to the last second."

Sakura's godmother smiled.

"He is a deep thinker alright."

"With a knack to find the silver lining in nearly anything. Plus, the fact he's right and he knows it helps."

Asuna looked at the back of the boy as he ran.

"So, you're saying that since we're here, this IS reality?"

"More or less. We're alive, so it must be ours."

She rubbed her aching head.

"My head hurts, but I see what you mean. Maybe I just try and enjoy myself some more and worry less."

Sakura giggled.

"Be like Gore! HE NEVER worries! And just goes for it!"

Tyler smiled as they went. Asuna ran a little faster to catch up to the boy in red.

"It seems I need to get out of my head a little more."

He patted her back.

"No biggee. We got a weird curveball thrown at us."

She smiled as they came up on a set of boulders in the ground. Tyler smiled as he stepped up the side of one and was running sideways along the stone before pulling a flip over Asuna's back as she ran, patted her back, and landed to run sideways on the other stone. She clapped a little with Sakura.

"Thank you ladies. See? Try THAT in there!"

She laughed as they picked up their pace.

"Show off. How far we going today?"

"I'd like to be at that river between biomes before we call it."

Sakura squeaked.

"Hey! After this floor, we'll be on new floors altogether!"

Tyler smiled.

"Yup. Floors I have not even seen yet. Which means caution will skyrocket."

Asuna rubbed her Rapier hilt.

"Now I'm nervous."

"Eh. Don't be. It's not till floor 15 we really need to get nervous."

Sakura tilted her head.

"What's up there?"

"The bosses fifteen and up are complete mysteries. Plus, the betas got looks up maps up to floor fifteen. Along with some concept art for some monsters. So, after fifteen, we're fighting blind."

The girls groaned.


"So we'll have to treat every enemy like a one shot kill."

"Yup. But, it's totally worth it. Floor 18 has a sky garden you girls are going to LOSE you FUCKING minds over. Hey, a crystal rose."

Tyler stopped to gather the glass-like flower. The girls blinked in surprise.

"What's that for?"

"Yeah. It's pretty, but it useful?"

Tyler smiled as he added the light pink colored flower to his inventory.

"Just to me it is. I got a project going at the moment."

Asuna tilted her head, curious as to why he'd waste an inventory slot on a mere cosmetic mat.

"Okay. You know best I guess."

Tyler smiled as he took off again.

"No biggee. Just a pet project I've been fiddling with."

The girls just let it go as they continued running. Tyler spotted the river in question and called it.

"We'll camp by that river tonight. It's a good source of trout and crystal eels."

They stopped and followed him to a small well-hidden cave near a bit of forest. The cave looked like a mere crack in the ground, but once you dropped into the thing is opened up into a large chamber with a small sandy beach with access to the river. Tyler chuckled as they walked over and a small white circle appeared.

"This a player sanctuary. Can only be claimed by one party at a time, lasts for two IRL weeks, and while inside it's a safe zone like the town of beginnings. Plus, we are off every radar out there."

Tyler walked to a place out of sight of the main entry point and set the three person tent up.

"We'll stay here a day or two since the crystal eels are very good for mats, food and exp."

He looked over to see Asuna and Sakura looking at a small painting on the wall.

"Hey, Gore what's this?"

Tyler walked over and smiled as he saw the image of a winged creature with a background of flames as it wielded a double bladed sword.

"That's my Player Signature. Like a ID photo. You can make them in the town of beginnings as a means to both mark a spot you've been before in a way only you will understand, a VERY subtle way to pass a message, or mark a favorite spot you visited before or even give a heads up to yourself that something further along wants to make you a hand puppet."

Asuna was impressed.

"I'm surprised they left it here. Don't it seem like cheating?"

tyler smiled as he patted her head.

"Not really. It's kinda like a nod to those that were hear FIRST."

She blushed a little as he patted her head like he did Sakura, but found she liked it too. Sakura had wandered to the edge of the sand and removed her boots to walk on the sand bare foot. She sighed as she felt the sand on her feet.

"This feels sooooo good!"

Tyler smiled and went to lay on the sand beside her.

"This was a favorite place of mine back in the beta. Plus, that alcove? Watch tonight when we go to sleep in it. It'll feel like our hut."

Asuna had also taken off her boots to stand in the sand.

"we should head back sometime."

