The World of Guns: 8th Advance




CASH: 10,796,250

Tyler woke to the feel of Rey in his arms. He smiled as he saw she was asleep on his chest. He leaned into her ear.

"I love you, Rey."

She woke with a shiver.

"I love you too, Gore. And my god did that feel good."

He kissed her deeply and she sighed happily.

"and this is the best."

He kissed her again as the ship softly bucked beneath them.

"It is."

"Too bad we can't stay in bed."

"So true."

They showered together in the small shower behind a cramped door and rejoined Selena on the bridge. The blonde captain was topless and in her shorts as she got her own kiss from the pair.

"Morning you two. Scope's clear and we've lost sight of the allied fleet."

Tyler looked out the various windows using binoculars and smirked as he saw the horizon all sides was indeed clear.

"Alright then. Take her to half speed, Rey. All clothing is now optional ladies."

They cheered and were quick to change into swimsuits. Tyler smirked as he pulled his black trunks on and walked around like that, much to the enjoyment of the blondes. Rey was in her tiger print bikini and the stripes made her massive bust seem bigger while Selena's patterning had her own impressive guns encased in the same stripes. The things were both barely there string bikinis and all were bare foot. Tyler looked out the windshield and smirked as Wisp and her girls were all laying on deck naked for some good tanning. Rey chuckled.

"And the orgy will begin once we're all horny."

They laughed and tyler took the horn.

"I'm in my trunk s ladies."

That was all it took for the group of now curious girls to come up to see the scene. Wisp licked her lips as he leaned on a wall. Her bikini was leather and tiny as she eyed the distinct bulge below the belt.

"Yup I'm horny."

The girls all had hungry expressions and Tyler smirked.

"And the bed is open."

They rushed to the captain's bed and he was the last to reach it. The girls were all naked and the pile was getting hot as he shut the door behind him. Rey was underneath Wisp, Sister222 and Sister666 with Selena and Britbitch222 on her slit, and the rest of the girls all sampling each other as he dropped his trunks. Wisp's eyes went wide as he approached HER first.

"Oh FUCK me!"

Rey was moaning under the many lipped sucking as her boyfriend fit into Wisp's surprisingly tight slit from the rear.

"wow Wisp."

"I'm a lesbian that likes to ride horses."

"That'll do it."

Selena smiled as the ride started and Wisp was thrust into Rey's bust.

"I'm next, Tyler."


The group's orgy got well underway then as Wisp's surprisingly tight slit was flooded to capacity before Selena was the next to be bent over. Rey was eaten alive by three girls while one had a toy in her lovely ass and thrusting while er breasts were fondled from behind. Selena was also popular as her larger breasts were favorites for pillows for getting railed from behind and for sucking. Tyler and the girls played hard for a few hours before they were all spent and out of shots. Tyler smiled as he laid in the center of the naked pile. Rey was in his right arm, Selena his left, Wisp was on his chest with Sister222, Sister666, and the rest were all plastered on the naked man as he smiled.

"I love my life. And we ARE doing that again ladies."

They chuckled tiredly at that fact and Rey kissed him.

"A. LOT. And now I want to clean the cum out of my pussy. I will still smell, videogame or not."

They chuckled at THAT sage wisdom before cleaning up thoroughly in the ships' showers. Once they'd gotten the sex off their bodies, the group returned to their positions. Tyler was on the bridge with Selena and Rey, Wisp and Britbitch222 were on the front turret, and the rest of her girls were spread throughout the ship. The best part? ALL of them were stark naked. Tyler smiled as he steered the massive ship naked with a captain's hat on his head, while to his right Rey was bent over her nav table also naked. Her massive, well-suckled breasts bouncing as she moved and her raw slit on full display. Selena was also naked and her triple Ds jiggled as she kept an eye on the pressure gauges.

"And we recorded that."

The pink eyed blonde looked at him smirking.

"Next time we're using lube and pills. Wisp's toy felt GREAT but it hurt too!"

Selena chuckled as she tossed the younger girl a bottle.

"Night cream. Heals the ass, slit, and tits from a night of hard sex. And makes the tits harder and slit tighter, Rey."

"Selena I fucking love you. And your tits."

"I love you too, Sweetie."

Tyler smiled as he looked ahead at the horizon.

"I love you two, Rey, Selena. ALL of you."

They smiled at that as Rey sighed with relief as she dull throb between her legs faded out from the soothing cream. Tyler plied the craft along the still sea as Selena had a thought.

"So how realistic is the sea floor, Tyler? Or do you know?"

