Chapter 31


'' Ah...'' Danuja said blinking back to reality  '' Ah, fucking hell.'' she muttered finally looking up, around her at the still bodies. She breathed, the smell of iron and blood enveloping her senses before spitting a glob of blood, loosening her hold on her weapon

'' Where do I even hide a body?''  she said to herself poking the closest corpse near her. The familiar sound of the bell made her grimace.


Danuja arched an eyebrow when Ryota groaned. She hummed before poking more of the bodies getting a similar response.

'' That's good enough for me.'' she stated covering her tracks.  Call her paranoid but if the teacher found a bunch of students, one or more, rich at that, there will be some calls. So Danuja ripped the handle of the shovel off before taking out the metal part and throwing it in the dusty or she suppose, dustier corner of the room where the remained tools where gathered.

Without other troubles she arrived back in her school building where she found Kana and Dad in the same spot. Kana did not observe her and Dad, beside a twitch of his ear, did not move so in a boost of curiosity and hoping to not look too unkempt Danuja hide behind the corner.

She felt like a fool.

'' Your owner it's strong so she should return soon right?''  Kana said her fingers petting Dad through the fence wire  '' She is so silly though. Who jumps into a fight already injured?''

I'm always injured    Danuja thought keeping it to herself. There was a stubborn spot of blood in her t-shirt.

'' What if she is caught? It would be my fault right?''  Kana voice trembled just the littlest bit  '' I did tell her to deal with them-''

I would have gone anyway  Danuja thought  even so, if she wouldn't have told me of the bullying then I wouldn't have hide her here  she thought grimacing when Kana words couldn't be heard anymore.

Sometimes she would talk so quietly that even Danuja, when sitting beside her couldn't understand clearly. It didn't look like a forced thing or something done from a motive. It was just how she talked, sometimes quiet, sometimes a little loud when she was excited. Expressive with her hands and smiles.

Danuja shacked her head to get out of her mind before stepping out and walking towards Kana. This time Dad turned wholly at her, tail wagging when spotting the wood in her hand and Kana brightening as well when she come near.

'' You are back.''  Kana said getting looking at her face. There where some new bruises forming but beside them nothing new from her already hazardous look.

'' It's over too. ''  Danuja said calming her down before sticking the wood between the fence, wire holes. Dutifully, Dad tugged the wood to his side, beginning to play with it.  '' They won't be bothering anyone for a long time.'' Danuja smirked putting her hand on Kana head when she looked like she wanted to say more.

The gesture silenced her quickly, face becoming red and eyes just the littlest bit dazed. Danuja, selfishly, let herself bath in that feeling and sight before her.


'' My skin is very sensitive.'' Kana said suddenly  making Danuja freeze  '' My hair, my skin, sometimes even my eyes or my nose. T-Tou-Touching. Touching hurts. My skin burns when someone else touches me or when som-some materials scratch me. And-and with time I learned that any touch hurts, so when Danuja-san would touch me I was really surprised.''

Cautiously and with something acrid, like guilt building in her, Danuja retreated her hand like a burn was slowly spreading on her.

'' It feels nice.''  Kana laughed instead, taking Danuja hand back with a gentle, loose grip  '' Danuja-san hand feels nice, her clothes too, her scent as well. Everything about Danuja-san it's nice and kind and warm and-and I wanted to thank you.''

'' Thank me?''  Danuja said startled of her own voice. Somehow things were escalading much more quickly than she thought. Danuja got from beating up those bastard to holding hands with Kana while finding out what sounded like a deep secret.

'' That's right.''  Kana said, her amethyst eyes serious  '' Danuja-san, thank you for being my first friend.''  she said before laughing happily. It was the same laugh that made Danuja sink her teeth in her.

After Danuja got over her shock, panic and uncertainness begin to sink in.

'' What type of clothes are you okay with? And what type are you comfortable with?''  Danuja asked after Kana eyes didn't look teary anymore and after she convinced her to seat back on her jacket, Dad still playing with the wood handle

'' Cotton and silk are good.'' Kana said almost indulgently, playing with Danuja fingers. Right she didn't let go of her hand  '' Worn out clothes are the best though.''  she said chuckling patting the cloth under her

'' So that's why your uniform it's different.''  Danuja murmured her eyes on their intertwined hands. Where her hands always that big?

'' Mhm.'' Kana hummed in agreement but didn't articulate further, she looked down for moment before Danuja tightened her hold on her hand

'' What about noise and smells and vision? It's your taste sensitive too?''  Danuja fired questions at her making her giggle again

'' I like silence or soft music. Loud sound are not good sounds.''

Somehow that comments made Danuja mind halt before paying attention again.

'' Sometimes smells are bad or unpleasant or nice like Danuja-san. Sometimes, seasonal scents make me sneeze but rarely I feel bad because of them. My eyes um, throb? Most of the time. ''  she said sad, her face reddening again when Danuja begin to stroke her hand  '' Light just doesn't feel good.''

'' And taste?''  Danuja repeated  I have money now  she thought remembering about the prize from the fights 

'' I don't really taste most of the things I ate.''  Kana said shyly, her hands beginning to tremble just the tiniest bit  '' It's-It's really weird I know.''

'' It's not. You are not weird or abnormal because of something you can't control.''  she said, her lips quirking up when Kana smiled at her

I am the freak between the two of us  she though, somehow almost pleasant

'' The treats Danuja-san brings are really good though. They are sweet and have a single taste.''  Kana said mouth in a small  'O' at the sight in front of her

Danuja smiled and for the first time in who knows how long she could feel the difference between 'baring her teeth' and 'actual smiling'.