Sakura laid on the sand and was in full agreement.

"It was nice!"

Tyler just smiled at her.

"Hey, Asuna. Another thing this place has going for it? When you lay on the beach, you don't have to worry about sand in your ass!"

Sakura lost it as Asuna blushed again.

"Um, okay. Good point. I guess."

Tyler smile as he pulled the rod they used for fishing out and, without getting up, flicked the line into the water. The thing was in the water no longer then ten seconds before he pulled on it and ripped a ten foot eel made of a blue stone out of the water and onto his swordtip. The thing shattered and he got 250 exp, 25 Blue Eel scales, 5 eel meat, and an Eel skin. Sakura giggled as she swapped to her two piece to lay her head on her brother's chest.

"That was awesome."

Asuna just shrugged and swapped as well into her bikini and laid down next to Sakura. Tyler smiled as he flicked the line back in, and got another eel.

"That range has some good Moonstone ore we can grab. Plus at the top is a floor miniboss that when killed gives 30,000 exp, 45,000 droy, like 55 perfect white bear pelts that make our bedrolls feel like stone, and maybe 35 meat."

Asuna had her red eyes closed as she replied.

"It hard?"

"6 health bars, high defense, two pattern shifts, and the arena is at the top of the mountain."

Sakura was on her back looking at the ceiling as she played the fightin her mind.

"Weak points?"

"It's a large bear. So, heart shots do triple damage. Is Melee only, but has a roar that can stun is not guarded against. So, if you see it lower it's head, either cover your ears, or get behind cover."

Asuna yawned.

"So just a large bear with a nasty bag of tricks."

"And insanely high defense. It took ME a good three hours alone to kill it."

Sakura was nodding her pink haired head as he talked.

"Well, there's three of us so it shouldn't take that long."

He put his arm around her small waist as he tore out another eel.

"I got ya for a reason Sakura."

She giggled again.

"It's cause you'd starve if you didn't have me!"

"So true. Asuna is just here to look at."



"It was."

Asuna was giving off steam so embarrassed was she at this unexpected attack. Sakura and Tyler high-fived as Asuna recovered enough to reply.

"I am NOT just for looking at! I do stuff too ya know!"

"Oh yeah. I forgot she talks."

Tyler just snorted as Sakura said it this time instead of him. Poor Asuna was now red faced with fury.

"Sakura! Mean!"

The pink haired girl just sighed and rubbed the exposed stomach of the red head in a soothing manner.

"Look, Asuna, you really need to learn to take a complement. See? You got really soft skin."

She was now red faced with embarrassment, and was giggling a little. Sakura looked at the laid out boy.

"I think she's ticklish."

"Seems that way."

Sakura got a wicked grin and started to straight up PET the fiery beauty's belly like a cat, making her squirm and giggle as her weakness was exploited.

"Hahahahahaha! Stop! Ahahahahaha! Sakura please!"

Tyler smiled as he came to Asuna's rescue, by poking Sakura in her sides.

"Eep! Hey!"

Asuna's torture at an end, she now saw her chance for revenge. As Sakura was glaring indignantly at Tyler as he kept flicking out eels and fish, Asuna came up behind her and started teasing her sides, making her squeal. Tyler just smiled as he let the girls play. These two are a lot of fun to be around. Living together just might be fun. He threw the line back out, and was relaxing when he felt it get yanked on. Hard. He was on his feet in an instant as he used his strength to haul on the line.

"Heads up ladies. Got a biggee here."

They dropped their play and readied for trouble as Tyler fought with the line.

"I'll drag it out, be ready."

"Got it."


Sakura had her bow up as Asuna pulled her Rapier. Tyler then threw his entire strength into a vicious yank, dragging a two hundred feet serpent like creature out of the river. It resembled a gigantic oarfish, but with the head of a dragon and the fins of a shark. He growled as he saw it.

"Grand River serpent! Sakura! Asuna! I can't let it go! Do it!"

The two girls flew to the task with winged feet. Sakura firing a glowing arrow into the thing's eye.

"Pink Piercer."

She was still in her two piece, but still said the word 'pink', as Asuna dove to an attack with her own sword.

"Dancing Pierce!"

She stabbed it no fewer then fifteen times, and it shattered. Tyler sighed as he got the loot window.

"That was a Grand River Serpent?"

