The World of Guns: The Battle for Tragonia




CASH: 3,145,750

Tyler and Rey slept for a solid 24 hours and woke with a groan. The taller boy sat up with cracking bones and joints and looked to see where Rey was. Only to find his beautiful companion asleep on her side curled into a soft ball and her hand in his. Her golden mane draped across her slender frame like a shield and her sleeping face had a smile on it as he stroked her soft tresses.

"Good morning, Tyler."

She opened her pink eyed with a warm smile and he smiled at her.

"Good morning, Marrisa. You look beautiful first thing in the morning."

she snuggled against him some more.

"Stay in bed day?"

"I want to. But sadly we have some work to do."

"Boo. Please?"

She threw her puppydog eyes on and he found the sight both ADORABLE and incredibly sexy. And he sighed in defeat.

"FINE. Sexy, seductive MINX that you are."

"Yay! Day long cuddle!"

He laid back down and she got RIGHT up against him and he wrapped an arm around her with an exasperated smile.

"Don't expect me to fold like dead bark like that every time."

She smiled sweetly.

"every OTHER. Gotchya."

He looked at her strangely.

"I think I might be a bad influence on you."

She smiled and rested her head on his chest.


"Ugh. Whatever Golden Widow."

"Still love it!"

"Yeah, yeah."

Selena was laughing hard at the idyllic scene in the hospital room.

"Oh she has got you WRAPPED around her finger. Good kids."

She looked at the screen where Tyler and Rey were asleep on the bed. Rey having laid on his chest and was holding him like a teddy bear. The captain smiled fondly at the scene.

"She's latched onto him like a teddy bear. And it is SOOOO cute! I am rubbing it in his face when they come to."

Tyler woke a few hours later and saw Rey asleep on his chest and he smiled at her. She having curled into his body with her arms around his chest like a teddy bear. She's really cute like that. Awake shes an adorably sexy firecracker. Asleep she's a cuddly teddy. He rubbed her back softly and she smiled.

"That feels nice."

"How you feelin Rey?"

She yawned hard and sat up.

"Better now. You?"


He sat up and the sheer number of pops, cracks, and snaps made her eyes go wide.


"More comfy I get the more I settle."


She cracked her back and her rack flopped in an appealing way.

"I know. I'm hot."

"Seductive too."

"I'm good at it."

"Plenty of practice or just a natural?"

She glared at him with a smirk.

"Bit a both."

"So you're a naturally sexy blonde. Good. They're the MOST fun."

"So true."

The pair geared up and she looked at him.

"So what now? We took Tragonia."

"NOW we rearm and resupply. Upgrades too. Then we see about lesser mission in the region. The other players will flock to this place now for a change in scenery and when the attack comes it'll be chaos."

"I still want my Monowing."

"We'll raid an airfield than. We can go in guns blazing now since we took Tragonia."

The pair left their room and she smiled.

"Will we get to keep the room?"

"Yup. Since we're the battle's heroes we can keep it. If we WANTED to we could sleep on our train."

"You have two."

"I'll sell the other train to them and Black Death will be our mainstay train. Next time I thing we'll do an aerial assault."

"Be different."

The pair moved along the crowded streets as soldiers and civilians rushed to repair damage and search for hurt. Tyler led the way to a large courtyard set between some brick buildings and the commander smirked as they approached.

"I was beginning to think you died. You know what to do."

Tyler went to the board and smiled.

"Got one. 4 stars. Airfield not too far from here. 75k."

"That's it?"

"we cut them off from the front. Now it's just securing the homefront."


The commander smirked as they took it.

"Light detail. Good."

They headed out and Tyler smiled as they walked out of the city.

"This field will most likely have a Monowing since they're uncommon and this one was the last on the trench board."

Rey smiled as she walked.

"When will the first counterattack come?"

"Day after tomorrow?"

"Huh. And the players?"

"Will mostly be in the city by the end of today. You can't fast travel back to a city once you fast travel from it so once they get here they're stuck here for 24 full hours."

"Makes sense."

Selena called and Tyler smiled.

"Looks like I outrank you now."

The blonde captain was in sweats and a tube top.


Rey smirked.


"Ooooh I hate you, SISTER."

"Ha. I got a snuggle bear badass. Whatchya got?"

Tyler smirked as Selena was seen to go purple with rage.

"So. Besides vicariously enjoying romantic crap, what's up?"

"I hate you. And the battle was broadcast. Live."

"The verdict?"

She sighed.

"The ruling is to try a hands off approach for now since you handled the battle without any seeable effort. The military experts are PLEADING with them to do something before a massacre takes place, because they know a counterattack is coming an all."

"it is."

She nodded.


"Day after tomorrow at the latest. And it'll be a full-scale invasion too. WE will be in the sky this time so."

He shrugged ad the blonde bit her lip.


"It's too late, Selena. How many players are in the city?"

"Thousands and the number is sky rocketing. EVERY player not already fighting on their own lines will be inside the city in a few hours."

"And they'll be stuck there fr the next 24 hours since fast travel works like that. Rey. We'll get you your plane and do some long range missions."

"Sure. I like flying."

He smiled at that and looked at the resigned Selena.

"THEY refused to make a decision. Now we FORCE them to."

"I understand. Believe me I do. The devs were vocal again an d they lowered the number of alive from 500k to two. They said they want to test something."

"They're testing to see if people are worth anything."

She nodded.

"That was my thought. This massacre is going to be one of the largest in history. Tyler? Choose wisely."

He looked at her.

"I already made my choice the second I agreed to the battle."

"I see. I look forward to seeing how you sleep going forward."

The call ended and Rey shrugged.

"In TWOG you have to step up."

"exactly. And there's the airfield."

The strip was situated by a small mountain and he smirked at the planes on offer.

"I see your Monowing, Rey."

"And it's jet black too. Seems fitting."

The field was guarded by a paltry force of 150 men. Tyler walked into view firing his BAR at any he saw while Rey did the same with her Lewis. The troops fell quickly enough and Rey was quick to claim the pamphlet to the black monowing. And she did so all smiles while Tyler looted the base. The act yielding a mere 44k. They returned to the city and he commander smirked.

"Good. Keep at it. 100k."

The pair then headed to the landing strip outside the city. There they found their planes and tanks being worked on by crews. The flight controller came over and Rey looked at her plane.

"Mirror upgrades to his please. Minus the rear gunner."

"Yes Ma'am. 550k."

Tyler paid for her and she smiled.


"We'll take a simple one for you to get the hang of being in the controls."

HSe hugged him as her plane got the same emblem on the side.

"Callsign is Razgriz 2."

"Atta girl."

The work completed Tyler took a job for destroying an enemy convoy going to reclaim a depot. He loaded into his bloodred fighter and Rey into her jet black bird. Since he was flight lead, Tyler taxied first.

"Tyler, you hear me?"

"Loud and clear, Rey. I kinda miss having you in my gunner's seat."

"Yeah. I miss it too. I think this'll be a novelty."

"All planes cleared for takeoff."

Tyler led the way into the sky and Rey was loving it.

"This is AWESOME!"

"I like it for a reason, Rey. Watch yourself."

The blonde's hair was seen streaming inside her cockpit but she did handle her plane with ease as they took a loose formation. Selena appeared on screen and smirked.


"If you want in, Selena, you know what to do."

She smirked thinner.

"I am seriously considering it. But for now enjoy."

The screen died and Rey chuckled.

"I saw. Looks like we might have a three plane formation."

"Which means we can break out the bomber for heavier runs."

"Awesome. Look. There they are."

A line of ten vehicles were moving across the grassland at a steady pace and Tyler smiled.

"Go trail and follow with guns. I'll launch rockets."

"Got it."

They dove in sync and Tyler lead with a line of rockets that blew most of the vehicles clean over while Rey mopped up with her guns. They soared high into the sky and he chuckled at the single pass win.

"Nice one Rey."

"I wasn't JUST standing there!"

He chuckled as a mass of dots appeared on the horizon.

"Looks like we're getting jumped. Watch yourself."

"You too."

The flew at the incoming squadron of ten planes. Tyler smirked as he pulled a barrel roll around their incoming fire and scored a direct hit in a cockpit while Rey did the same. The pair split off and the red plane was chasing his own bogey with Rey shooting her own down.

"I'm at two!"

"Wanna make this interesting?"

"winner gets to demand ONE thing of the loser."

"regardless of what it is. Deal."



The soldier threw his stick forward and it lurched forward as he lit the cockpit of his prey up before flipping a wing to pelt another in the engine.

"That's three for me, rey!"

"dammed Ace. There! Three!"

there were four planes left in the sky and tyler smirked as two biplanes dove at him and he fired a single rocket. The round was hit and the blast hit their engines and they to exploded.


"That was BULLSHIT."

"Git gud."

"I hate you right now."

He dove at the last plane for the win and Rey shot hers down as he lit him up.

"6 to 4, Rey. Looks like I gotta come up with a goodie!"


The soldier chuckled at her disappointment.

"Always next time."

"Yeah. I guess. So what's the stip?"

"We'll land an I'll tell ya."


They regrouped and flew back to base. The pair landed without incident and Rey smiled as she hopped out of her plane.

"Handles like a dream up there. Kinda scary."

He chuckled as they got their 10k reward as Rey bit her lip anxiously and he smiled.

"YOUR demand is you go on a date with me."

"I'd love to!"

And she was all smiles and glow at the demand. He chuckled and the blonde hugged him.

"Wanna be my girlfriend, Rey?"

"fuck YEAH I do!"

"Alright. Moving up in the world."

"Nope. YOU are NOT gonna ruin this for me!"

He just patted the happy blonde.

"Stay sexy, Rey."

"I will!"

"Oh hey Rey."

She slumped as brock's voice was heard and the pair looked to see the sandy haired boy walking over with his remaining squad members. The guy smiled warmly.

"I hoped you'd be here. Wanna go out on a date sometime-"

"I got a boyfriend. So no."

She snuggled under Tyler's arm now and Brock's eyebrow twitched.

"Aw come on now, Rey bae, we've been together for a week. Why'd ya go with THAT guy?"

"He;s strong, kind, ACTUALLY a player, a badass, HANDSOME, sweet, geninue, I can go on if you want."

Brock's hand clenched and Tyler shrugged as he looked at Rey.

"Let's go check on Black Death. I bet she leveled in that fight."

"Most likely. MY suggestion is the steam's efficiency."

"Yeah. Trains I know enough about mechanically to have an idea on where to go with it."