"Hm. The info I was given had dets all the way to floor 5. But they got more and more sparse the higher you got. But. To answer your question, Selena? The oceans in TWOG have their own AIs to fully simulate living seas. So we can safely assume a perfect mirror."

She frowned now and looked to the waves.

"That's not reassuring. The ocean is legendary for it's unpredictability. Rogue waves?"

"They're in here. But from what I understand are as rare as they are IRL. The storms would be the more pressing concern."

"That was my next question."

Rey looked over.

"what's the next floor, Tyler?"

"This'll hurt you. But it's a winter themed floor."

The naked girls looked at him and he smiled humorlessly.

"You heard me. Floor three is winter combat. And takes place in a dense forest."

Selena shivered.


"The German black forest."

"oh CRAP. We will need serious winter clothes to handle that kinda thing, Tyler."

"Actually? Not really. This IS a videogame after all. And since the devs had to account for as many playstyles as possible, we can get unnatural cold buffs from normal clothing. For example. Check your bikini out in the stats."

Rey brought her tiger print bikini up in duffel bag and Tyler smiled as he pointed to a snow flake icon in the lining.

"That means it's insulated. If you were to wear that in the snow floors, Rey, you'd be as toasty warm as you would if you had one of those thick Russian coats on. Bare feet included."

She smirked.

"I WILL test that, Gore."

"Snow angel in a bikini?"

"Snow angel in a bikini."

Selena chuckled as she saw the same icon on her bikini.

"that's a relief."

"But. There IS durability involved too. So if the bikini runs out, it'll freeze solid and shatter. Leaving you naked. And THEN it gets realistic."

"Ah. We will be vigilant."

"I don't really NEED to be since my hometown's in the north and I run a degree or two warmer an most."

They chuckled at that brag as Wisp's voice was heard.

"Hey Cap'n, starboard to 8 o clock. See that?"

Tyler looked and saw a large sperm whale breaching the waves.

"Oh good eyes, Wisp. Kill it and we can use it as food and mats for the ship."

Selena laughed as a machinegun opened up on the gentle giant.

"I can HEAR the offended tree huggers now!"

"why do ya think I had her kill it?"

The ship was brought to a stop as they used an on ship crane to hoist the multiton animal from the waves and onto the deck. There it was butchered by the crew and added to the ship's stores. Then they cleaned up hard in the showers and were moving. Tyler chuckled as the ship got moving again.

"Oddly enough we can kill any living thing we see. And they're useful for every use they're supposed to be used for."

Rey smirked.

"I want an arctic fox fur bikini."

"They live on the snow floor, Rey."


Selena chuckled as she looked ahead.

"Oh I can hear the ranting now."

Tyler chuckled at that one when the radio on a console in the bridge blipped.

"LT Bridget to speak with Admiral Goreleech."

Tyler looked at the thing curiously and noted the thing was basically a giant radio like the one in his duffel.

"THAT'S kinda cool."

Selena sighed.

"All tits get dressed. We got a call."

After a mass boo the girls got dressed and Tyler pulled the mic off the hook to project a flushed Bridget onto a floating screen. Selena smirked.

"He's GOTCHYA now, Bridget."

"I see how. But my wife just visited…and we watched."

Tyler smirked.

"I do hope you cleaned my dick when you were done."

"And her tits."

Selena laughed as she fondled her impressive guns at that.

"Impressive aren't they?"

The advisor shivered.

"I ADORE big, HARD, SUCCULENT tits. So I will be caring for them most lovingly."

Tyler smirked as he tossed his shirt aside and she leered.

"You know where to find us for more action."

"I will remember that. Now. The reason for the call."

The tri got serious and gathered around the screen as Bridget held a clipboard up.

"So you're aware? Last night the Nazerik Army counterattacked the capital. And the allied force was defeated. The lines were pushed back all the way to Tragonia and the enemy is now entrenched deeply in solid lines. The Veteran numbers have dropped to a mere 5,000 head and are all holed up in Tragonia while the recruits are just barely reaching level 4. You and the Dapple are cut off from the first floor entirely."

Tyler sighed as he lit a cig now.

"I am not surprised, and yet I am. Any significant progress, Bridget?"

"No. the recruits are progressing slowly due to them learning the game's mechanics. And the Veterans are terrified to move at all. All predictions at this moment indicate we are going to lose ALL the remaining Veterans outside the Razgriz squad within the week."

Tyler and the girls slumped at this new bombshell.