Asuna sheathed her Rapier on her hip, even though she was still in her flaming bikini. Tyler smiled.

"Yeah. Things are extremely rare. Like, I think the numbers were a random spawn in one out of every 3,000,000 eels caught on a floor. We each got 25,000 exp, a skin, teeth, thing's scales, and it's meat. Asuna, Sakura, that meat is YOUR to handle."

The two girls looked at each other.

"It good?"

"S-class good."

Their eyes lit up like lights.

"Oh my god. Seriously?"

"What she said?"

He pulled it up and they looked. Sure enough, Grand Serpent meat was an S-class ingredient. Meaning the very best. They looked at each other and nodded.

"We got our dinner for the next holiday."

Tyler pulled a calendar up on his UI.

"Next one is…..Halloween."

Asuna tilted her head.

"Any chance we can save it for christmas?"

Tyler smiled.

"I don't see why not. It won't go bad in our inventory. Plus, knowing us? We'll get MORE S-class food."

Sakura was twirling on her toes as she daydreamed.

"I love the winter. Plus christmas."

Tyler smiled as he flicked the line back into the water to keep fishing.

"We'll get cold soon enough."

She squealed happily as he laid back down and her retake her spot on his chest. Asuna also laid back down beside the smaller girl.

"So you know, I got a birthday coming up."

They looked at her.

"That right?"

"How old are you again?"

Sakura smiled.

"14! My birthday is in December!"

Tyler and Asuna smiled.

"I think we can handle holding the meat."

"we kinda have to now."

The pink haired girl giggled as the two talked. Tyler was stroking Sakura's small back as the trio relaxed. Then Asuna blinked.

"Hey, we got like four Mirrors of that nightmare thing right?"

Tyler looked at her.

"Yeah. We have five total now."

She rolled onto her side to look at him.

"What are we gonna do with them?"

He became thoughtful.

"Not really sure. We don't really have a use for them, but if we sell them it could cause a mass search for them."

Asuna was drawing in the sand with a finger.

"Can I use one?"

He and Sakura looked at her.


"What he said."

Asuna smiled darkly.

"I want to make an arrangement."

Tyler and Sakura looked at each other.

"Okay. I'll make a rule for them. If a mirror is used we ALL sit in for the meeting. And I hold them in my inventory."

Asuna and Sakura nodded.

"We agree."

"Let's move into the tent."

The trio walked inside the three person tent he'd made from dragon scales dyed brown. Tyler took his spot against the pole with Sakura sitting in his lap as Asuna activated the mirror. Then she sat down next to him as the mirror rippled like when someone tosses a rock into a still pond. Then they got the view of the hospital room with their bodies and their families. They were all asleep and Tyler smiled.

"HEY! PULL YOUR PANTS UP! No one wants to see that!"

The room fell out of chairs and the lights were thrown on as they looked to the beds. Tyler and Sakura sighed.

"Hello idiots. The screen?"

"Twice. They've done this. Twice."

The room then looked to the screen and took seats as Tyler's mother glared at him.

"Thanks for the heart attack."

"Sure. You needed the exercise."

"She did."

The woman just sighed as Asuna's dad took the center.

"Hello sweetie. How have you been?"

Asuna smiled and stood up, letting her bikini get seen in full.

"Having fun. Like it?"

The women in the room were now openly jealous as her father just whistled in appreciation of his daughter's beauty.

"You look beautiful, Asuna. I had no idea the devs had such great taste."

Asuna and Sakura burst out laughing at that one. And the room was extremely confused. Then Asuna looked her father in the eye.

"GORE made this for me. By hand."

Sakura got to a chorus of aw's.

"Mine too!"

The flame headed man just sat back in his chair as he looked at Tyler.

"What else has he made you?"

Asuna switched into her battle gear, and she got a lot of oh's and aws.

"The entire outfit."

Sakura went Cutie in Pink and the room was having a hard time breathing from the cute.

"Mine too!"

Asuna's dad looked at Tyler now.

"You have a talent."

"Nah. Just a hobby. Oh. What the hell's your name again?"

The man blinked and chuckled.

"Oh, I forgot. My name is Arthur."

"Arthur. Okay. Yeah, I made their gear for them."

Arthur sighed.

"Shiro would be infuriated by those designs. They are easily ten times better then her own. And she went to school for it."