The pair walked away talking like that. Rey under Tyler's arm and smiling wider then she ever did in Brock's company. The sandy haired guy was glaring daggers at the back of Tyler's head and shaking as his Dreamgirl utterly ignored him.

"So the sleeping car?"

"Whatchya thinking, rey?"

She smiled.

"We can put a shower in there, right?"

"I don't see why not since it IS supposed to be a luxury car. YOU just want me to do you hair again."

She smiled sweetly.

"And more!"

"Ha. Blonde fourway?"

"Blonde fourway. I AM still bi!"

"I gots me a sexy girlfriend. I love it."

"Ahem. The sexiest girlfriend."

He tilted his head now and started counting on his fingers.

"Blonde hair, check, blue eyes, eh over rated. Cheerleader, check, stripper, check, hot, CHECK, weeb, CHECK, smart…..SEMICHECK,"

"fuck you."

"Later. Sex addict….check. Yup. Perfect girlfriend."

She just slumped.

"I thought you'd go somewhere else with that."

"You're NO stereotype, Rey. And as for marriage? Well. I've never seen it work."

The blonde smiled at that.


"every time."

There was a click and Tyler spun around, had his gun up, and the trigger pulled in a SPLIT second. REY did too and Brock dropped screaming with bullets in his shoulder and knee as the P08 he'd aimed at Tyler dropped. The pair just looked at each other and walked away as the obsessed idiot writhed. A group fo NPC MPs came over and tyler waved them off.

"He's jealous a me girlfriend."

The men laughed and Brock was dragged away to the medical bay ranting. Rey sighed.


"eh we'll be fine. Your reflexes are nearly on par with mine."

"Yeah. Just one more thing to worry about."

"Not even."

He hled her close and kissed her hair, making her smile with a slight blush.

"That felt good."

So he did it again and the happy girlfriend relaxed. The pair arrived at the train station and the Station Master chuckled as he approached them.

"Black Death be in the shed."

"That other train I got. How much you think I can get for it?"

"She's a decent line. I'll take her for 1,250,000."

"Thanks. So Death's shed is where?"

"Dock four."


Tyler and Rey went to their train and the soldier took the pamphlet out once they climbed into the command car. It being a luxury suite for ten with bunks of extremely comfy beds and it DID have a shower. Rey was quick to try it out and her boyfriend smirked as she left the door open.

"So She leveled to three. I can add more cars and work on the smokebox and firebox too. And even put some work into the boiler."

The blonde chuckled as he watched her shower.

"Anything to make the train move better is a good idea. What kinda cars can we add?"

"well. Another artillery car, a tank transport, and even mobile deployment for the tanks."

"That'll be kinda cool in the modern era."

"Yup. For now I'll upgrade the engine. Looks like I can add an extra set of machineguns to the nose too. So four barrels."

"Scary. And the tender?"

"That I can upgrade next level up."

The blonde shrugged in the shower as her admiring boyfriend watched her firm ass from the door.

"We'll only use this in certain battles so no biggee."

"Yeah. And we CAN use it for missions since it IS a war vehicle."

"we'd need a few more players."

"That's the only problem."

The shower turned off and Rey came out in her usual shorts but without a shirt and her massive breasts bounced with every step.


"I know."

She flopped in his lap and he held her by the waist on the comfy sofa in the sleeping car. The pink eyed blonde smiled at him as he stroked her warm belly like she was a cat.

"That tickles."

He smiled at that and kept up the petting.

"It feels nice."


"Anything I should know?"

She shrugged and her rack bounced.

"Don't lie, don't cheat, I'm not a virgin, and we'll pin more girls between us."

"So who got the first?"

"My ex-girlfriend. She used a strapon for the pierce and the bouncing was AMAZING."

"She hot?"

"VERY. Black haired triple D MILF."


"Yeah she was a school teacher."

"Sexier and sexier. I love it."

She smiled.

"I liked the toy so I like guys too."

"I'm no virgin."

"YOUR first?"

He chuckled.

"was an orgy I got invited to since in my hometown I was kinda well known for being a protective psychopath. Me, one bed, 5 girls."

"Respect. And bullshit?"



"Yeah I fucked their mothers too."

"now THAT'S bullshit."

He chuckled at the callout. Then lifted an eyebrow.

"Rey bae? SERIOUSLY?"

She laughed and settled on his chest.

"Brock's called me that since I said I was single."

"That is SO cringey"

"yeah is shot him down there and then."

He patted her firm ass and she smirked.

"I like being spanked too."


"I enjoy a few things. In the ass, in the mouth, yeah."

"Drinkin it?"

"Why not?"

"Want one?"


She pulled his dick out and started sucking on it as her boyfriend held her hair. He flooded her mouth and she swallowed it all before smirking.

"I liked that we will do it more. Now. YOUR turn."

Her shorts were dropped and he pinned her to the bed while he licked her tasty slit, and she groaned.

"Oooh I LOVE being eaten!"

So the hungry boyfriend ate her alive for two good orgasms and she sighed with joy as she came down from the second.


He chuckled as she cuddled up beside him naked now.

"Best taste ever."

She kissed him and they got into a hot, heavy and NASTY makeout session. The pair then laughed after the session and got drinks of whiskey to clean their foul mouths. Tyler smiled as they laid on one of the bunks in the sleeping car naked and she toyed with his hardon.

"Oh just go for it. I know I WANT to fuck you."


And like that she straddled him and fit his dick into her slit and started bouncing. Instantly her face twisted into a PERFECT Ahegao face and he pinned her to the bed to thrust into her tight slit as she screamed and clawed his back to hell. The horny pair played HARD for a few hours until they got it out of their system and Rey was filled to utter bursting from shot and she was spent from repeated orgasms. Tyler was facedown in her soft breasts and they were both panting from good sex. Then he regained strength and laid beside her.

"You're AMAZING Rey."

She smiled proudly.

"Told ya."

He kissed her lovingly and they cuddled on the bunk.

"Looks like we'll have a lotta fun in between bloodbaths."

"Damn straight. And I'm BAD but not THAT bad. So NPCs are allowed."

"You too."

"No dudes?"

"No dudes but me."

"Good disclaimer. Sure. I wanna try a blonde threesome."

"Lily and Candice will EAT you."

"You BETTER record that shit."

"From a few angles."

She smiled, satisfied in more ways then one.

"Good. Now let's shower. Videogame or not, I don't want to walk around with cum in my pussy and ass."

"I AM keeping your taste in my mouth."

"We are dirty fucks."

"But the best."

They showered together before getting dressed and he did her hair up for her again, making her smile. Then the pair sat at the command car's desk to plan their next move. Tyler smiled.

"Wanna take my plane and go on a sortie?"

"Oh FUCK yeah!"

The pair geared up and went to the hanger. Tyler smiled as he saw one.

"I got one for close air support. 5 stars. Looks like they want help taking a railyard and it's turned into a nightmare."

Rey smiled as she looked at the reward.

"Reward's 95k."

"So fun. The skulled ones are for dealing with two plus blimps."

"We could do that."

"We could. But this one is farther out."

"Ah. We got the fuel."

"Yup. Kicker is this one is up in the mountains again."

She took it and the flight master chuckled.

"Good. They be dying up there."

The pair loaded into Tyler's red monowing and they took off. Rey was strapped into his rear gunner seat again and her blonde hair was streaming out behind her. Selena called then and had a flush on her face while wearing sweatpants, no shoes, and was in a VERY light tanktop. Tyler smirked.

"You jerked off to us."

She smiled a sexy smile.

"I'll tall you in person."

Rey chuckled as she eyed the busty captain's rack.

"I guess you're joining us?"

"Still debating. So you're on a long range sortie."

Tyler nodded.

"Close air-support. The rest of the player base?"

"The last one from the starting area just entered Tragonia."

"And they're stuck. The counterattack will come sooner then. Since there's over a million soldiers in the city, it will be a MASSIVE attack."

Rey looked at him.

"Hey question. If our hangers are destroyed?"

"Our wheels are saved and repaired by the army. Even if Black Death were STOLEN we'd get her back since I still hold her pamphlet."

"So if you hold the pamphlet?"

"We hold the leash. And can always find it."

"I can see Brock trying to steal it."

"He can try. But he'd have to fire her up, shovel coal. Heat the boiler, handle the brakes, and maintain pressure the ENTIRE time. And the guards would react since it's an act of treason."

"our planes?"

"Same thing. Pro tip. NEVER leave your pamphlets anywhere but inside your duffel bag."

"I keep them in my pants."

"I will fuck you later."

"Yay! I love good sexy before bed!"

He just chuckled at her horny joy as Selena sighed with a flushed smile.

"Active teenagers. In a sexual paradise. This is gonna be awesome."

"I hear a distinct lack of nagging."

"She got placed in a cell since she threatened to take your helmet off."

Rey whistled.

"Wow. Mom and Daddy would KILL her."

"They nearly had her tried for capital offense"

Tyler shrugged.

"So long as she can't interfere in the plan or the outcome."

"She can only watch and rant as they have a feed in her cell."


Rey smirked.

"Hope she enjoyed the show."

Selena rubbed her triple D breast absentmindedly.

"She's calling him a sex addicted psychopath now and the guard just laughed. He is! We know! Yeah. Everyone knows what Tyler is about. And the general consensus is he's a sex addicted psychopath. And they love him for it."

The soldier chuckled as he banked the plane softly, enjoying the feel of flying.

"You know where to go for a good time, Selena."

She smirked and leaned in,

"And if I DO, we WILL. A LOT."

Rey smirked.

"Ya GOT the real deal over there on the bed, Selena."

The blonde soldier smirked.

"I know."

He whistled.


"HA. It works."

Rey and Tyler looked at each other. MILDLY impressed.

"I like her, Tyler."

"I'll be LIVING with her if we get out."

"ME too. I wanna fuck her myself now."

Selena smirked and lifted her shirt to flas them her perky breasts.

"I'll show you kids what a good time REALLY is."

Tyler hit a button on the screen and a picture was taken of Selena's large nipples that needed no support and bounced when she breathed. Selena saw this and blinked.


"Ha. It's in my helmet."


She stood and dropped her pants, flashing them her small, WET, bald slit.


Rey threw a wolf whistle as Tyler used another button to record the sexy striptease before she got dressed again.

"I will RUIN that heart shaped ass a yours, Selena."

She sat down with a smug smirk.

"Rey's got a good one, but MY ass is hard as a rock."

