Chapter 16

'' Holly shit.''  Danuja said quietly breathing into the fabric, the smell of sea enveloping her senses.  Did she wash it herself? Or there were people at her house that were doing those things? Even so, the moment when Kana give her the jacket back was the most unexpected thing that could have happened  today.

It was more likely for Ryota to show up early than this.

Felling a little awkward despite the lack of audience around her, Danuja put on her jacket above her school uniform. Scratching her nose and trying to tell herself that the gesture didn't matter, Danuja stashed the tapped rope in her bag before swinging it over her shoulder, walking out from the rooftop.

How dangerous    she though again  She barely talked but it was like I couldn't even breath 

Danuja was waken up from her thoughts by the familiar sound of mocking laughter and quiet whines. Usually, Danuja wouldn't have minded the sound. Wouldn't have cared of it.

But now it was different. It was different because Danuja was angry, she was angry for weeks already. Angry at those goons that scared her only family in that state. Angry at Ryota and at all those rich kids that could do whatever they wanted just because they had the money.

Angry at herself that she didn't do more. Couldn't do more back then.

She couldn't just beat up whoever was at fault. Because she didn't know who was at fault. And if on the way on finding out her prey, Danuja let behind bruised corpses and bloody marks, then she couldn't be more satisfied with.

So for the second time in her life, Danuja stepped in.

'' Eh?''  one of them said, male, third year that was pressing with his foot the face of another boy  '' What do you want?''  he sneered before making a retching noise at her  '' Ugh. Don't come any closer, you must stink with that trash bag on you.''  he said making the other teens around him laugh and mock in return

'' Hah.''  Danuja laughed sharply, gritting her teeth at the flash of amethyst eyes that appeared in front of her.

In two steps Danuja was in front of the ringleader, her foot sticking in his side ribs making his cough surprised, tumbling down. There were gasp and a small, scared scream from one of the girls that laughed the hardest before, then a hand shoved or at the very last tried to shove her back. With narrowed eyed she catch the other hand, a tall boy that looked at her with superiority, not even glancing at his friend crawling on the ground.

'' I know you.''  he said confidently  '' You are that freak show from Class B, the one raised by animals right?''  he said, hesitating laugh following just for the group to disperse when Danuja punched the boy two times in the nose, side stepping a pitiful punch before slamming her fist in his ribs.

The boy chocked on spit, tears gathered in his eyes falling on the ground as well. Danuja not interested with him, stepped on his stomach before catching the first boy, the one that insulted her clothes, taking a seat on his stomach holding him down.

'' Do you know what the only dirty thing here is?'' she said catching his shirt collar holding his face towards her. Danuja did not wait for an answer and with fast, almost desperate hits smashed the boy face in, feeling her knuckles becoming raw and spotted with red.

She wasn't quite sure if the blood was just from the boy face or if her own was mixed there as well.

'' See now?''  Danuja said after the boy stopped moving, face purple  '' Now you are ugly on the outside as well.''  she said pleasant getting up, just in time to catch the eyes of the bullied boy from before

He was looking at her starstruck, like he couldn't believe that someone stepped in, like Danuja didn't almost knocked out the guy behind her. And he followed her with his gaze, long before her figure disappeared on he corridor.


Danuja returned in class with a jacket smelling of sea and red spots on her hands. No one minded her beside Kana who Danuja catch trying to look at her, before she lowered her gazes on her textbooks.

She didn't mind her, not wanting to be caught in whatever web the silver haired girl would web and just let herself close her eyes, thinking.

It was so easy    she though absently    he didn't even move. Why didn't he move? It's suppose to be that easy? To overpower someone.    she though opening and closing her palm in a fist  I almost wish for a bully that can fight now. Like the ones in manga that are ex-champions or something that can beat up whoever they want.  Danuja grimaced scolding herself 

Just say thanks that it easy with them. It wasn't easy in that alley even with Dad at her side  Danuja though before shifting her head, trying to take a nape


At the end of the week Danuja wasn't even ashamed with herself, with recognizing that she avoided Shishijima Kana like the plague. Or at the very last tried to ignore. Nothing good can come from that girl gaze and soft hands.

A day after her first bully encounter, there were enough rumors around Danuja spread by the same boy she beat up that no one, not even the occasional, brave outsiders approached her for protection. It was enough for her to walk around the school or pop up in a bathroom to stop any type of bullying.

Suffice to say she was bored to death and it was just the first day.

Danuja showed up at Mr. Touma gym a day before the termen mentioned. 

'' Wh-''  the man tried to begin just to be shot down by Danuja

'' I jump for a bloody half a hour old man. Shut your month now.'' she said frustrated before taking the tapped rope out, jumping right then and there, Mr. Touma looking at her amused

'' Well-'' he begins after she finished jumping, a small trail of sweat on her forehead  ''- I see you got bored.'' 

Danuja snorted before taking a seat beside him already wrapping her fingers 

'' You have no idea.''  she said checking the wrapping before getting up towards the ring

She didn't want to think about the small tingle on her fingertips that appeared every now and then when she though of silver and amethyst.