"Imagine how pissed she'd be if she saw what I can do when serious."

Asuna took the lead now.

"Daddy. I have a request."

The man looked at his daughter.

"Okay. What is it?"

"When Gore has what he needs-"

"Wants. Asuna. For a true masterpiece, it's WANT."

"When Gore has what he wants I want mother to sit in and WATCH what he makes. In real time."

The room was silent. For ten minutes. Before Arthur sighed.

"The reason for this move?"

Asuna leaned back to rest her back against Tyler's arm.

"To make a point. Gore here is BETTER at her job then she is. He is the better person period. Plus, I want to make it clear I am NOT her living mannequin NOR do I see her as my mother again."

Tyler gave her a subtle back pat the watchers didn't see. Then the man sighed.

"You've become far stronger, Asuna. Very well. Goreleech."

"I do not have a time frame I can give you at this time. We just barely got to the floor, and as such need a breather."

"Fair but not what I was going to say."

"Oh this oughta be good."

"Those mirrors? You were right, they ARE an integral part of SaS. And cannot be removed. Nor can the drop rates be influenced in any way."

"I sincerely hope you idiots have a plan."

"We do. Once they become widespread, there is a noninterference law that will take effect. In other words, we cannot influence the ingame actions of the players."

"It is going to be pure nightmare fuel for the players and their families."

"It is indeed. Wanna know something fucked up?"

"We're TV stars?"

The two girls looked at him with looks of abject horror. Arthur sighed.

"YOU three and your small group of friends are NOT. THEY ARE. The countries had the brilliant idea to make the feeds a 24/hr live stream broadcast. Like Netflix or Hulu. Every person on the planet gets access to the service for free, and can pick the eyes of any of the surviving players to watch their lives through. The companies running it have approached us several times now with hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments to allow your streams to be viewed, but we've shut them down."

Tyler just rubbed his eyes.

"And the porn?"

"Sadly, they didn't take that into account. OR the hourly rape. They can't discontinue the service either for fear of lawsuits."

"Jesus christ you people are stupid. Any reason in particular they want US so damned badly?"

Arthur sighed again.

"They want YOUR stream Goreleech. Not the girls. YOURS. From what the rep told me, and the reviews of the viewers, the Demon as you're known as ingame, you are the biggest celebrity in the game world. From what he said to us, your fights are the most fun, your adventures most thrilling, and your lessons inspiring. All these rave reviews are from the few times you go to town. Every time you set foot in town, views spike and ratings soar."

"Yeah. Great. Security?"

"Stun guns, riot shields, and a hidden location."

"Uh-huh. Not good enough. Rifles. Body armor. Shoot to kill authority. And shotguns loaded with dragon's breath rounds. You try you die."

Arthur just looked at him.

"As dangerous as it is for me to say this. I can't do that."

"daddy. Either you do, or you will NEVER be a part of my life again."

"Sweetie, please, out here, we're powerless."

"I'll sell those mirrors then. Or, I'll have Gore do it. And goodbye."

She reached for the button to kill the feed and Arthur just hung his head.


She stopped moving, but did not remover her finger.


"I'll do it. But, only within the hospital."

Tyler sighed.

"Not good enough. But. Asuna. I will leave this killswitch in your hands."

She looked at him.

"Are you sure?"

"I am. You care more about the people in that room then we do."

Asuna looked at the room and to her father. She then sat back to think it over as Sakura just sat in Tyler's lap like a cat, and he just hug her tightly. Arthur just sighed sadly as the minutes ticked by.

"Look. Gore is right about this world. And us. And just people as a whole. I am also a slave to this truth, and can't really fight it."

Asuna looked at him.

"Can't, or won't?"

He looked at her.

"Can't. If I push them too much, they'll just pull your plugs."

"Then we'd be truly free. So, in that situation, we'd win."

"You've become both strong and dark. Look, can't we compromise? Please?"

"No. Goreleech NEVER compromises on our safety. Why should you?"

He blinked.

"You've a point. A very spinnable point."

Tyler just sighed.

"I hate people like you, Arthur. You have power, but are afraid to step up and use for fear of offending someone. You were so wrapped up in trying to get OUT of it you didn't even stop to CONSIDER if it was even POSSIBLE to do it. WE had to give you an excuse for you to justify the safety and well being of your own daughter to people that would say no. This point, are you truly a father?"