"WE will be the judge of that."

"What she said."

The trio laughed then at the talk and Selena got serious now.

"And I AM going to join you, Tyler. I thought it over and you're right. We HAVE to force their hand and get you kids some actual support. I'm talking to the hospital about a bed and I have my own helmet."

"Call us when you jump and we'll pick you up."

"Sure. Train?"

"Yes we'll teach you how to drive the train."

Selena smiled excitedly now.

"I like trains."

"You'll FEEL like you got fucked by a train."

"Ooooh I HOPE so! I've been single for MONTHS and it SUCKS."


Rey smirked as she flashed her breasts.

"Just think, Selena. THESE and THIS,"

Her slit were flashed and her ass too.

"Are waiting for you to enjoy! Hurry up!"

Selena shivered at THAT bribe.


Tyler chuckled as he looked ahead to the approaching railyard.

"We're on station, Selena. Enjoy the toy for now."


She faded out and the soldier looked at his girlfriend.

"I did NOT see that coming when I first met her."

Rey chuckled.

"I did. Her eyes were kinda locked on you in a rather I AM GOING TO FUCK THIS GUY look."

"Must be a girl thing."

"We know what to look for in our own . I want her tits."

"I'll just flood her pussy to leaking."

"And we share her ass."

"Absolutely. Mouth too."

They kissed and the pact was sealed before he took the radio.

"This is Razgriz 1, ready for tasking."

He got the same breathy, warm voice of the unknown girl from before.

"Goreleech? Oh thank god. YELLOW SMOKE OUT! Everything beyond that smoke is hostile!"

He looked over and saw the yellow smoke in a trench filled with allied forces.

"Smoke detected. Confirmed. Adjusting."

The voice came again.

"Blue for hostiles."

"Roger, roger."

Rey pulled the charging handle on her Lewis back.

"I AM getting of world war one."

"I've BEEN bored of WWI since like day three. And we got like four more floors a this shit. Upside Is I think the next floor is a sea floor."

"THAT will be AWESOME not gonna lie."

"ALL our planes are carrier based."

"That's a plus. Oh hey can you swim?"

"No actually I can't. Hometown's landlocked."

"I'm on the swim team as a dasher and diver. I'll teach ya."

"Thanks Rey. And I just had a vision of YOU flying a PLANE in a TIGER PRINT BIKINI."

"I will do that."

"I'll get me some trunks."


He chuckled as he banked the plane into an attack run. Then he flipped his switch from flirting boyfriend to battle hardened soldier.

"And let's start this dance."

He sent the monowing on a sharp dive at the allied trench before leveling out with bombs falling over the enemy line. Rey was firing her gun at any enemy she could see and scored a few hits while Tyler's accurate bomb dropping accounted for a decent number of men and an artillery truck.

"There's an idea."

"Artillery truck?"

"Yeah. Two person vehicle."

"Sure. I know how to drive a truck so."

"So do I."

She smiled at that as her skilled boyfriend banked hard to give her a clean sightline.

"Awww! Such a good boyfriend! Setting me up with easy kills!"

He chuckled as he held an orbiting pattern as she fired into the trench.

"Well I gotta set you up SOME how."

That made her smirk.

"I can take sex away as a punishment now."

"I can take away your spoil."


"Yeah we'll be a fun couple."

"Ugh. Yay!"

He chuckled as she set off a machinegunner's ammo with a well placed burst and got a nice triple.

"Nice one. Oh hey what the fuck you lookin at?"

He threw one of the 20 pound bombs at an antiair emplacement on a pass as it tried to bracket them. The gun exploded and Rey flipped it off.

"FUCK you!"

The breathy voice came over.

"request rockets on blue smoke."

"roger, Marylin."

"I love her!"

Rey glared at the radio now as the breathy girl's voice had a happy tone.

"Hands off Sister. He is CLAIMED."

"HE CLEARLY hasn't seen ME yet."

Tyler smirked at that one as he swung the plane around to change attack lines. Instead of straight on he did sideways in a way he could see into the enemy trench.

"Hey Rey think fast."

He tossed her the long range camera for scouting runs and she sighted the girl with dirty blonde hair and a massive rack holding a Springfield looking up at the plane. There was a few clicks as he dropped bombs into the defensive position and left a mess in his wake.

"Got em. Here."

He looked the images of a tall, slender, busty dirty blonde with silver eyes looking at the camera with a smirk. Her skin was pale and her hair hung to her waist while her breasts were easily Double Ds. The girl had a well cut body from running and her outfit was a crop top of green with booty shorts. In her hands was an upgraded single shot Springfield bolt action rifle. He whistled.

"Not bad for a dirty blonde, Rey. Gotta be honest here."

She shrugged as she looked at the photos while he banked around for a gunrun now.

"She's a better dirty blonde. I'll admit that."

"Pure gold is better then tarnished."

"Good one. And my tits are bigger."

"And don't need support."

"Yeah I can tell in the picture. I love her eyes."

"Me too actually. Hey are yours natural or ingame?"

"Natural actually."

"Wow. I love it. Never met ANYONE with pearl pink eyes."

"It's a rare mutation. And because of it I can't have kids without a lab since I was born without the ability to produce eggs. Like I don't even get periods."

"I'd say you're LUCKY."

"Mom said so too. And she's happy for me since I'm okay everywhere else."

"Bitch please. You're AMAZING everywhere else."

"Aww! Thanks!"

"I still owe you a dinner date."

"You so do."

"Anime and pizza sound good?"

"In the Black Death."

"As if there's…..BLIMP."


He looked out over the railyard.

"There's a BLIMP headed our way."

She looked and sure enough a WHITE BLIMP was approaching. With WHITE escort fighters.

"Tyler? What does WHITE MEAN?"

He gritted his teeth now.

"Marylin get the antiair up, we're gonna need some help on this. THOSE are ELITES. Or. THAT side's CHAMPIONS. This is gonna suck."

Rey gulped at the grim tone and he smirked.

"Sack up, barbie. Looks like the counterattack came and it's a TWO prong."

Selena appeared now in a mild state of shock.

"It did and IS going on. Tragonia is under attack from a MASSIVE force. Experts put it at 1,000,000 men, 50,000 tanks, 12,000 aircraft. That city is now the site of the SINGLE largest battle in a thousand years. Tyler. That blimp is coming in as a LEVEL. 25."

"Yeah we're outleveled. I got this. Rey, be VERY careful."

Marylin, or the girl on the ground reported in.

"The ground is secure, Goreleech. And we're repairing the antiair guns as we speak."


"Already are. We got artillery guns ready. Call em out and we'll sync up."

"Roger. Rey,"


"Atta girl. Stay calm. Stay focused. DON'T PANIC."

She smiled and he cranked the plane around to engage the formation of ten planes and Zeppelin.

"Goreleech! Come in Gore!"

"Sorry Commy, unable to assist. Engaging the White Zeppelin."

"Godspeed son. Mercury Airfield is for resupply."

"How's the City?"

"We're holding but casualties are in the hundreds of thousands. Those Mercs are fuckin USELESS."

"Lily and Candice?"

"Holed up in the Black Death."

"Good. We'll drop the cumstains and move to assist."


Tyler opened fire on the rushing set of triplanes now and he smirked as they broke formation. Well. 9 did. One was slow on the draw and he plugged the head of the pilot.

"And there goes the rookie. Alright."

Rey wasn't firing and waiting for her chance as Tyler got on the tail of one fighter as it dipped and bobbed.

"This guy's good."

The zeppelin was lumbering across the sky as the ground forces fired 88mm artillery shells at it and were scoring hits on the white skin of the blimp. Rey looked at it.

"We can'rt STEAL that can we?"

He smirked.

"We CAN. IF we land the plane on the top and kill every soldier inside."

"Let's try it. That thing is awesome."

"Sure. And as long as I got the pamphlet, even if the Monowing is destroyed, we can get it repaired."

Marylin came over.

"Switching to cripple shots now."

"Sure thing, Marylin."

"My tag is Wisperia."

"I LOVE that."

"Me too. I'll call her Wisp."

Wisp chuckled at that as Tyler banked harder then the bulkier triplane and pelted the craft with machinegun rounds. Resulting in the second kill.

"One on our tail, Tyler."

"On it."

He leveled out before flipping into a corkscrew that allowed Rey to open fire with the Lewis. The enemy triplane's set of wings were too bulky to properly chase the agile monowing in it's spiral and the result was Rey filling it's engine housing with lead. The thing caught fire and dropped from the sky as tyler suddenly banked in the opposite direction and rolled the plane. The maneuver just BARELY getting them out of the way of a set of rockets fired at them from a diving plane. He growled at their position 30 feet above the ground with four planes chasing them.

"Wisp coming atchya."

"We are ready."

Tyler had the plane barrel rolling and corkscrewing hard as the four planes fired buckets of bullets at them in streams. Yet due to his extremely tight and wild maneuvers, they were barely able to score glancing shots on the hull and wing. Tyler zipped over the friendly trench and the set of four AA guns on the ground opened up. The four white triplanes were hit squarely with the powerful rounds and shot down. That left three fighters in the sky. Tyler climbed hard with rey keeping watch at the rear.

"So how we taking the blimp?"

"I'll bail out over the thing and you fly to resupply. I'll fight my way inside and once I got the pamphlet I'll jump out the window and land in the plane."


"Why it'll work."

"Ooooh you hurt me."

"Love you too, Rey."

"Yay! Love you too!"

He chuckled at her instant joy as they raced after another white plane. Only for a second toi get on THEIR tail. Tyler smirked as rey lined it up and fired. The triplane tried to roll but due to the three sets of wings it was harder. The blonde lit the engine up and it fell from the sky. The Zeppelin opened fire now with it's mass of guns and gondolas while the ground fired at said gondolas. Tyler lit the cockpit of their prey up and rey got the last kill on the last triplane.

"Alright. I'll land the plane on the blimp, YOU swap spots."

"Why don't we BOTH fight our way inside?"

"Cause once I got the pamphlet the thing'll land. And I need a ride off the thing."

"We'll be fine."

he smiled at that.

"Alright, Rey. We'll go with YOUR crazy scheme for once."

She beamed at that as they approached the massive dirigible. The white blimp was still moving in a lumbering line when Rey had another idea.

"Why don't we FLY it to the Tragonia fight?"