"Out of 4,500,000 people, only 11 are actual FIGHTERS? And are WORTH something?"

The advisor sighed.

"This seems correct. Brockwall22 and his party are the strongest of the 5,000 remaining Veterans, but even then they're a timid bunch. They're only contributions were some killed troops in the trenches. 500 of them."

Rey smirked as she got a bum cig.

"And that's not even a morning warmup for us. The devs?"

"Are now using their game as an I-told-you-so to parents and society as a whole. Our children are no better then newborn lambs and are more helpless then a legless pig in a slaughterhouse. America, Britain, Japan, and a few other countries have lost millions of children and are now looking into utterly reforming how they raise kids. China has just authorized their own children be added to the pool under threat from the devs. They got a hold of some key codes to the Chinese networks and so a full 500,000,000 are expected to be dropped into the game world within the month."

Tyler looked at Selena in mild amazement.

"Tragonia is going to look like a joke. There is going to be a TERRIFYING amount of high tier massacres in here. And there is ANOTHER big one coming. Once the enemy pushes their lines back to the starting city, they'll attack it en mass. And then the players WON'T be ABLE to retreat since that's the game's edge of the world."

Bridget sighed.

"That's the Generals' verdict as well. And yet the leaders are saying there are simply too many people now for that to happen again."

"I am not helping them."

The advisor nodded.

"Understood. There will be an attempt to retake the capital today by a force of half a million recruits. All veteran soldiers out here with decades of experience. They're supported by 2500 tankers and 1500 aircraft."

Tyler smirked.

"Tell em the game rewards high SKILL more then high LEVEL."

"I will. Yes?"

There was a knock and a paper was passed over and she smiled with relief.

"The attack was just launched and we already have results. You are right, Tyler. The allied force has just retaken the 15th trench line outside Tragonia and the momentum is still with them. The trained soldiers have learned the game DOES reward high skill. So the capital is expected to be retaken and resecured by the end of the day."

"I want a deathtoll."

"Yes sir. And know that celebrities are to be drafted as well into the game."

Tyler smirked again.

"There wasn't any big names in the first 4,500,000?"

"None. Seems the promos and movies were to be filmed ingame in a few weeks once progress had been made. Just know they are expected to put the helmet on as we normals."

"So. Anyone I know?"

"Greshia Sky, a few movie stars, some actresses, Hannah Merillia, Taylor McIntyre, and a few others thus far."

Tyler chuckled as he looked at Selena.

"I can so see a few managers coming to us for bodyguard hiring."

She smirked at that possibility.

"I can too actually. And I see an opportunity in that, Tyler."

"I do as well. Rey?"

"I want Taylor in my bed."


Bridget chuckled.

"I have already been approached by a few dozen managers and parents with offers to pay you for protecting their charges."

Tyler looked at her.

"Any of note?"

"well. Taylor McIntyre for one, Greshia Sky for another, Cardigan, that chick that made that tiktok about how eating cereal was horrid during that lockdown California had last year."

"Oh I member. That spoiled bitch that lives in that multimillion dollar mansion and is only famous for what her ass bought?"

"Pretty much. Her manager wants you to take her on and keep her safe while she is inside."

"Ha. I'd do it just for the evil karma. Give her a knife and make her skin a whale."

They laughed at the idea and Rey smiled.

"Let's pick up Taylor, Gore. I love her voice."

"She's another blonde we can seduce into our orgies. Anyone else, Bridget?"

She looked at a paper.

"For celebrities? We have another singer by the name of Avril. That punkrocker."

Tyler smirked.

"She's a tiny thing with blonde hair, right?"

"And a great voice. She reached out to ME to ask YOU to help teach her the game. I told her I'd ask you and here I am."

"Wow. I heard she wasn't a bitch but that's a step in the right direction."

"We have the actress Scarlett Horanson, the one that did Black Widow."

Selena smiled.

"She's in."

Tyler had a piece of paper as he looked at the names.

"Taylor, Avril, and Scarlett. So three rookies. Alright. We'll take one more and then we'll call it till they got broken in."

Bridget looked at the list.

"The last one is a wrestler by the name of Paige. She's scheduled to be in the first batch of celebrities. She reached out to me for the same help as Avril. And she is a TOUGH girl too."

Tyler smiled as he looked at the list.

"A country singer, a punkrocker, a scrapper, and a actress scrapper. Alright. Ladies?"

Rey smiled.

"NO forgetting your favorite blonde."

"I love you too, Rey."

"Good boy. No issues so long as they pull their weight."

Selena nodded.