Arthur glared at him now.

"Okay, kid, in that game world you rule the world. OUTSIDE it, there are rules, regulations, and consequences for actions. I can't just kill people that look at me wrong and walk away like you do."

"Hold up. I didn't say a word about killing. All I said was PROTECTING. I kill people that is true. But. And this is my whole point. My very NAME is enough to keep most at bay. Those that ignore that warning die. It's the old adage: I'm not scared of anyone that is stopped by a locked door."

Arthur was still angry.

"I see the wisdom there. But I have to justify it to those above me."

"Again. Are you her father? For if you were, and ANYTHING tried to lay a finger on your little girl, then the consequences would mean nothing in the face of protecting the one that needs it the most."

The two men were looking at each other with intense stares. Arthur angrily glaring into Tyler's calmly bored expression. Then a laugh was heard, and they looked to see his mother laughing.

"Arthur he's got you beat here. His point, is if it's to protect her, then the question becomes what you NOT going to do? Look at him. He's killed what? Thirty people for her and that cutie? He's willing to stain his hands in the blood of others just to give them a quiet nights sleep. What are YOU willing to do?"

Arthur clenched his fists now.

"I see his point now."

Then he just slumped and looked at Tyler.

"You are a far better man then I am. And a far better father to Asuna. Now. I am ashamed I need a mere boy of 16 to tell me this, but how do I set this up?"

"Have the gunners in plain sight, and make it VERY clear they are to protect the bodies of your daughter and her friends. Anyone has an issue, say you don't have faith in the hospital security and use Rick getting into the room as an example."

Arthur smiled ruefully.

"You had a plan from the start."

"He always does."

"It's why we're still here."

"Okay. I can work with this. I will MAKE it happen."

"Well, it's all temporary really. Once I get out I'll do the job better myself anyway."

Arthur chuckled.

"Scary thing is you're not wrong. The bill says that any survivors that make it out get more…lax rules for their lives. I wouldn't recommend going to a mall with a machinegun, but you'd get a slap on the wrist for oh say, an 'accidental' death."

"Accidents I can work with. Be amazed what can happen with a badly positioned knife and a open heart with a nasty trip."

"Nasty. Okay. I'll get the guards in place."

"You said they were live streaming us. Right?"

He looked at him.

"They are."

"How widespread is it?"

"Like a non-stop football game with religiously devoted fans."

"How bad is the fanbase?"

"I understand you're an Otaku right?"

"oh fuck."

"Yeah. Are you familiar with the anime title Darling in the Franxx?"

Tyler just groaned.

"Oh fuck me."

"That fanbase meets My hero Academia plus the bad sides of Naruto, Fairytail and added to the toxic side of Highschool DXD."

"Wow, Arthur. I'm impressed."

"Asuna is a closet-"

"Shut up."

"Yes sweetie."

"I see my next task. But the fans are THAT toxic?"

"And rabid. Yeah, they have to have military outside hospitals."

"And you don't because….?"

"we OWN this hospital."

"And it is located?"

Asuna smiled.

"Inside our family compound near Mt Fuji."

"Oh, so shoot to kill is easy. Just man the damned wall."

Arthur blinked.

"I'm a diplomat. Not exactly easy to suddenly convince the SDF to deploy."

"Just hire some Yakuza. I had a friend in the group."

Asuna and the others all looked at him.

"Soo, you're a Yakuza?"

Tyler laughed.

"Nah. Yuta was. Guy is the son of some big shot, and I worked in his family's restaurant for a while. If Arthur had just agreed to the security instead of fighting it, I'd have given him the guy's number and a passcode for a favor. Dude owes me a favor for the time I found that his father's office got bugged by a rival family while I was cleaning once. His father told me if I ever needed a favor to call. I told him if the need ever arose I would."

Arthur just slumped into his chair in defeat.

"You even had a plan for the security. This father have a name?"

"Kakashi Yutama."

Arthur and the natives went bone white at the name. Even Sakura was now white as a bone. Tyler looked at his little sister.

"What? Seen a ghost?"

"He's the head of the White Dragon claws. The most dangerous yakuza family in japan."

Arthur took the thread now.

"They have such a stranglehold on the criminal underground that nothing enters this country without them knowing of it. And you're owed a favor?"