"Rey you are a GENIUS! YOU fly the Monowing for resupply and we'll use the rope ladders to pick up some NPCs for the other gondolas and then we'll fly the thing to the battle as reinforcements. WE'LL keep the Monowing as escort and launch from it."

"I'm learning!"

"Atta blonde!"

She smirked at the complement/jab.

"I will hit you. In the sack. While you're sleeping."

"Love you too."

"Yay! What? Hey! Don't make me happy, I'm pissed at you."

He chuckled at her confused fury while the skilled pilot brought the plane above the Zeppelin. Tyler sant the plane in a light bank that saw Rey's gun in perfect line to shoot the antiair batteries atop the massive blimp with ease.

"Hey they got a plane on the top o the blimp!"

He looked and smirked.

"It's got a mobile airstrip on the roof. PERFECT."

"THAT is FREAKIN awesome."


The pair flew towards the flatter section of the blimp while Tyler fired guns into the hatches that had enemy troops firing at them. He landed on the soft material and the pair were out the sides with their guns. Tyler had his BAR up and Rey her MP18. The pair moved to the last remaining triplane and the pamphlet was sitting in the cockpit. Tyler took it and Rey smiled as he gave it to her.



They moved to the first hatch and Tyler smirked.

"I'll go first."

"Right behind you."

He dropped in through the opening in the blimp's hide and was faced with a rather worrying catwalk made of wood lined by enemy troops. Tyler hit the wooden plank and dropped into a prone positon with the beefy BAR firing into their mix. The group of ten just dropped before he reloaded and rey landed beside him.

"So to capture it?"

He smirked as the next group of Nazerikians came running.

"Kill em all. And this thing has a crew of 40."

"Pff. Easy."

"See those hanging tanks? DON'T shoot them. They're the hydrogen tanks."



The pair moved along the narrow wood and aluminum catwalk with their guns firing. The enemy soldiers dropped with lead in their bodies and the couple took cover in a small intersection as the next batch climbed the ladders. Tyler smiled as he popped up with the BAR's bipod acting like a lever and fired into the group while Rey was prone. The two firing positions making it impossible for the enemy force to react and retaliate in any meaningful way. Tyler and Rey moved along the catwalk with the taller soldier using his vague knowledge of such aircraft from a videogame to navigate. They killed ever enemy soldier they came across before finding themselves in the bottom of the craft where a ladder dropped into the front most gondola under the blimp. Tyler dropped through it as a gunshot rang out and he took the round in his chest. He grunted and fired his BAR and the captain dropped with a hole in his head. Rey was there with her bandage and he smiled.

"he missed the heart. And even then you could revive me."


"I'm not invincible."

"I know. Idiot."

He kissed her and she smiled.


The pair went over to the captain and Tyler looted the man's body before pulling the pamphlet up.

"And she's ours. Looks like she's still green too for health. Tough bitch. Alright."

He went to the ship's wheel and looked at the various gauges and levers. Rey got the man';s gun and whistled.

"He's got a bone white Webley MKVI. I'll take THAT."

"Sure. Tioss me his hat."

Ut was a wide brimmed bone white suede thing. Rey smirked as she took it.

"NO. I will. It looks better on me anyway."

He tipped his black captain's hat to her as she donned her hat cowgirl hat.



He smiled and looked to the ground where Wisp had the rest of the friendly players in her line waiting for the ladders. The soldier gripped the lever on the blimp and sent it gently coasting towards her as Rey dropped the ladders for midair boarding. Wisp and her crew of 9 climbed up and the dirty blonde went to the controls.

"I worked at a carnival flying hot air balloons. I got this. I need you two in fighters for escort."

"Gotchya. Rey, you take the triplane."


He chuckled at her excitement while Wisp gave orders to her crew of girls.

"Lily44. You on the bombardier sight. Coral33 on the second sight in the second gondola. Sister222 and Sister666 on the guns either side. Rest a you split between gondolas."

"Yes ma'am."

Tyler and rey nodded.

"She's no noob."

"Nope. Let's fly."

wisp looked at them.

"Your Monowing got autoresupplied since you took the pamphlet. We'll go assist Tragonia."

"If you feel you'll lose her, aim her into the enemy force then bail."

"Roger. We all got parachutes."

Tyler and Rey ran back up through the catwalks to their planes. There they vaulted into their crafts. Tyler his blood red Monowing, Rey the bone white triplane. Then the pair rolled off the edge of the banking blimp and soared high. The soldier radioed the commander.

"Goreleech and Regalia inbound with White Zeppelin support."

The man's relieved voice was heard.

"Oh thank god. Pilot?"

"Wisperia and her team."

"Even better. It's bad kid. The Nazeriks are throwing everything they got at us and most of the mercs are dead. MOST freakin PANICKED!"

"Death toll thus far?"

"650,000 at the last count."

Tyler whistled as he looked at the first player count.

"out of a total 2,500,000."

"The number is still climbing. It's rising and fast since most of them are helpless."

"We'll bring the pain, Commy. Two hours."

"We're holding but it';s a bloodbath. We got allied reinforcements from other lines all inbound but it'll take time."

"We'll be fine."

The man went silent and Selena appeared on their screen with a pale expression. He smirked.

"Ya got caught?"

"NO. Not even close. No. The number is off."

"how bad Selena?"

"Tyler. The number just broke 1.5 million casualties."

He and Rey whistled as they took up escort positions either side of the White Zeppelin.


"I was expecting a bloodbath but I did not expect that. Kills?"

"Hovering at just over 500,000 men, 1500 tanks, 1000 aircraft, 2 blimps."

"Oh they are PATHETIC."

"Yeah. Wow."

Tyler looked at the shaken blonde.

"And the reactions thus far?"

She sighed.

"The world is horrified and the hospital is echoing from the grief. Congratulations, Tyler. You achieved your goal. The world will be sending in volunteers to rescue the survivors and the devs said the world has to refill the lost spots ingame or they'll kill the survivors. Plus it seems they have the means to shutdown a few key powerstations in some countries. So. You got your reinforcements."

"What was the total player count prior to the battle?"

"3.5 million."

"And more are dropping every second."

Selena nodded and sighed.

"was it REALLY worth it, Tyler?"

"It was going to happen sooner or later, Selena. If we'd been pushed back at Tragonia and had to take shelter in the Starting city, it would have still been attacked. Or maybe the next city. Sooner or later, their protections would end and they'd be forced into the fight."

"You're right. I see it. Let's see how you sleep tonight."

He smiled.

"Inside Rey."

She smiled at that.

"I guess you already made your peace. You only know like 11 people in there and they're all in the sky with you. So you DIDN'T have anything to lose for this. You…think like a commander now."

He shrugged as he did a lazy barrel roll.

"I think like a survivor. And one that does what I have to do."

"Alright. The world is watching."

She faded out and Rey whistled.

"I know they're noobs but COME ON."

Tyler chuckled.

"The survivors will be far more useful now. We'll reach the higher floors without much problem."

Wisp's voice came over now.

"I was wondering why you attacked Tragonia so soon. Now I know. And Goreleech? I agree. ALL my friends agree. We've been fighting for our lives out here since we GOT here. And yet THEY get to just sit on their asses and WATCH? No. I wish you'd have told us about the attack cause we'dda helped. But this works too."

"yeah it happened kinda fast. We found the Black Death armoured train and then we were ordered to assault the city."

"Ah. NPC crew?"

"With me and Rey in the cab."

"Now you have 10 more hands to help out."

"We'll add each other as friends, Wisp. We're on the front."

"We'll go support. You two are hardcore."

Rey smiled as she drifted her white triplane side to side by the white blimp.


"hey Wisp."

"What's up?"

"We got a Gotha heavy Bomber."

"We will launch our own air assault."

"Hey Wisp."


"We have two iconic tanks. The White Elephant St Chamond and Big Bertha that Mark V from BF1."

"I think I love you."

"we have the White Zeppelin. And the train. And the tanks. And GUNS."

"I DO love you. Mass assault?"

"We can do actual missions now. And it'll be AWESOME."

The three smiled widely in their craft and Wisp smirked.

"My crew are noobs but got heart."

"Well. Once tragonia is resecured, set up in the city and we'll share ops."

"Workin with the legend himself. Ha."

Rey's cold voice was heard now.

"He is MY boyfriend, Wisp. NOT yours."

"We'll see, Rey. I do so love a handsome badass."

Tyler chuckled at that war declaration.

"I love a sexy blonde. Right rey?"

"Damn straight."

Wisp chuckled.

"Ya fuck em?"

"Ooooh YES! Sister, it was AWESOME!"

"Ha. I'm a stripper IRL."

"I'm a cheerleader."

"Pff. Stereotype. I'm a weeb."

"So am I. I am dive team champion."

"I did gymnastics. I'm on the honor roll."

"Pff. I was the top scorer in my state."

Tyler just smiled at the pissing contest.

"I'm dating Rey. WE win."

They laughed at THAT cocky point.

"He's got a point!"

"Why I love him. Well. ONE of the reasons. He knows."

"He's a keeper sister."

"Oh you have NO idea."

Tyler chuckled as he sighted the mass of flashes in the distance.

"Approaching Tragonia airspace ladies. Alright. Wisp."

"I'll take her over the enemy line. YOU keep the fighters off us."

"rey, you got the fighter-bomber variant."

"dodge their fighters and drop bombs on their heads."

"Atta girl. I'll deal with the other Zeppelins. Any questions?"


"Good. BREAK!"

The soldier dove straight down and pulled up into a sudden explosion of speed while Rey stayed ti cover the Zeppelin. Tyler's rred monowing made a red streak in the late day sunlight as he rushed one of the four remaining zeppelins. The grey skinned thing firing all guns and dropping bombs on the batter city of tragonia.

"This is Razgriz 1. We are on station. Going after the dragons."

The commy's relieved voice made him chuckle.

"Thank god. Cleared to engage all hostiles."

Tyler climbed above the first Zeppelin before dropping a load of 20 pound bombs on the hatches. The result was nearly instantaneous as the massive blimp exploded in the air. The thing reduced to a burning metal skeleton, it groaned while dropping from the sky as Tyler flipped a wing, shot the pilot out of the cockpit of a dashing Bristol, and rushed the next airship. His guns poking massive amounts of holes in the side of the craft while the crews scrambled to react to this most skilled and aggressive fighter. He fired some rockets into a hole the guns had made and broke off as the ship exploded.

"I got kinda good at killin them."

Rey's voice was heard on the radio.

"Razgriz 2 on station. Providing escort for the White Zeppelin."