"what she said. We need all the help we can get in here. So. Long as they LISTEN to what we teach them? They'll be just fine."

Tyler nodded and looked to the ship radio.


the dirty blonde chuckled.

"we all want autographs and to go with you when you pick them up. But we're in."

"Good. We'll take Gleipnir to pick them up. Drive the point home with a hammer."

He looked at Bridget.

"when are they diving?"

"9 days, Tyler. Their managers will want to discuss terms."

"No terms. Besides my own. 1. You WILL listen to what we say. If you DON'T I will MAKE you listen. 2. No work, no food, no pay. In MY crew? You BUST your ass. And I BETTER see results. 3. Everything you have and your character has is Squad knowledge. I have a plan for nearly everything. And I need to know everything about your build to make the absolute best use of your skills. This includes but is not limited to gear inside your duffelbag and on your person, stats of every type, skills of every type, and the like. 4. I give you an order, you do it. PERIOD. On MY team? There is NO deadweight."

Bridget nodded as she wrote the rules down.

"Understood. I will give these to the girls. NOT their managers."

"I'll give them to em in person too once they dive. In a week we'll be back in port so we can head to collect them."

"Understood. I will have a report for you in the morning. Nothing further."

The screen died and Tyler smiled.

"I said we'd be back in port in a week. I lied. We'll be back in four days."

The girls smirked as he tipped his hat.

"Full sail! I want that ship sunk in three days! Engine room."


"Increase output to max."

"Increasing to max output!"

"full ahead, Rey."

"aye, aye full ahead."

"Selena, leave the pressure gauge. I want us on target. You're the better nav."

"aye aye nav switch."

"Wisp. Cannon one status?"


"Good. I want us CUTTING through these waters, ladies. We're RAZGRIZ. Let's remind them WHY we are so FUCKING feared. BREAK!"

The ship came ALIVE! Tyler had the wheel of the light frigate in a fist as the girls in the engine room fed the fires with a vigor and rey slammed the throttle all the way forward. Selena had the maps and sea charts out along with a compass as she guided the craft.

"3 degrees to port, Captain."

"3 to port."

"Aye, aye."

Tyler plied the wheel as the ship left a wide wake behind her as the friends made up for orgy time with hard progress. The sun set on that day and Tyler swapped the steering for Selena as he went to bed for 6 hours. He then swapped out for her and Rey to sleep while he manned the bridge alone for once. And he sailed on till morning.



DAY 10

CASH: 10,796,250

Tyler had one hand on the wheel as the sun came up and the girls returned to the bridge.

"Morning Rey. Morning Selena. All clear."

Rey kissed her boyfriend lovingly.

"I slept badly last night. Wasn't the same without you."

"it felt weird for me too. But we're ahead a schedule so that's a plus."

Selena got her own kiss too.

"I'd say we cut our chase time down from a week to 2 days with that hard push. Not bad for a mere light frigate."

"we're chasing a light cruisier. Makes sense. Wisp."

"Wisp reporting in. 100mm set and ready."

"Atta girl. Fuel?"

"Holding steady at 11/12s!"

"Good. Shells."

"Still full at over 150 100mm rounds."

"Thanks Sister222. Alright. Settle in girls. One more day's hard push and we'll sink her."

The girls got comfy in their roles while Tyler got called by Bridget. She smiled as he pulled her up.

"Operation Reclaim was a success. The capital was retaken before the sun went down and is now a stable outpost. Deathtoll for the entire campaign stand at 75,000 troops, 250 tanks, 100 aircraft."

Tyler smirked.

"Not bad. Out of a force of half a mill? Impressive. The Veterans?"

"Played no part. They are now seen as worthless cowards. Outside of Razgriz. Who is now hailed as the first squad."

"So when are they entering floor two?"

"They are holding at the coast to fully secure the countryside to prevent another counterattack."

"That's not a bad idea either. Okay. So who flipped out first?"

The brunette chuckled.

"I actually have someone here to meet with you."

She stepped aside and a tall, well cut woman was seen on screen now. She was Tyler's height with jet black hair with blue highlights at the tips and a VERY pale complexion and rounded face. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue and her lips had black lipstick on their fullness. She was clad in a tight fitting leather croptop that showed off her large bust and six pack abs and her rounded hips had skin tight denim jeans on them. She smiled and her teeth were pearly white as she spoke in a breathy accent.

"Nice to meet the legend of TWOG. I'm Sabyril. Of you can just call me Paige since that's my ingame tag."