"I am. If I give you the code and number, it will prove you've been in contact with me, and that you are to be trusted with the life of his son."

Arthur blinked.

"If you hold THAT level of influence in the underworld, then Asuna is truly in safe hands. Okay, what is the number and the code?"

Tyler used a piece of paper and held it up with the number. Arthur had a thought.

"We can do a facetime with it, so you can talk face to face more or less."

"That might work better. Eh fuck it, all it will take is him to answer."

the room went dead silent, and Tyler looked at the remaining time on the mirror. 45 minutes. He smiled as Arthur put the number into his phone and held the facetime feature to the screen. It only rang once.

"Who are you and how do you have this number?"

"Yuta needs to grow a fucking spine ya lousy ten cent hood!"

The room went bone white as Tyler yelled the words to the man in the suit. There was a moment of silence before the man burst out laughing as he saw the boy on the screen.

"Tyler me boy! Looks like you went and got yourself into a fine mess this time!"

"Mess? Fuck you old man I'm loving life in this thing! Hey, Yuta dive?"

"He did."

"He bit it already?"

The man sighed.

"Sadly he did. A little while back he fell in with a bad group. He said they were the strongest and his best chance to survive. I advised him against it, saying he'd run afoul of this Demon I've hearing so much about. Well, he didn't listen. He and two others were dispatched to meet with this Demon and intimidate him into leaving them to their work. It backfired. The boy cut him to pieces as a warning I myself have used countless times in the past."

"You get a good look at his gear?"

"I did. And I must say I LOVE his style. He wore a bright red jacket that hung to his ankles, denim jeans, red spiked boots, a white shirt and red gloves."

"You mean like this?"

Tyler stood up and donned his war gear in full view of the camera. The man went silent as he took in his intimidating sight. Then he looked at Tyler with an intense glare as he sat back down.

"Are YOU this Demon I have been hearing of?"

"I am."

"Did you kill those three sent to you?"

"Was their guild Laughing Coffin?"

"And they threw a card at you."

"Then yes I killed them."

"Last question. Did you know my son was a part of the trio?"

"No, Kakashi. I did not. I just killed them without asking names or giving my own."

The man sighed and sat back.

"I know you're not a liar. Plus, if Yuta had KNOWN it was YOU they were going after he'd have run from them as fast as he could. He knows what you're capable of better then most."

"He had a wand of jelly for a spine, but he was a good kid."

"He was."

"Only thing he really needed was time. Time, and the right push."

The two men sighed as they held a moment of silence for a fallen friend. Then Kakashi got to business.

"Yuta's been laid to rest. So, why did you seek me out?"

"Are you aware of the live streaming of our lives?"

"I am. I am also aware of your taking of those two girls under your shadow. And you sonuvabitch. That red head is gorgeous. You BETTER take damn good care of a catch like that, or I'll beat yer ass myself. Oh, and ya better let me meet that Cutie in Pink."

"Eh, her call. Asuna though? You DO remember who you are dealing with, right?"

He laughed.

"Oh right I forgot. We're talking about the boy that thought getting my daughter a new fur coat was a good idea for a gift on a first date."

"hey, she loved it right?"

"She did. Okay, Tyler."

"Don't tell me she dived?"

He sighed.

"Please. Tyler? Find her."

"Give me her tag, and fifteen minutes."

"Her tag?"

"Gamer tag."

"Okay, let me make a phone call."

"Sir, if you would, my battery is dying."

"This is?"

"That red head's father. Look, Kakashi, I promise you I WILL find Yuka."

"Her tag is Grimoire Rose."

"Damn Yuka, that's friggin metal. Grimoire Rose. Fifteen minutes on the clock."

Tyler pulled the messenger up.

"Gabol I need a player located. She is a personal friend to the Demon. Reward is 250m Droy. Name is Grimoire Rose."

Tyler hit send and looked at the man as he spoke to Arthur.

"Sir, I will be at your hospital myself. Plus when Tyler finds my daughter, I will have her placed in your care."

"it would be an honor to host your family sir."

"Ha. Honor my ass. If Tyler is there then even if he's a vegetable still no place safer. Now, I understand he had a request?"

"The message was sent out, Kakashi. I will find her if she still lives."

"She does still live. But, she used the single e-mail to prevent anyone from viewing her stream."

"I taught her well."

"You did indeed. Why DID you two break up again?"