The commy chuckled.

"We actually have a chance now. All planes cleared to engage all hostiles. Kill em all."

Tyler was sinking the THIRD Airship as Rey dueled with the fighters going after the bellowing White Zeppelin. The red monowing darted out from over the last Zeppelin as it exploded.

"All Zeppelins neutralized. Landing for resupply."

Wisp chuckled.

"Prepped and waiting. Land when ready."

He landed the plane on the blimp's topside runway where some NPCs lifted from the ground reloaded his bombs, guns, and refueled the craft with a few light repairs.


Tyler taxied clean off the side of the blimp.

"Aircraft carrier life might not be so bad, Rey."

"I love the ocean actually."

"We'll break the enemy's spirit in this one so there'll be a rapid advance. We SHOULD be at the capital battle in three days."

"Yay! Beach!"


The blonde laughed as she shot another Bristol down.

"YOU fucking the life, out of ME. On the beach."

"I fucking love you."

"I love fucking you."

He chuckled at that one as he crossed her trail in the sky and shot two fighters out of the sky that had been chasing her. Then he spiraled into another attack on another fighter as the commander came over.

"All planes, bombers incoming."

"I got it, Rey."

"Sure. These idiots are fun."

"Land and rearm, Rey. You're running low on fuel."

"Got it, Wisp. Upgrade too?"

"Not in the air or midfight."


The white triplane landed as tyler dove after a line of Lylia Myinner bombers. The flight of ten was escorted by twenty planes and he dove right into the pack with a well placed rocket taking one bomber out. Then he was corkscrewing over another bomber with the a hand dropped bomb taking it out. The escort fighters finally recovered enough to counterattack but Rey appeared out of nowhere and on her single attack run shot down four. Tyler smiled as she kept the fighters off him while he dealt with the bombers.

"Now THIS is podracing."

The girls chuckled at that one as the last bomber fell from the sky and Tyler broke off to land and resupply. Once resupplied he dove off the white zeppelin and as the last biplane was shot down.

"Thbe sky is clean. Repeat. The attic is squeaky."

The commy chuckled.

"All air forces to switch to close air support."

Rey landed and resupplied when he smirked.

"Rey, swap out for your Monowing."

"It's MADE for these fights! On it."


"All readings green."


"Still half full. They stocked the thing."

"Alright. Slow drift over the enemy tanks."

"roger, roger."

Rey landed at the airstrip on the ground and ran for her Monowing while Tyler pulled a cocky loop-da-loop before diving at the line of enemy artillery trucks firing on the city. He poured rockets into the armored truck and threw bombs from his basket by hand into the enemy firing lines as he passed. ONE pass and he destroyed an entire enemy offensive line as Rey's voice was heard on the radio.

"Brock, no. I am NOT playing this game."

Tyler smirked and flipped his plane around and dove at the hanger as the blonde sighed.

"I'm needed in the sky. Move."

"But Ray bae-"


"I gotchya Rey."

Tyler's plane was seen in the sky over her black Monowing on the runway where brock was AGAIN hitting on her and the sandy haired boy lunged! He tried to tackle Rey to the ground…..only for the bored blonde to drop a shoulder, and lunge forward. The result was Brock getting flipped over her shoulder onto his back before she vaulted into the cockpit of her monowing and start taxiing down the dirt runway. Brock was heard SCEAMING in frustrating his Dreamgirl was just NOT seeing his worth and refused to sleep with him and had no choice but to watch her climb into the sky to take up formation on Tyler's wing. The pair soared by and the soldier flipped the loser off before they soared to the reattack. Rey chuckled as she got in position.

"I figured he'd try that."

"He's a different kinda trope. You okay?"

"I'm fine. Not the first time I've had to deal with obsessive perverts."

"I gotchya."

"Love you too. Alright."

The pair split into separate sectors before flying in a rolling circle that had them pass over each other close enough Tyler smelt her vanilla perfume.

"I love the scent."


"My god do I love you."

"I love you too."

The pair smiled at that as they dove at separate enemy lines with machineguns, rockets, and well placed bombs. The White Zeppelin was causing devastation as her skilled crew of ten girls rained hell upon the ground forces. The artillery trucks getting hit as soon as they lifted a cannon and the mobile antiair trucks the same. Tyler smiled as he did a gunrun near the back ranks.

"enemy commander sighted. Rey? If ya please?"

The blonde's black plane was seen rocketing downward and her bombs made the ammo dump explode.

"Wow. Yeah they ain't gonna find all a him."

Tyler chuckled as they did a twin rocket run on a line of heavy tanks before a loud whistling was heard and the enemy troops were seen retreating.

"Don't let them escape!"

"Wisp. Hold position and deal with an stragglers. We're giving chase."

"Roger. All hands ready to drop the rocks."

Tyler and rey chased the retreating enemy forces and accounted for the rest of their tanks between them. Tyler made a point of ALSO taking out any large pockets of soldiers on the ground and the result was a mass field of death before their fuel tanks dictated they return. The pair landed at the battered airstrip while the Zeppelin attached to the tower before setting to hover mode. Tyler chuckled as they taxied into their hanger.

"THAT was an AWESOME fight."

Rey was there to kiss him hard as they hopped out of their planes.

"That was FUN! Ground next time?"

"Sure. We'll take the tanks out for a rumble. Wisp? How copy?"

The dirty blonde's voice came over on his plane's radio.

"Shaky and tired. But unharmed. On our way down now."

"Good job people."

He looked at the flight master as he approached, the man covered in grease and soot from the heavy fighting. But not hurt since he was an essential NPC.

"All resupplies were covered by the army for the battle. Commy's waiting."

"Usual refit, Flight."

"You're nothing if not predictable Gore. 50k for the pair."

The paid and headed to see the commander as Wisp and her team caught up. The dirty blonde panting slightly from the strain of nonstop fighting and concentration. Rey noticed.

"That's all you got? A mere few hours hard fight? Pff. You wanna fuck HIM you need at LEAST 6."

Wisp smirked as she wiped her brow.

"So he lasts."

"HOURS, sister. HOURS."

"I like that. And challenge accepted."

Tyler chuckled as rey got a kiss from him while taking his arm.

"we can fuck around later girls. For now the followup."

The team walked into the battered but still standing command tent where the commander smiled at them.

"Well done, Razgriz Squadron. Nazerik's troops are retreating from all lines and damage to their war machine is estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands of men and machinery. Command has bestowed the Italica Service Star upon each and everyone of you. Goreleech. Step forward."

Tyler walked over and the man slid a box over.

"In recognition of what you did here and what you did to GET us here, Italica awards you the Golden Star of Valor. We need more men like you in this war, Son. Do us proud."

The box held a gleaming golden star on a white and green ribbon. The girls got a silver star set on the same. Tyler smiled as he put the boxes in his pocket.

"We'll rest and get back to it, Commy."

"I wish I had ten more like you."

"They're close."

"That's what I like to hear. Dismissed."

The 12 friends reconvened aboard the Black Death in her oddly untouched shed. Wisp groaned as she sat on the long sofa along the wall of the command car while her friends took turns in the shower. And from the groans and moans of relief, NEEDED said shower. Tyler and Rey pulled some bottles of chilled whiskey from the car's onboard fridge and some pizza from the kitchen section before they poured out drinks for everyone. Once everyone was cleaned up and gathered on the couches, Tyler lifted his glass high.

"To Razgriz Squadron! We'll sent ya to hell in the sky, drag you to hell in the sea, and BLOW you to hell on the land. TO RAZGRIZ!"

They clinked glasses and threw the good booze back in sync before Wisp smirked.

"Ace combat. Unsung war. Best in the series."

"Damn FUCKING straight. We struck a blow today ladies. The Nazerik army will be FAR weaker and HILARIOUS underequipped going forward. We should be able to push the lines all the way to the capital in a few days."

Rey nodded as she got some good pizza.

"The trenches will be lightly manned since they pooled so many resources into that assault. We can literally ride the train through them."

Tyler unrolled the map now and followed the railroads.

"We can do more then that, Rey. This line here goes STRAIGHT to the enemy capital. ALL retreating enemy forces will make for it to reinforce the capital. We take it we can advance to the next floor."

Wisp sipped some vodka now.

"The next floor is sea combat, right?"

"It is. Our safety ship is the USS Intrepid. She'll be our launch point. The entirety of the floor is naval based and aircraft based. So our train and tanks will be locked. Same time, we can capture warships and claim them."

Their eyes lit up like lights. Rey grabbed his arm.


"And an aircraft carrier FIRST. We get our own carrier, we can launch our own sorties since the sea wars were all about carriers."

Wisp smirked.


"THOSE will be tricky. We'd have to catch them on the surface before they could dive. Tricky. NOT impossible."

Rey smirked.

"we MIGHT be able to buy them outright."

"Second floor costs, Rey."

"Oh shit."

"Yeah. And since everything's afloat,"

"Prices will skyrocket."

There was a knock on te car,

"Sir and Ma'ams! Payment for the battle!"

Tyler retrieved the duffel bag and the escorted by fifteen men private saluted before they left. The tall man sat down and opened the bag.

"Wisp and her crew get this. I alone was paid 5,000,000 for the defense. Rey 4,500,000."

They whistled and he did the math.

"Wow. I got 9,445,750."

Rey smiled.

"I got 8,545,350."

Wisp and her girls all gaped at them and he smiled.

"We work hard and love our job."

Thy laughed and Selena called. Wisp lifted an eyebrow as she saw the sexy blonde in her sweats and tube top.

"THAT'S your adviser, Gore? She's a freakin SUPERMODEL!"

Selena smiled and stretched in a way her triple Ds bounced.

"Thank you. And I DID do some shoots in the service."

Tyler and Rey looked at each other in mild surprise, then looked at Selena with veiled anger.


"Are we."



The group busted up laughing at the in sycn fury and Selena smirked.


Rey smirked as she licked her lips.

"Yes I have all my shoots…..and videos."

Tyler looked at Rey and she smiled sweetly.

"Of course we'll make a few lesbian pornos."

"You're too good for video."

He hugged her.

"And this feels better then anything a mere video could give me."


Rey was smiling like a happy idiot and red in the face while every other girl was smiling in pain at the adorable scene. Selena just slow clapped.

"Okay. GOOD ONE. And DAMN dude."

He kissed the beautiful pink eyed blonde in his arms.

"Rey's awesome."

She sighed and snuggled RIGHT up against him now and he stroked her golden lockes while looking at Selena.