Tyler chuckled as he looked at her.

"Nice to meetchya. These are Rey and Selena. So."

He got serious.

"Do you agree to my rules?"

She smirked now herself.

"Are they negotiable?"



"We're fighting for our lives in here. And sorry. MY way is the very best. Why do ya think we're up here?"

"You have a point. I agree. So. What now?"

"in a week you'll dive and we'll pick you up at West end Station. Since you're a bruntte, I don't think you'll get lost."

Selena slapped him.

"I didn't know there were two stations ya fuckin jackass."

"I didn't say YOU got lost, Selena."

"Ooooh you sneaky sonuvabitch. Watch out for him, Paige. Guy's good at what he does."

"Oh this will be fun."

Tyler smirked at her intrigued tone before he looked her over again.

"Okay. Decently muscular,"

"I can hear you,"

"Reasonably agile, but no tiny dancer,"

"I am RIGHT here."

"tough, strong, and has that goth thing going on,"


Rey chuckled as her boyfriend analyzed the black haired beauty closely.

"He's running his simulations in his head, Paige. Watch."

"Ah. I'll set her up as an assault Goth. Okay. Your starting weapon will be a Fedorov Automatica. 25 round full automatic self-loading rifle from WWI."

Selena smiled as she looked the confused lady over herself now.

"Smart. She's got the frame for a decent riflewoman."

"Plus that strength a hers would make for a nasty bayonet lunge too. Once she got trained in dropping people that is. NOT just pretending to."

"I can kick your ass without breaking a sweat kid."

He smirked at her flat tone now.

"You can prove it later, Rookie. Bridget. Get her an image of the actual rifle."

"Yes sir."

Paige sighed as she was passed a photo.

"Oh this is going to SUCK. A week. West Side Station."

"when you load in, take a few minutes at the firing range since ammo there doesn't cost a dime."

"Yeah. I'll do that."

"See ya on the platform Paige. I hope you bring your big girl fists."


"Interesting image."

She laughed at that one.

"You have no chance, KID."

"Funny. A certain soldier barbie I love said the same damn thing when we met. Guess where she spent the day yesterday?"

Selena smirked at that flat brag.

"Don't get cocky."

"I meant Rey."


"You're a dick."

Paige left chuckling to familiarize herself with her new role and Bridget looked at her clipboard.

"I have another request for protection from one Emma Holmes. That ginger witch from those movies a few years back."

"Huh. Her dive?"

"Same time frame."

Selena smiled as she looked at their roster.

"We DO have the hands to train them, Tyler. I'd say we can take her. But that is the absolute limit."

"Alright. She get my rules?"

"She's here actually. Seems she was in the country for an interview on her next film when she got the short draw."

"This'll be easy."

The sound of a door opening and closing was heard followed by a set of clicking heels. Tyler looked at the ships' horn.

"Status, wisp."

"All green!"


"Clean! Not even a cloud!"


A clipped, high voiced English accent was heard then.

"I see YOU run a tight ship."

Tyler looked back to the screen where a beautiful lady in a red sweatshirt and blue jeans was looking at him. She was half a head shorter then him with long curly flame red hair and lovely emerald green eyes set into a fair skinned face. Her bust was large on her slender frame and her lips painted red. He smiled.

"Nice to meetchya. I'm Tyler. So. You want on my boat."

She nodded gravely.

"I do. I was chosen as a recruit and felt reaching out to the very best inside would be prudent."

"Since you're used to pretending to be the beautiful badass, this shit should fit you like a glove."

"I appreciate the complement. I do believe my role would be medic."

He crossed his arms now.

"Hm. I'd put you as a sniper. You don't look like you do a lotta running and that's kinda what a medic is known for."

"I am more fit then I appear. But I see your point. My weapon?"

"Take a Krag-Jorgensen, Emma. I got two spares I can swap you once we pick you up. West Side Station in the starting city."


"Doesn't matter. Just be there and we'll roll up sooner or later."

"I will be there. And. I am a very happily spoken for lady."

Selena smirked.

"You say that now."

"Oh dear."

Rey smirked.


"I love you, Rey."


Emma chuckled at the exchange.

"I look forward to fighting with you."

"Have you seen my rules?"

"I have not. A moment."

The redhead looked them over on Bridget's clipboard and blinked.


"Ya wanna live?"

"Just agree to never reveal a number."

"Oh. Sure. We're an open Squad so just ask."

"I…will keep that in mind."

Tyler looked out the windshield of the ship at the horizon and blinked.