Tyler smiled as he crossed his arms.

"She said she wanted to be with another."

"That's it? That was the only reason?"

"It was the only one I needed. She was with me because she WANTED to be with me. Once that was gone I wasn't going to force her to stay there."

"Yet you still loomed up behind her."

"Like I told Sakura here. I got her back. Same with the red headed spitfire looking at me with a mixture of fear and awe. You ever need Demon support you know where to find me."

That got a fond chuckle.

"You are a fine man, Tyler. Now, I'd like to discuss something with Arthur here, and you too at some point. How long does the current mirror have left?"

"about maybe….half an hour."

"I see. How often do these drop?"

"Nice gamer speech. We got what? Four more?"

The room and the man was silent. Then Kakashi burst out laughing.

"Of course you do. I am aware of just how difficult they are to obtain. And here you got four? Typical. Okay. So, in the even it cuts off before we've finished our discussion, I'd request you use another."

"Of course. We're sitting on one for a future point we need to make, so we got two to play with."

"I appreciate it. I should be at their compound in five minutes, as I'm sure the sir's arm is getting tired."

"Dude needs to work out more. His daughter's got more muscle mass an he does."

"For the sake of your face, Tyler, I will take that as a complement."

Tyler smiled at her.

"It was Asuna. For once."


He laughed as the yakuza boss chuckled.

"She's a fierce one."

"Half the freakin reason I like her so fuckin much is that fire. She sometimes even intimidates ME."

The door to the hospital room opened and the slender man in the black suit walked in. Arthur hung the phone up to greet the man with a bow, before letting the man take his seat. The man looked at the two girls laid out and shook his head as he looked into the screen.

"Lucky bastard."

"What up ya old fuck? Jealous I got a cutie and a hottie and ya got nothin but yer hand?"

"Fuck you ya arrogant wanna be Hue heffner."

"Must suck to have to pay a mirror to reflect that thing ye call a face."

"Still an infuriating prick."

Tyler smiled as he hugged Sakura.

"Eh. It's a passion."

Sakura dipped her head shyly to the man.

"Nice to meet you sir. I'm Sakura, Tyler's little sister."

The man's brown eyes softened as he saw her.

"Nice to meet you too, Miss. You got yourself a great brother there."

She became indignant now.

"Great? Old bastard he's the BEST!"

That made him burst out laughing.

"Yer teaching her right."

Tyler just hugged her the tighter.

"Someone's gotta."

Asuna now took her turn to bow.

"A pleasure sir. I am Asuna Argento."

"Yeesh, the polite proper young lady bit does not do you justice miss. I much prefer the fiery warrior that can intimidate that stone hearted boy."

Tyler patted her fondly on the back.

"She's got real fire. That hair's now just for looks."

Asuna blushed as she sat down, not used to him flattering her. Then he became serious.

"You said a discussion, Kakashi."

The man smiled.

"I was wondering, if the lady there finds this agreeable, that you be named my new heir apparent and son."

Tyler's hands fell off Sakura's head at this bombshell. The entire room was silent except for the now rapid beeps of the heart monitors. Then Sakura squealed.

"Big brother's awesome!"

Tyler jumped as his shattered mind began to work again.

"I'm sorry, Kakashi, but could you repeat that one?"

The man chuckled.

"didn't see that one coming did ya? I want to adopt you into the family. Been wanting to for about a year now. Yuta loved the idea, and Yuka did too. Though, knowing her? She just wanted you close to jump you."

"No comment."

"Smart lad. I know by the way."

"No comment."

"She taught you well."


"Now, the reasons for this are very simple: Yuta thought of you like a brother already. And that was before you saved his life from that attempted mugging gone wrong. Plus, well, I've thought of you like a son as well. So, since Yuta is gone now, killed by your hands no less, which I don't blame you for."

"He joined a murder guild."

"Is THAT what they are? I tried asking him but he refused to tell me."

Tyler sighed.

"Laughing Coffin. They're a guild of assassins."

Kakashi sighed deeply.

"I see my misgivings were justified. It was only a matter of time before he got sent after the wrong target."

"Murder is a very harsh business."

"It is indeed. How many have fallen to you?"

"Last count? Thirty."

"And you still sleep sound no doubt."

Tyler shrugged.

"I do what needs to be done. Should watch the footage."