"So how bad was it, Selena?"

She sipped some of her own vodka.

"The player count when the logout failure was discovered was clocked at 4,500,000 players. After the first week it dropped to 3,500,000. After the battle of Tragonia, Tyler. The NEW player count? Brace."

The group looked at her and she sighed.

"The new player count is holding at…..950,012 total players."

The car was dead silent at the number and Tyler reacted first.

"You're telling me, that in the span of ONE WEEK, 3,549,988‬ players died."

She nodded.

"And in that ONE fight, no fewer then 2,549,988 died. The battle was labeled the Tragonian Massacre. Look, the battle is being added to the history books as an example of what will happen when unprepared troops are forced into a military situation. Congratulations. Tyler. You were instrumental in rewriting how militaries prepare for war and gave the world a VICIOUS wakeup call. As it proved our society is just NOT able to defend itself anymore in a pinch. Our children are next to helpless when in danger and the majority of deaths were gunshots that any idiot could have avoided. Some were FREAKING STANDING IN CLEAR VIEW OF THE ENEMY TAKING SELFIES!"

She rubbed her eyes now.

"The devs were vocal again. They said their suspicions were confirmed and that the world is ripe for another world war. So they're game will be the battlefield. Seems they're trying to remind people what happens when war breaks out. Tyler."

He smirked.

"The volunteers?"

"I am going in after I get off the line. The world will refill the losses with their own people. The devs made it clear. New recruits are to be fed into the meatgrinder of TWOG and they want a solid diversity. Men, women, children, teenagers, adults, veterans, you get the idea."

He nodded.


"Is one of the recruits. She'll be drafted as a former nurse and will join the war effort since the game uses BRAIN waves NOTHING else. And at least there's a mass of hospital beds open. ALL surviving players are known now as the Veterans."

"And Razgriz?"

"YOU are the legends of TWOG. And Tyler? You're one of the most hated people on the planet. And one of the most pitied. The world sees you as a kid forced to make a decision. And you made it. Without hesitating and with due consideration. Look I don't know how to else to say this. EVERYONE knows your name. And they either hate you or love you and not a single soul can answer that question one way or another."

He shrugged and kissed Rey.

"I made my choice. Now we just move on."

Selena nodded understandingly.

"I agree. Well. Captain Selena Macgorden requesting pickup at Starting Area."

Tyler smiled and looked at Rey.

"Let's go collect our OTHER Soldier Barbie."

She smiled and Wisp smirked.


"Fuck YES. We'll take a job and roll the long way around. Selena. What's your starting weapon gonna be?"

She smiled.

"M1908. That one with the side mounted rack of bullets."

"Wow. Odd duck. Haven't seen it yet inworld so."

He shrugged and the group all geared up for the op.

"Head to the train station once you hit the dirt. And I were you I'd abuse the firing line in bootcamp."

"Will do. It'll be nice to fly in a helicopter again."

The call ended and Tyler went to the railyard job board where he saw one for a long patrol of the interior before arcing into the enemy country. All told it was a full day trip and the payout was 150k base. 5 star trip. The railyard Baron came over as he took it.

"Black Death's your line right? Scary gal that. Cars?"

"The command car, two artillery cars, two machinegun cars, two flat beds and a crane car, and the caboose."

The man nodded.

"ready for anything. As would be expected of Goreleech himself."

"Add an Antiair car too."


"Hm…88 antiair."

"That's 250k for the car, sir."

He paid and the engine's fire was lit by Rey. Tyler climbed aboard the massive war train while the boiler heated up and the gauges moved. Wisp and her girls helped load guns and ready the command car for immediate deployment while Rey and Tyler did pre-deployment look overs. The ever wily soldier smirked and looked at the baron.

"The wheels I want painted blood red."

"Scary. 45k."


The engine's pressure gauges reached the needed level and he looked out behind the box-like coal tender.

"All aboard ladies!"

Wisp came up and clung to the side of the cab as he blew the whistle.

"The cars are connected and awaiting the engine."

"I want you on an artillery gun, Wisp."

"I'll take the leading gun, Tyler. I love the name by the way. I'm Yukina."

"I love THAT name."

Rey nodded.

"ME too. You're Japanese?"

Wisp smiled proudly.

"I am actually. Native Japan that lives in the States. I'll be a big help in the Japanese themed battles since I speak the language fluently."

Tyler smirked.

"Omae wa, oi eh Shindieru."

"NANI?! Ha. Not bad for an American weeb. I'll teach ya."

"Thanks Wisp. Her too."


He blew the whistle again and Rey rung the bell before the train chugged it's way out of it's shed pulling the command car. Wisp was out in front guiding the train onto the turntable style track switcher while her crew were waiting to help connect the tender to the rest of the train. Tyler moved the locomotive into position and the turntable swung with ease to aim the command car at the end of the first artillery car. Tyler rang the bell as he backed the train up at a snails pace all the while keeping Rey and Wisp in sight as they gestured. The dirty blonde held her hand ip as he slotted the coupling into the artillery car and he waited for the nod as he let off steam in the cab.

"Still an awesome feeling."

Rey came over after a few minutes.

"We're set. All lines and cables secure. We're ready to deploy."

He blew the whistle hard now three times in a row as the train's radio sparked.

"Artillery to engine. Wisp for Gore."

Tyler smiled.

"I hear you, Wisp. All clear."

"All clear. All cars all clear. Ready to move."

The Baron was heard now.

"Callsign for the train, Gore?"

He smirked.

"It's Gliepnir. Gliepnir is moving out."

The train clanked and chugged on it's way out of the railyard pulling it's armaments. Tyler smiled as he handled the levers and maintained the gauges while Rey shoveled coal.

"Seriously. I love this feeling."

Rey chuckled as she leaned on the wall.

"It's awesome. And we got a full resupply on water, coal, ammo, and sand for 175k."

He looked out the windshield as the train chugged along at 45 miles an hour.

"We're moving along some good flatland now. And this is the third time I've been aboard a train EVER."

She smiled at that as she looked at the passing grassland.

"It's nice."

"wait'll we sail that aircraft carrier."

"I love you too."

He kissed her deeply and she smiled happily before they returned to their tasks. The soldier blew the whistle periodically while the ten foot funnel belched coal black smoke and steam as it moved.

"Gunners, all clear?"

Wisp chuckled as she panned her 88mm gun turret.

"All clear, Engine. This is AWESOME."

"We'll take the blimp out again soon ladies."

Rey smiled.

"I wanna try that bomber."

"Sure. You wanna fly it?"


"I'll fly, you bomb, and Wisp can be rear gunner. Her girls and Selena can be escort pilots."

Wisp chuckled.

"I know how to fly rather well. So I'd be a better escort."

"We'll figure it out when we go wings out. I for one want to take Big Bertha for a run."

They laughed at that as they rattled along the line through a forest now. Tyler smiling as he recognized it.

"This was the starting forest. Hey Rey. I killed my first tank over there."

He pointed to a burned out husk.

"And there's the first trench line I cleared."

The blonde smiled as he pointed the trench out in the distance as they left the trees.

"I was with Brock on the northern line. YOU cleared TWO trenches while we were still struggling with one."

Wisp chuckled on the radio.

"WE were still heading south to our line. Made us feel stupid hearing Goreleech had cleared two lines by himself."

Tyler smiled at that as he looked ahead.

"I loved my job. On the waves our gains will be islands and sunken fleets. Mostly fleets. So we'll have to do a lot of flight practice."

Rey smiled.

"Paratroopers on aircraft carriers?"

"Or into the sea for sea boarding. We'll see the map and go from there. We get our own destroyer we'll do some piratin."

The girls laughed as he brought the train from 45 miles an hour to a lower 20 as they entered the Starting city. The soldier smiled as he rang the bell and blew the whistle while Blackhawk helicopters flew the new recruits in by the dozen and they fastroped inside the coliseum. Rey smirked.

"I fell."

"I did too."

Tyler smiled.

"I landed like iron man."

They sighed at that brag as he slowed the train to a crawl by the station. He lined the command car up perfectly with the platform and the engine with the water tower and coal tower. He let off steam and blew the whistle loud and proud. The brakes were engaged and he went to the station master for a refill on water. That cost 20k while the coal tender got a top up for 15k. The girls stretched their legs on the platform and Wisp looked at the crane car curiously.

"So, Gore, why the crane and cargo cars?"

He smiled as he looked at them.

"In case we found something. Like say a tank or another plane and needed to transport it."

"Ah. It makes sense spoken out loud."

Rey smiled as she cleaned her hair off in an outside sprinkler by the wooden station.

"Tyler's got a SCARY loot sense, Wisp. I shit you not we were flying 500 feet off the ground chatting when he suddenly YANKED that plane around like someone fired a flare. I look and sure enough. He'd seen the rails leading into the mountain. To ME it looked like string on the ground."

Sister222, one of Wisp's crew, came over smirking. She was a tall, athletic girl with black hair and green eyes set into a fair skinned face. Her rack was modest and her outfit a tanktop and shorts. She spoke in a firm belltone.

"Nature doesn't DO straight lines."

He chuckled.

"Nope. How's the command car?"

"Got a restock on food and drink for 25k. Also a full ammo resupply for 150k. Just to fill the dumps to capacity."

"Smart. Alright. We'll wait for the new blonde and head out."

Rey looked at the engine.

"Think we can do some upgrading, Gore?"

"Not on mission. Got an idea?"

"Yeah. A better funnel for the smoke."

"Smart. We'll do that when we get back."

The group went back to looking the long black train over while Tyler looked his BAR over on the train's steps that led into the cab. Rey was beside him with her Lewis and he smiled.

"My BAR leveled to 10. I can add a reflex sight to it now."

She smirked.

"My Lewis is level 10. I can add an extended drum. 97 rounds."


"You haven't used you carcano in a while."

"Yeah. Sniping's fun an all but I prefer machineguns like the BAR."

"Makes sense."

Tyler looked at the platform as new players were moving about eh city getting a feel for the controls and feels. The a few noticed the massive black train sitting at the station. Tyler sighed and reached over into his duffle bag for the trench gun. Rey took her own looted Model 10 hunter shotgun. The soldier watched as a man in a white tanktop and green pants approached him. He stood at 6 feet tall with broad shoulders and blue eyes. His hair was neat cut and grey and his starting machinegun was a SMG-08 LMG version. He looked at the sitting teenager with the trench gun.

"You Goreleech?"

