Chapter 5


Loneliness was familiar, welcomed even. Despite living with Dad all those years, Danuja never once considered him more than a pet, rarely a partner. She trained him, feed him, washed him and played with him. It was also true that he makes the loneliness more bearable.

But just because it's bearable doesn't mean it's not there. Doesn't mean that there are times when she forgets how to talk with words, not the signs or signals for Dad. When she is scared of her own voice in the empty house. When she let's the TV constantly open just to hear something else beside dog sounds or whatever she mumbled to herself.

Yes. It's lonely. Being ostracized by all the other kids she meets or them being scared of her because of her reputation. Being whispered by the people around her. It's lonely and makes her want to kneel.

It also makes her want to rip their throat out and engrave in their mind that they are idiots.

'' And? What if I'm lonely? Still doesn't explain what you want from me.'' Danuja said holding her ground

The boy grins and claps his hands '' That's it!'' he said pointing at her '' See, you are quite know for lots of reasons. Despite the obvious, you blatantly call your dog 'Dad', not let yourself fall to all the things your classmates do to you and fight back every time.''

There's a moment of silence were the guy stays unmoved and Danuja just stare surprised at him.

'' Every single time. You get up. You are like...-'' he points to her dog making him cock his head ''- like a beaten dog that doesn't give up.''

'' What. You wanted me to stand down and take it. And stop fucking comparing me with a dog when you don't even know me.'' Danuja said unconsciously revealing her teeth in a similar posture with Dad

'' It's almost cute.'' he states making Danuja more confused '' Look the thing is. I want your help with small things. Like delivering a message or a package or-''

'' Hey! '' he yells after her  ''I didn't finish!'' he didn't follow her

'' I say it then, I say it now. '' she yells back, Dad trotting at her side '' I'm not interested!''

It would be a long time until she saw him again.


In an abandoned place, after closed doors and locked gates, the building was brimming with people. All kinds of individuals, from actual highschoolers to middle aged men's to 'teachers' and the occasional younger generation, come and go to that place.

There wasn't a single female in that place. It wasn't because they were unwelcomed by any means, but more like they wouldn't leave their variate jobs and so this building didn't have a single female near it's gates for at last ten years.

'' Well?'' a man asked while smoking a cigarette. His arms were adorned in tribal tattoos, heavy rings on his fingers, lounging on a chair. He was looking at the boy curled on the sofa, counting little packets and moving them in different piles

'' No luck.'' the boy states sighing a little disappointed at the situation '' She is pretty stubborn.''

Another man entered carrying a heavy box, he snorts upon hearing them '' She is weak. I still don't understand why do we need to recruit her.'' he states letting the box down, taking his own seat

'' Higher ups orders, Yamada.'' the first man spoke, his cigarette half finished. His phone opens and he gets up '' Duty calls. See you boys.'' he smash his half smoked cigarette on the table

'' See you Yoshida-san.'' the two remained said glancing at the tattooed man leaving

'' Must be nice to not be stuck counting.'' Yamada said shaking his head

'' I don't know... it's pretty neat to recruit.'' the heavy dressed boy said from his spot. Yamada shakes his head at the young boy not understanding him in the slightest

'' How is going with her?'' he ask stopping his counting '' Any luck?'' he snorts seeing the boy shacking his head

'' She is stubborn as a mull. Strong character. Didn't get swayed in the slightest, more like amused of my attempts.'' he said more amused than disappointed

'' Runs in the blood that one.'' Yamada comments resuming his work. The shipping today was quite good, he though looking at the various packages. '' I heard that the big Boss requested her but I'm not seeing anything interesting from her. Just a lone kid with no friends or any social standing. A good one at last.'' he added making the warm dressed boy snort '' What do you think, Sai?''

'' Not everyone has a good standing. '' Sai said black eyes narrowing at the man before him '' We wouldn't be here if any of us had a good social standing or a good life for that matter.''

'' Hah! '' Yamada laughed at his comment, enjoying the boy upset face

'' She isn't psychically strong by any means. The tackles she does are the results from taking care of her giant dog. Couldn't image being easy raising that one.'' Sai jokes remembering how comical the two looked beside each other '' She was interested but too stubborn to actually say it. I though if I mention her parents she would jump at the change to see them or at the very last get revenge on them.'' he said huffing making Yamada snort

'' Wrong choice of words kid. '' the man adds finishing his counting and putting the box aside '' Well, it's your job now so I can't give you any advice but I'm sure that little girl will bow at some point.'' Yamada gets up and after a hard pat on Sai back he takes his leave without a word

'' Maybe.'' Sai hummed looking at him leaving

''Such a lone person-'' he wraps the boxes back, lifting them on their rows ''- must snap at some point. And if not I just make her snap.''

Rows after rows after rows stacked under one another, all of them filled to the brim with illegal substance's, weapons, frozen organs and special medication.

Indeed, business was glowing.