"Oh I fully intend to. So, my intent is to bring you into my family as the next head."

Tyler crossed his arms as he considered it.

"I have no objections, Kakashi. In fact I rather like the thought. But, what of Sakura and Asuna?"

"The lady Asuna will live with you. Me and her father will discuss a merger of sorts. As for the Cutie? I understand her immediate family died."

"They made her cry, sot he Demon looked at them."

"Nice line. Well, if her god parents also find it agreeable we would welcome her as well."

Sakura's gasp of shock put smiles on ALL their faces before her godparents spoke now.

"No disrespect, sir, but does your family have dealings outside the law?"

Kakashi smiled.

"That side of the family would not touch Sakura's hands. That is Tyler's home. Boy thrives in it. She would instead be pampered with a life of luxury."

"Yaay! More spoiling!"

Sakura's cute squeal made them all laugh as Tyler sighed.

"Did I say three days? We leave once we get the update."

"Ahh! Boo."

"What was that?"

"yes Tyler."

"Better. We need to get back to work soon."

"I'm sorry. We'll still be together right?"

"There it is, Sakura. Getting gifts and easy living is NOT to be taken for granted right?"

She smiled as she hugged her brother.

"right. If it goes to our heads, then we lose sight of what truly matters."

"And what happens then?"

"Then we truly die. And it's when it crumbles out from under us."

He hugged her tightly as the man nodded sagely.

"You've been teaching her your lessons I see."

Sakura sat down now with a happy smile as Arthur shook his head.

"Now I feel insignificant as a man AND a father."

Kakashi chuckled fondly again.

"He does that to you. Tyler has his own code. You either meet it or he'll find someone that does. AFTER reaming you with it."

Tyler smiled as Sakura's god mother spoke.

"If Sakura wants to join the family, we have no objection, sir."

They looked to the cutie and she squeaked.

"Will me and Tyler still be together?"

"He'd have duties and responsibilities to see to, but yes Sakura, you would."

She breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'll join."

Tyler patted her pink hair and getting a happy glow for his effort before looking to his mother.


She just shook her head.

"In the span of four years he went and became a trusted friend to a yakuza mob boss. And the scary thing? It fits him WAAAY too damn well. Alright, Tyler. I'll handle it on my end."

Kakashi smiled.

"You'll be set, never you worry, Ma'am."

"There's the bribe I was waiting for."

"Fuck you."

"Fuck you."

"Wow. Nice sync up."

Kakashi sighed.

"Okay. As my heir, well, I trust Yuta told you everything?"

"More or less. Just look scary, help out with issues you are too busy to see to yourself, and don't do anything stupid."

"In a nutshell."

"Very well, Kakashi. I accept the offer. As long as Sakura and Asuna are protected when I myself am not there."

That got a smirk.

"YOU have forgotten you you're dealing with."

"Oh right I forgot. You want like two hundred armed guards stalking me and Yuka's date."

"And they all got spotted in the first ten minutes."

"There's not a soul that can sneak up on me."


Tyler was thinking when he got an icon.

"hey. Got a message."

Tyler opened it to the update from Gabol.

"Found your girl Gore. She's in it bad. She's on floor seven as a runner for that guild the Band Of Swords. Word is she owes them a debt for something and they're making her work it off. She's a feisty one though and is proving to be quite the handful. Town's name is Dracul. You're looking for the bar called Fell tooth. Place is a town but NOT a safe zone so be warned. Oh, and keep the money. Just bring Sakura down to Briyack. I got something she'll love."

Tyler sighed.

"Suit up. We got a town to burn."

Kakashi sighed as well.

"How bad is it?"

"Not exactly sure. She's in deep to a local guild on floor seven. I guess she owes them money or something and they're making her work it off."

Tyler stood and put his gear on and pulled the cloak out as the two girls geared up as well.

"We'll get her back. Any issues, well, watch."

"What do you need?"

"Armed security around that compound. We already had ONE pedo fuck get close enough to touch Sakura. I trust this won't happen again?"

Kakashi smiled darkly.

"Boy, Yuka is being brought here. What do you think?"



That got a laugh.

"Enjoy the show."

The feed died and Kakashi chuckled fondly as Tyler's mother turned on him.

"Okay. How the hell did my son go from mere transfer student to adopted son of a high level yakuza boss?"