Tyler pumped the shotgun in a telling manner.

"I am. Problem?"

The man sighed.

"My three sons died in that last battle."

"That's their fault. This game gives you everything you need to be a good player. Up to YOU to put them to use."

The man glared at him.

"I blame you."

"Deal with it. If I hadn't opened up that city, they'd still be sitting on their asses waiting for someone else to bail them out. Run along now, PRIVATE."

The man glared at him but did move along. Rey sighed and rested her head on his shoulder.

"You okay, Rey?"

She smiled warmly at his hug.

"Yeah. People like that exhaust me. He blames YOU for THEIR failure."

"whereas if they'd put their balls on and JOINED me on the frontlines, they'dda been JUSTA FINE."

"Not FINE per se, but they'd be USEFUL."

"I like yours better."

He kissed her and they madeout for a bit before the blonde looked at his trench gun.

"Why that and not your 1887?"

"Bigger click."

"True. Yet you can flip cock the 1887."

"And that is yet another reason I fucking love you Shadow. You're a GENIUS."

She smiled happily as he took the lever action shotgun now.

"I love you, Tyler."

He kissed her and looked into her pink eyes smiling.

"I love you too, Marrisa."

She shivered.

"I like Rey better."

"I like Gore better. Or whatever you call me. Every time you speak to me I get a little jolt down my spine."

The blonde sighed dreamily at that and snuggled under his arm like a bird nuzzling her father.

"Okay you two. Get a room."

Wisp's mildly irritated voice made them chuckle and he looked at their friend.

"No sign of her?"

"None. There another station in the city?"

He looked on his map.

"Ha. There is. Watch this. 50 bucks say she went to the OTHER station."

The girls placed bets and he blew the train's whistle hard. The deep note echoed off the stone structures and was heard for a good few miles in the city. Then he sat back down.

"Now we wait. See if she heard that."

Wisp sat beside the duo on his other side.

"So we're just on patrol?"

He ran the route on his finger.

"Mostly. Same time we'll get ambushed by enemy leftovers in a few places and need to put them down. Once we cross into this more arid region here we'll encounter some heavier resistance. Since it's still Nazerik."

Rey smiled as she looked.

"We'll swap out drivers and tender."

"Yup. Wisp?"

"I'll take a look."

Tyler got up and led her into the cab.

"Okay. This gauge is steam pressure. Higher it is the better, but if it enters this part, pull this lever. Let's off excess steam to prevent a boiler blast. This is the train's throttle. Keep her at 45 for cruising or you risk a derailment."

He ran down the various levers, gauges, and meters for driving the train and showed her how everything worked. The dirty blonde listened hard and asked question periodically until she had driving the immense war train down. Then he taught Rey to as well. She not needing as much help since she watched him do it since he'd GOTTEN the thing. Then he went ahead and trained everyone on driving the Black Death. Once they were trained the friends cracked open some ice cold beers while waiting for their new blonde. Tyler looked at the station as he threw a drink back and noted a spindly woman in a green nurse's uniform leaving the crowd.

"Ahhh CRAP."

Wisp and Rey looked at him and he sighed.

"My foster Mother."

"Oh fuck."

"She's a miserable shrew."

The soldier took his 1887 over now and set it in hands reach as Rey looked at him.

"Hey why didn't you use that in the battle to take Tragonia, Tyler?"

"Oddly enough that double barrel had the better range and spread."

"Ah. It WAS kinda cool seeing you blast people with it."

"Thanks. I WANTED to use the 1887 but I need to practice flip cocking it."

Wisp chuckled.

"It's simple. Here."

She took the weapon and spun it on her hand. There was a click and a shell was slammed into the chamber. Tyler took the weapon and mirrored her movement to perfection and smiled at the rechamber.

"Wow, Wisp."

"I have one as my secondary. I akimbo them too sometimes."

"Arnie would be proud."

The friends laughed at that and Rey smirked.

"I want a SPAZ12."

"I am getting the first Spaz, Rey. ACCEPT IT."

She licked her lips at him.

"I think we can work out…..a deal."

He kissed her and she smiled.

"Love you too."

Tyler smiled at that and lit up a cigarette.

"Selfish fuck. Bum me too!"

"Yeah ya sonuvabitch!"

He lit the girls up and they got another beer as the spindly woman spotted them. Tyler was looking at the pamphlet for his BAR when he noted something.

"Huh. I can upgrade the chassis for the BAR."

Rey looked.

"To WHAT?"


"Ha. Looks like 30 is gold."

"I for one want that golden leopard print."

Wisp smiled.

"Bar's a sexy gun anyway so that'd make it the better."

He smiled as he took another swig.

"Tru dat. I can make the wood in my carcano be made from solid freakin ivory from an elephant tusk."

"That's kinda awesome."

"Damn straight."

"You are a monster."

They looked at the horrified voice to see the spindly woman looking at him in disgust. Tyler rubbed his eyes.

"Go away, Michell. I got work to do."

"I will NOT. YOU need to be reminded-"

The gun clicked and was in her face. His eyes were cold.

"Run. AWAY. I have far too many more important things to worry about then some miserable old shrew with a control complex. And YOU are NOT allowed on MY train. PERIOD."

Michelle sighed.

"You NEVER should have gotten out of that group home. You're a heartless sociopath that belongs in prison."

Rey kissed him sweetly.

"And I LOVE him for it!"

He chuckled and lowered the gun as he madeout with her for a minute.

"Love you too, Rey."

She smiled and snuggled against him while Wisp chuckled.

"She's MISERABLE. Foster care huh?"

"Yeah. Me family's a mess-"

"You RAPED your SISTER-"

He shot her in the leg and she dropped as he slammed the next round into the chamber.

"NO. I did. NOT. She. LIED."

He shot the screaming woman in the leg again.

"I have said this time and time again, I DIDN'T. She SET ME UP."

He emptied the gun into her with a fury that scared the watching girls and once the gun was empty he was stomping on the barely alive woman's body with a vicious force.

"I did NOT."

All the while repeating the words with a venom that sent a shiver down Rey's spine.


He stopped mid stomp and shuddered as a dark anger lifted off his frame. Then he sighed and stabbed the dead woman with a revive needle. She was healed and scrambled away from the walking away man. Her face an expression of terror. Tyler sighed as he sat down between the nervous girls.

"My sister was the favorite of the family for years. I was the smart one. Well. One day I scored a perfect score on a ridiculously hard test and got a guaranteed free ride to college. SHE failed said test and was sent back three grades due to her inability to solve 1+1 without a calculator. Well. I was the new favorite and her superiority complex was too small to handle it. I came home, and was faced by her on the floor naked with a white liquid between her legs....just as our neighbor came in the other door. She cried rape and since I had a history of violence, they believed her."

He sipped his beer and Rey gulped.

"History of violence?"

"I beat up bullies for a living. My school had a massive bullying problem and I was one of the favorites. Problem was I knew how to throw a punch. After a time I'd get hired by kids for protection."

he sipped his beer and Rey let out a deep breath.

"You're not lying. I can tell. I believe you."

He smiled as she hugged him and Wisp hugged him too.

"My brother was killed by yakuza for something similar. I believe you."

Michelle was looking at the boy getting hugs from the two girls in terror.

"You're evil."

They ignored her as Tyler spotted a familiar busty blonde walking onto the platform.

"About FUCKING time Selena! Over here!"

The blonde soldier came over with her duffel bag and M1908 rack fed machinegun. She kissed him on sight and then Rey once she got her lips back.

"Sorry kids. I went to the wrong platform."

"Pay up!"

He made 500 bucks and the girls laughed. The tall soldier smiled as he stood up and Selena joined him in the cab with Rey. Wisp gave the whistle and the girls all loaded into their cars as Tyler looked Selena's outfit over. The tall sexy blonde had opted for an open front vest that showed off her marvelous cleavage and skin while for pants she wore denim booty shorts and combat boots. She smirked at his look over.

"I can take the vest OFF."

"Ha. Once we're out of sight of the city."

"GOOD MAN. Alright. MY spot?"

"For now sit tight and we'll get rolling. I'll train you on Black death's controls and go from there."

Rey felt the older blonde up and whistled.

"Wow, Selena. Your tits are harder then mine."

"I know."

Tyler felt them now and HE whistled.

"Wow Rey. You're right. Nice."

Rey grabbed the shovel now as the train woke back up. Tyler blew the whistle and rang the bell as wisp came over the radio.

"All aboard and all guns manned."

"Alright. Gleipnir is MOVIN OUT!"

The train pulled out of the station with a rattle and Selena was taught how to drive the massive beast. Once she was up to his snuff he passed her the bill.

"Long range patrol/linkup."

She nodded and looked the details over.

"Alright. Armaments?"

"Have a look."

She poked her head out the sight of the engine and whistled at the artillery and machinegun cars.

"Scary train. Why the cargo cars?"

"In case we find a tank or something to transport."


She looked at him.

"MY spot?"

"Cab security for the time being. YOU'RE in MY squad. Wisp is auxiliary support for the larger missions."

"Good. You guys worked well together in that battle."

"Wisp and her girls are good people. Plus they got heart."

Wisp was heard.

"Thank you!"

"Sure thing Tainted Widow."

"Oooh you DICK."

He chuckled at her fury before looking out the windshield.

"Keep your eyes wide, Selena. See anything that looks interesting call it out."

She leaned on the wall by the cab looking out at the city. Tyler keeping the train at a slow 10 miles an hour to prevent an accident.

"Like caves, rails, roads, and the like?"

"Yup. This is part patrol, part scavenger run. You see an airfield or abandoned depot speak up."

"roger. Day to day?"

"Well. Everything I've BEEN doing minus the daily phonecall."

"The advisors came in too. Our bodies are now held as national treasures and were sealed inside classified facilities."

"Cool. Most will have to grind for a bit before they can move to the front but that's nothing for us to worry about."

Rey shoveled coal as they chatted.

"Once we're up to speed, Selena we're assaulting the capital. US and Wisp's crew."

The blonde captain frowned.

"So soon?"

Tyler smirked.

"The enemy lost a lot of resources in that assault Selena. A LOT. They're in full retreat and if we let them recover the war will just drag on. Once we report back, Wisp and us are loading into the white Zeppelin with my monowing, Rey's monowing, that Gotha Bomber, and a fighter for you, and we're taking the fight to them. We do it right, we can win the war for the first floor and move to the next."

The busty blonde woman nodded.