"12 o clock low. Scope, see it?"

"ship sighted! It's our prey!"

"General quarters to battle stations. Wisp on the gun. MOVE ladies."

The ship came to life as Tyler hit a button to have the screen stay up but go invisible to let the ladies watch the pros in action. The tall soldier took the wheel as the girls got into position. Wisp's strong voice was heard.

"Range to target, 6000 and closing rapidly. Effective range on the main turret, 4500."

"All ahead ladies. Keep it tight. Wisp. Aim for the waterline on the hull."

"roger. Britbitch22 is on the second turret with Sister666."


He hit another button and an extended version of the Pirates theme was heard to start playing, making the girls chuckle. The enemy vessel was a good deal longer then the Dapple with bigger 105mm guns on her in three turrets. Tyler smiled as the cruisier turned.

"Hard to port. Ready the broadsides."

"Aye, aye hard to port."

The turrets turned as the ship lined up sideways to the enemy ship and Wisp was heard.

"range 3000!"

"All batteries open fire!"

The cannons opened up with deep thuds and thunder. Tyler tracked the shells with a pair of binoculars and smirked as they impacted.

"Impact detected. Hull breach confirmed. Fire!"

Another volley went out and slammed into the enemy ship as their cannons opened up as well. But due to the ship's listing the shots were off target and slammed into the sea.

"One more."

The ship was hit again and it exploded from a round slamming into an ammo dump in the ship's interior. The cruisier split clean in half and tyler chuckled.

"She's going down. Good kill. Move in for looting."

The girls cheered at the successful ship kill as Dapple was moved beside the burning vessel and lines cast onto debris. That merely netted them a resupply on ammo from the sinking vessel before they turned for port. Tyler chuckled as he brought the videocall back up and was faced with Bridget, Emma, and Paige. The redheaded Emma clapped with a smile on her face.

"That was rousing. Annnd it seemed easy."

"Yeah it was. We know where to hit a ship to utterly CRIPPLE her and it was the first mission on the new floor. So by default it'll be far easier. Dapple didn't level up from a single ship kill so we'll be stuck with her current loadout for a while."

Paige smirked.


"It seemed fitting."

"Okay fair enough. So you are returning to port."

"Yup. We're ahead a schedule so we'll get paid and see about a lighter mission. Maybe a patrol around the coastline or something. It's two days full sail back to the fleet and one full to port so we'll see. Plus a two day train ride to the starting city from the port city…..that works. We'll head to port and ready for pick up. Since it'll take us a day to ready up an all."

They nodded and Bridget smiled.

"The rules were agreed to by Taylor, Avril and Scarlett. Tyler. They will be waiting at the station as well."

"Good. We'll be there. Anything further ladies?"

The heads shook and he nodded.

"See ya in a few days."

The screen died and he kissed Rey.

"We are going to have SO much fun breaking them in, Rey."

"Oh ABSOLUTELY. I wanna take Cardigan just to make her shovel coal in the train."

"That is EVIL and I LOVE you for it. MAYBE."

Selena lit a cigarette.

"So. We're escorts for celebrities now."

"Not even. They'll be put to work just like the rest a us."

"I needed to hear it."

Tyler smiled and then refocused on the crew.

"Alright. Wisp. Britbitch22. Cannon verdicts?"

Wisp chuckled.

"They're like that cannon on the truck, Gore. Nothing too crazy."

"Alright then. We got 5 new rookies to break in so we're making for port."

"Aye, aye. I missed the train."

"Gliepnir will be one HELL of an orientation for the newbies. Plus I can replace the whistle with a full on howl."

They chuckled at the image before returning to their work. The return sail to the fleet took two full days and in that time, the group encountered no enemy ships and had an orgy a day.



DAY 13

CASH: 10,796,250

Tyler woke the morning of the third day to find Rey bouncing on his hardon with a look of need on her face. He smiled and bucked into the riding girl from below and she moaned as she got her longed for orgasm before falling off his dick with a relieved expression.

"ahhh! I NEEDED that! Dunno why but I woke up this morning SUPER horny."

She shrugged and he kissed her.

"I love you too, Rey."

The blonde smiled happily as Wisp smirked from his other side and mounted the still hard dick herself now.

"About time, Rey. I need a good fuck too."

Selena was heard chuckling from the bridge.

"I heard her moan from the bridge. And all clear, Tyler."

"Alright. Fleet sighted?"

"Not yet. A few more hours."

wisp groaned as she got her own orgasm and flooded slit after ten minutes bouncing.