"Sounds good. And the history books are filled with wars that dragged on from pushes that WEREN'T capitalized on. What's the next floor?"

"Sea warfare."

"I am getting a tiger print bikini."

Rey smiled.

"we got enough pelt left for you."

The man smiled as they pulled out of the city.

"And yes we will steal our own aircraft carrier, Selena."

"Ha. I kinda like the train."

"Sadly we'll lose our land vehicles besides carrier based ones for this floor. But they'll be waiting for us in the third floor. That one is a mix of mountains, forests, and some desert I think."

She went to light a cig,

"NOT next to a freakin car of coal, Selena."

And sheepishly put the unlit thing in her pocket.


Rey sighed as she shoveled more coal into the firebox.

"I ama blonde. And I didn't do that."

Tyler kissed her.

"YOU are a SMART blonde."

"Damn straight."

Selena smirked.

"Shadow died last year."

She got a hug but the woman smiled warmly.

"He lived a long life. And it was time."

The friends smiled and Tyler looked out the windshield again and noted the long line ahead.

"Increasing speed to 45."

"Acknowledged. Speed increase to 45."

Tyler moved the lever forward and Rey had the next scoop in the firebox as he blew the whistle. Selena smiled.

"Go for it."

She blew it herself now and giggled like a little girl.

"I've ALWAYS wanted to do that!"

he kissed her.

"You'll get to drive it yourself since we're swapping drivers and shovel."


Rey smirked as SHE kissed her now.

"SHARE her mouth."

"Yes rey."

Selena just smiled as she got felt too.

"I am mad I didn't jpin in sooner."

Her shorts were pulled down now and Rey licked her slit.

"Don't. Move."

Selena moaned as the hungry blonde fed on her succulent slit.

"Oooh I love this already!"

Tyler smiled as the horny woman was gotten off by his girlfriend before Rey shoved her to her knees before her boyfriend. Who stuffed his dick in her mouth. Selena bobbed for apples like a good girl and Rey shared her taste with her boyfriend. The blonde woman got a mouthful and swallowed every drop before smiling.

"We are going to have a LOT of fun together, kids."

Tyler chuckled as he zipped up and she swallowed again.

"NO more sex in the morning train in the cab."

They laughed and Rey noted the landscape was mostly flat grassland with some minor hills here and there.

"And this is nice too."

He smiled.

"Yeah it is. I love it."

Wisp's voice came over the radio.

"88 to engine."

"Whatchya got, Wisp?"

"11 oclock I see some shapes sticking up."

Selena pulled his binoculars out as Tyler slowed the train from 45 to 25 miles an hour.

"I see it, Wisp. We got eyes on a town."

Tyler looked now,

"And it's got a station. Hm. I don't see any people."

Rey frowned.


"Doubtful. This far from the frontline? Highly doubtful. Still. Machineguns. Cock em."

The girls loaded guns as he brought the armoured train to a slower crawl before blowing the whistle loud and proud. The stone built town had no reaction. He frowned and used the binoculars to scout the tracks ahead. And smirked.

"Ambush. They rigged the tracks with a derailer. Alright. Wisp, the town is declared hostile. Drop the sky."

"roger. 88s FIRE!"

the four guns fired and the town came to immediate life as a mass of enemy troops, cut off from the main forces and their homeland, staged a last stand to do SOMETHING for their country, but only succeeded in offering target practice for the train's crew. Tyler disarmed the train derailer before moving into the town itself. There the soldier left Selena and a few others to guard said train while he, Wisp, and rey investigated the town properly. Tyler walked into the station Master's office and found a safe he cracked. Inside the contents made him smile.

"I got more gold bullions ladies."

Rey came in with some paperwork.

"Old files and outdated intel. Looks like they got left behind and wanted to die in battle."

"Makes sense. I got maybe 750k in gold here. Plus this."

He pulled an Oberez bolt action pistol from the safe. Rey tilted her head at the odd thing.

"What the fuck is that?"

"Oberez bolt action pistol. Shoots .303."

"Wow. Weird."

"Oh yeah it's weird. Effective though."

Wisp came in now.

"You guys should see this."

The pair followed her through the small town and she tilted her head at the odd sidearm.

"Weird era."

"So weird."

"Give it to Selena."

He nodded.

"Good call Shadow."

Wisp led them to a larger building with a pair of double doors which she threw open. Inside the thing sat a full artillery truck. The dirty blonde smiled.

"It's got an 88mm on there and the tank's full."

Tyler whistled at the find.

"Nice find, Wisp. 88mm artillery deuce and a half. We'll load it on the train."

The blonde girlfriend climbed into the cab as Tyler and Wisp looted the ammo dump for shells and loaded them onto the truck. Then they guided the thing to the crane car where the entire crew came together to get it loaded and secured. Selena smiling as the efficient team worked. Tyler was at the controls for the crane, Wisp spotter, Rey on the truck with the straps, and the rest all using guiding lines while Selena kept watch with his legendary carcano.

"You kids work better together then some SEAL teams I've met."

The truck was locked in place with the cannon in the bed now an extra 88mm cannon for the train since it rotated. Tyler and the girls retook positions before he threw the lever and blew the whistle. Selena looked at him as they got moving.

"So the artillery truck?"

"we'll use as field support when attacking without tanks."

"Smart. So for now we're resting."

"Yup. Even if we got jumped, Black death is BUILT for resisting direct hits from shells. So this is also an R&R trip too."

Rey passed Selena the shovel.

"Your turn to shovel coal."


The blonde then sat on the steps of the train and he smiled.

"Better in the tender, Rey."

"Yeah. I forgot."

The blonde sat on the tender now and smiled as the train chugged along the line. Tyler looked out the windshield on the right of the cab and noted the line was clear. Wisp came over.

"All clear, Gore."

"Roger all clear, Wisp."

They chugged along for a few hours until the sun started going down and he smiled.

"Wisp and Sister222 to engine for driver shift."

"Roger, roger. Sleep?"

"4 hours driver, then swap. Me and Rey take first shift on the night train."

The blonde smiled as Wisp and her friend climbed into the cab over the coal tender. Selena followed the couple out of the engine and into the command car where they showered. Once clean tyler sat on the couch and Rey snuggled against him and Selena got his other side. The tall woman smirked as she rested her head on his chest.

"Yes we will fuck a lot."

Rey kissed her.


Tyler kissed them both before he smiled.

"So how often will re get recruits, Selena?"

"Every 6 months. Or more if another slaughter takes place."

"Outside information?"

"They have experts waiting for any and all questions. Call my former number on the radio and they answer."

He nodded as he stroked their blonde hair.

"Rey is the primary."

They laughed at that one and Selena smiled.

"I got no problem with that."

Rey smirked as she licked Selena's exposed nipple. Since she had left her vest on a bunk.

"I like your nipple."

Tyler smiled.

"Alright let's get this out of our systems."

The three went to his bunk set by the door and Selena was all but TACKLED into the thing by a naked Rey and Tyler. The blonde woman moaned as he fit into her and started thrusting.


"Her pussy is AMAZING, Rey!"

"Suck on her tit!"

The duo attacked their new blonde for a few hours with numerous orgasms, floods, position changes and screams. Tyler finally finished inside Rey's tightness and fell into her own impressive bust while Selena dropped as well. Rey's mouth on her slit. The trio panted hard in their sweaty sex pile for a bit before Tyler and Selena got off Rey and the man laid between them.

"Blonde threesomes are just DIFFERENT man."

They laughed at his tired verdict and Selena smiled tiredly.

"Best sex in YEARS kids. I am sorry I waited so long."

Rey smiled as she kissed her.

"We'll make up for lost orgies. Lily and Candice."

"I love you two."

Tyler smiled as he held them to his chest.

"I love you two. And I'm hungry."

They laughed at that and showered again before feasting on some good hotdogs and fries of all things with ice cold water to wash it down. Tyler smiled as he looked out the car window to the darkened landscape.

"All clear, Wisp?"

The dirty blonde driver chuckled on the radio.

"All clear. And the radio let us listen."

"I hope you enjoyed the ear sex."

"we DID. And there is a mass orgy in our future now. Once a few more girls get feisty."

Rey licked her lips seductively.

"I love my life."

Selena was topless and her rack bounced every now and then with the train.

"ME too, Rey. MEEEE too."

Tyler smiled at that heartfelt truth before he sighed.

"Rey an I's turn at the wheel."

Selena smiled.

"I'll keep it warm."

The pair climbed into the cab and Wisp and Sister222 tagged out.

"Still plenty of coal and water, Tyler."

"Alright. Next pairing is Sister666 and Buffy55."

The named girls nodded as he took the lever and flipped the bloodred light on the nose to blaring. Rey smiled as she watched the darkened landscape passing by from the cab.

"Now THIS is mildly romantic."

He kissed her.

"We'll go 6 hours for this."

"sleep in the day?"

"We ARE the most used to this."


The pair relaxed but kept watch on the lines ahead. The nighttime air cool and refreshing to the watchmen. Tyler keeping the train at a steady 45 miles an hour while Rey routinely shoveled coal into the firebox. He smiled as the red light of the train cast an eerie light ahead.

"Not a SOUL in their right mind would attack a black train with the markings I got on it."

Rey used a feature to take a cinematic video of the train.

"Oh my god. Tyler you have to see how this looks."

The soldier looked at the screen and from a distance it looked like a red glowing skull was careening along the railroad and the single eye lit up a solid football field ahead.

"THAT is so FREAKIN badass I love it."

She smiled as she hit save.

"That'll make for on hell of a point."

"Oh fuck yeah. We ride up to the capital in THIS we'll make a fucking statement."

"Too bad the air raid would be far more efficient."

"Yeah. Always next time."

"So true."

He looked ahead and noted they were entering a forest.

"Watch out. Forest incoming."

"Got it."

The train rattled on and Tyler smiled at the six hour mark.

"Sister666 and Buffy45 swap out."

The tired and waking voices were heard.


"We'll be right there."

The girls arrived wide awake and they tagged out. Tyler and Rey returned to the command car and changed into their bed clothes before climbing in beside Selena. Tyler smiled as she was naked under the blankets and Rey smirked.

"Why not?"

And her gown and panties were tossed aside so she could go naked. He smiled.

"My sweats are made from grizzly and tiger."

The girls snuggled against him and enjoyed the fur on their skin. Tyler smiled as he kissed them.

"Night Rey, Night Selena. I love you, Rey. Love you too, Selena."

"I see no favorites here."

"She's the primary."