"Oooh I LOVE bouncing on that thing."

He kissed the dirty blonde fondly.

"I like GETTING bounced on. And we need to clean up."

They showered together before Tyler retook the wheel on the bridge. Selena was rubbing spme night cream into her slit with a smile.

"I got pinned between the Sisters last night and they used toys. Ah! It felt GREAT! But now it's sore so."

He kissed her fondly.

"Keep it tight, Selena. Loose blondes suck."

She and Rey snorted at THAT cocky demand as both blondes rubbed the cream into their slits now.

"I think SOMEONE is getting full of themselves, Selena."

"I think so too, Rey. Whatever shall we blondes do?"

"Whatever SHALL we do?"

Tyler just smiled as he kissed them in turn.

"I love you two. And you're both gorgeous. Course I'mma get cocky."

Rey smiled happily and snuggled under his arm.

"I love you too, Gore."

Selena sighed and snuggled under his other arm.

"I love you too, Tyler. Ladykiller."

they laughed at that one as Wisp chuckled.

"Fleet sighted."

"Got it."

The girls grumbled as they got dressed in their land attire. Since while at sea they'd just gone naked. Tyler berthed the ship by the Missouri and got their payment from the quartermaster.

"Not bad Rookies. 300k on the nose."

"We'll be headin to port, QM. Seems the ladies be taken a leave."

"Lucky BASTARD. N entire crew of goddesses and him the ONE man aboard? Should be a crime to that lucky. Go on. Damned kids."

The friends resupplied the ship for 100k and headed for the arch. Tyler smiled as he saw the golden thing.

"it weird I think of MCds when I see that?"

The girls chuckled at that one as they passed through the arch.

"I'm kinda craving some fast food myself."

"Sadly we won't be able to have any until we reach a modern day floor and raid a restaurant ourselves."

"Oh now THAT sucks!"

"It does. Same time? It's floor 25."

"That's a relief."

Selena looked over now.

"There's 175 floors in total, right?"

He sighed.

"A 175 LAUNCH floors, Selena. From the leaks the miners were able to dig up? The devs laid the infrastructure for 500 active floors at once. And just because we reach floor 175 does NOT mean we get out."

She sighed at that.

"You've a point. Worry about it later I guess."

"Port sighted."

Tyler and the girls looked ahead and sure enough. The port was sighted out of the windshield. The soldier smiled.

"Decrease speed to 5 and ready for docking."

"Aye aye speed to 5 and ready for docking."

The crew safely docked the ship at the port and Tyler chuckled as the ground swayed underfoot once they disembarked.

"So THIS is land sickness. Weird."

The girls smiled at their stumbling and Rey smirked.

"So three days on the rails?"

"Yup. Let's go get our girl."

The friends made their way through the former enemy capital to the railyard where the baron greeted them with a chuckle.

"If it ain't the mighty Razgriz. Bored a the seas kids?"

Tyler smiled.

"Kinda. And missed Black Death."

"She be a mean line, Goreleech. And she be there in shed five."

"Iron Steed?"


They looked at the twice the other size door and Rey smiled sweetly.

"She's MINE!"

"Lass Steed is a MEAN one. But good for ya."

Tyler walked over to the job board and smirked as he saw one.

"Hey I got a 4 skull bill here, ladies. Seems a city to the south is still resisting the allied forces. Best part is that line goes RIGHT through west Side Station in Start. We'd go down, pick our girls up, drill em on the train, and then be part of another city siege."

Selena smiled.

"Baptism by fire. Reward?"

"Another 5,000,000. Best part is it's another coastal city which would provide gate access for us."

He took it and the Baron smirked.

"Steed or Death?"



"two 105mm artillery cars. Three machinegun cars. Two flatbed cars and crane. One antiair 88mm artillery car. The command car. And the caboose."

"Roger. The cars will be gathered."

The friends went into the shed where Tyler patted the wedge on the black train.

"Let's go back to war, Gleipnir."

He took his spot in the cab with Rey and Selena while Wisp and her girls readied the cars in question. Tyler smiled widely as he blew the train's whistle and it echoed around the yard.

"I MISSED this sound."

Selena smiled warmly as she helped shovel coal into the firebox.

"Me too, Tyler. ME too."

The trio rolled the mighty steam engine onto the turntable and Wisp helped guide the train onto her line. Once the coupling was secured and the girls loaded in, Tyler looked at the baron.

"Gleipnir is rollin out!"

The man waved and the train chugged out of the station. Wisp chuckled from her spot in the 105mm artillery car.

"I missed this spot. And since when did Black death get 105mm cannons?"

Tyler chuckled as they rolled through the city.

"Since we restored Iron Steed. We're using her cars."



He slowed the train and leaned out of the cab to swipe a familiar blonde NPC into the tight spot and kissed her.

"Hey Candice."

The naughty nurse laughed at the kidnapping.

"We missed you, Gore. Nice to see you."

"My ship's name is Dapple. You and Lily, are now nurses aboard her."

"Oh YES CAPTAIN! We will report to the harbor master at once!"

"Why I did not think of that before is irritating me, but we got ya now."

She smiled happily as he set her on the ground without stopping the train. The blonde nurse waved and Rey chuckled as they picked up speed.

"I am mad I didn't think of that either."

"Well now we know. And they're NPC nurses so the medicine bay is staffed. They're doctors aboard ship."

Selena nodded.

"Sex and orgies aside. SMART. And VERY wise. So there was an ulterior motive to getting to know her."

"There was. Candice is one of those NPCs that grant bonuses based on relationship. She may have been a mere camp whore when we met, but while I;ve been busy, she's moved to full doctor. And since she's madly in love with me, I get bonuses to my healing rate, cheaper medical supplies at the quartermaster, access to HER Medical supplies, and she can revive me if I die in battle and the meter runs out ONE time per week. Like I got retrieved from the frontline and she saved my life on the table type deal."

Rey whistled as she shoveled coal.

"and you knew that going into her?"

"No. I figured it out when she came back the third night."


They chuckled at that one as they rolled along a rather crowded part of the city and he blew the whistle loud and proud. People looked and JUMPED out of the way of the iconic and instantly recognizable Black Death armoured train as she rattled by with a pair of unmistakable blondes either side an unforgettable man in the cab. The word that Goreleech was back on floor one spread like wildfire through the player base and soon enough thousands of players were lining the tracks ahead hoping to catch a glimpse of the legend of TWOG. Tyler chuckled as he saw the masses of people along the line and on bridges ther passed under all craning to see them.

"I think we're kinda famous, Selena."

The soldier blonde laughed as cheers, rants, yells, and general chaos flowed around their train.

"I guess so. And ya might wanna hurry up. In case a few are….unhappy."

Tyler lifted the trench gun into easy view and pumped it with one hand in a CLEAR warning to players around them as he blew the whistle loudly. The line ahead was cleared like magic and the train picked an extra 5 miles an hour up. Rey waved at the crowds and Tyler kissed her deeply on the mouth before ALSO kissing Selena in a CLEAR powerplay that made them laugh and lifted a few eyebrows on some interested ladies as they saw an open door. Then they passed into a tunnel and were out on the grasslands outside the city. Tyler chuckled as the city faded into the background.

"Well THAT was fun. I have expected someone to take a shot at us."

Selena took a swig from her flask she kept in her vest.

"I saw a few snipers taking aim, but then Wisp panned the 105mm cannon around. The barrels vanished."

"Ha. Stowaways?"

"Checking now. With dual 1887s."

"Atta girl."

Tyler smiled as the train clacked along the line without issue and Wisp called in the all clear backed by Sister222. Rey smiled as the wind set her blonde hair to drifting behind her.

"I like the ocean, but this is nice too."

Selena looked at him.

"What happens of the allied fleet is sunk while we're gone?"

"Since we're still holding onto the shore, we can launch another assault with a fresh fleet. Since the Intrepid will most likely survive."

"The players without ships?"

"Will be assigned to various ships in the fleet as crew and marines."

"Ah. Landings?"

"We'll do our fair share. But. On OUR terms. And using the blimp as a dropship. We are NOT going in through the meat grinder that is the shore. PERIOD."

"I cannot agree more. Since any idiot knows of how they work out."

Tyler smirked.

"Plus by the time we actually GO to land on the shore? We'll have poured half of Dapple's rounds into MY targets. I learned a lot from the Japanese in WWII."

They chuckled at that one as Wisp smirked.

"So we're swapping driver and tender?"

"Same drill as last time, Wisp."

"Making sure. Clothing?"

"Sadly not optional due to the number of idiots on the floor."

"Boo. I HATE pants."

"Long as you're not in view, go naked."

"Yay! I think I'll set up like Mina from Strike witches."

They laughed at that plan as the train rattled on. The trip back to the starting city took three days. And not a damned thing happened of interest in those three days. Seriously. They owned that part of the game. And the sex was amazing since, well, ya know, blondes.