Chapter 1

"Have no worries, Alpha," the Beta reassured his leader. "Perhaps the Moon Goddess has deemed it fit for you to have a mate who is both responsible and nurturing." Alpha Killan Raiden Leonidas gazed at his Beta with a perplexed expression, as if he were confronted with a most confounding enigma.

Killan's gaze was as cold as ice as he fixed it on him. He found himself growing increasingly frustrated with his Beta's carefree and occasionally foolish behavior. The Sun Forest Pack, reputedly the largest and most ruthless of all Packs in the world, reigned supreme.

The mere mention of their name sent shivers down the spines of both Pack and rogue alike. The Alpha wolf possessed the strength to take down ten wolves in a single blow of his razor-sharp paws.

When he stepped onto the battlefield, he transformed into a raving lunatic. The Alpha, a mature individual of thirty years, had recently returned from a prolonged hiatus spanning two months. He just got here, and now he's uptight.

One could hardly blame an individual for feeling apprehensive if the intended purpose of their vacation failed to come to fruition. He searched tirelessly for his beloved mate, journeying across vast oceans and traversing through foreign lands.

Alas, his efforts proved futile as he returned to his Pack with a heavy heart and empty hands. Killan's heart was heavy with dissatisfaction as he searched for his mate. Despite his tireless efforts, he had yet to find the one who would complete him.

The longing for companionship weighed heavily on him, and he could not shake the feeling of incompleteness that plagued him day and night.

"Alpha-Cato," barked the commanding voice, "Cease your prattle and return to your duties," he exclaimed. Killan abruptly silenced his Beta.

The Beta's countenance fell into a pout, a display of his childlike tendencies. He was the sole individual capable of enduring his Alpha's capricious temperament.

The person retorted, "I was merely attempting to unwind in this moment, if you don't mind." In a childish tone, Cato, the Beta, addressed his Alpha, "My lunch break has already commenced."

Killan rolled his eyes in exasperation and flung his pen at his friend. The two of them found themselves within the confines of Killan's office, situated in the esteemed Leonidas Group of Companies.

This establishment, responsible for a multitude of successful ventures, served as the Pack's primary means of financial support.

Nestled deep within the lush woodlands of Michigan, USA, lay the Sun Forest Pack - a formidable group of creatures, both wealthy and elusive. Their existence, shrouded in secrecy, remained hidden from the prying eyes of humans and other mythical beings alike.

Cato bestowed upon his Alpha a cunning grin. Despite the pressing issue plaguing the werewolf community with the she-wolves, he yearned for a respite from his duties.

As he pondered over the challenges and remedies bestowed upon them by the Moon Goddess, the Beta let out a deep sigh and assumed a stoic demeanor. He stated that the Omega males in the Pack were pregnant upon finding their mates.

It had been over two months since he had laid eyes on his Pack. Amidst a myriad of challenges, the Alpha found themselves with an overwhelming amount to catch up on.

The Alpha let out a deep sigh, a realization that had been with him throughout his travels from one Pack to another. Regardless of the male Omega's choice of mate, pregnancy is an inevitable outcome once a mating bond has been established.

The she-wolves, once fertile and abundant, were now stricken with a mysterious ailment that left them barren and desolate. Desperate for a solution, they turned to the divine powers of the Moon Goddess, beseeching her for aid in their time of need. This was bestowed upon them.

The imperative to repopulate loomed over them, an inescapable burden that they could ill afford to ignore. The rogues, with their reckless disregard for the sanctity of life, had instigated the last war, a brutal conflict that had decimated their numbers.

Now, the survivors were left with no choice but to rebuild their ranks, no matter how daunting the task may seem. The population of werewolves had been decimated by half.

"We were powerless to resist the call of the Moon Goddess, for it was her divine will that we undertake the vital task of repopulating our dwindling werewolf clan. After all, the prospect of facing extinction was simply unthinkable, was it not?" Killan heaved a deep sigh.

The she-wolves were growing increasingly hostile, convinced of their own worthlessness. Cato helplessly muttered to his Alpha, "They are targeting omega males who are pregnant."

In moments when the she-wolves unleash their ferocity, his presence cannot always be guaranteed. Despite having assigned Pack warriors to ensure the safety of the Omegas, he found himself with a great deal of work to attend to.

Killan furrowed his brow and lifted his eyebrows in response to Cato. The Omegas possessed the capacity to protect themselves, yet they seemed to be refraining from doing so.

The Pack warriors' time was being squandered, despite their potential to greatly aid in the protection of our territory. A deep furrow formed between his eyebrows as he contorted his face into a frown. The Alpha struggled to comprehend the situation before them.

Cato maintained an impressive level of silence. The Alpha was a formidable force, with a keen eye for detecting any hint of vulnerability among the Omegas. He was unyielding in his pursuit of a strong and resilient Pack, and would not tolerate any weakness among his ranks.

"Tell the Pack warriors to resume their original task," he instructed his Beta, "and do not concern yourself with the protection of those who are feeble. They shall manage on their own." There existed no room for dispute with the pronouncement of the Alpha. Cato heaved a deep sigh and acquiesced to his Alpha with a nod.

"I will," Alpha, Cato replied, rising to his feet.

With a deep bow and a shake of his head, he walked out of the Alpha's office. The Beta, despite their best efforts, proved unable to provide assistance to the Omegas. Like all members of the Pack, they too played a crucial role in upholding harmony within their domain. Alpha Killan was oblivious to this fact, for weakness had never been a trait he possessed.

Cato pondered the question, his mind racing with possible solutions. 'How could he convince the Alpha to see the error of his ways when it came to the Omegas?' It was a delicate matter, one that required finesse and careful consideration.

Cato took a deep breath and began to formulate a plan. As he strode out of the edifice, Cato thought. A heavy sigh escaped his lips, filled with a sense of despair.

Killan fists balled up tightly. His brow furrowed. Disappointment weighed heavily upon him as he continued his search for the one who would complete him, his soul mate. The mere mention of the Omegas by Cato served only to exacerbate an already tense situation.

He harbored a deep-seated disdain for them, for their inherent fragility and pitiable nature. He extended a gracious welcome to the Omegas, for they still held value in the eyes of the Pack.

The state of the werewolf community was in utter disarray at present. The issues at hand were only growing more complex with each passing day, particularly with the she-wolves who were vehemently protesting the Omegas.

It was a curious situation, for the Omegas held no sway over their affairs, yet the she-wolves persisted in their opposition. The will of the Moon Goddess is what guides them. Those who harbor reservations shall be met with dire consequences.

Killan carries a deep-seated aversion towards his involvement in the grand scheme of the Goddess, yet he finds himself unable to evade his role.

Alpha Killan was abruptly jolted out of his deep contemplation when the intercom on his desk buzzed to life, announcing a call from his secretary.

"Sir," the secretary informed Alpha, "the packless wolves have arrived for the interview." The man berated himself for recalling his appointment and agenda for the day.

He has to look for werewolves that are not part of a Pack but are not rogue and observe, observe, and question them. They are docile wolves that coexist with people.

They humbly sought permission from the Alpha to submit their application for employment within the esteemed company and to seek refuge under the protection of his Pack.

Killan emitted a fierce snarl. "Allow them entry individually, and maintain vigilance," he commanded with the authority of an Alpha. "The origin of these wolves remains unknown."

With the exception of those humans who had been chosen as mates by the wolves, the entirety of the company's workforce consisted of members of the Pack. Amidst the bustling crowds of humans, there existed a secret world of werewolves unbeknownst to the unsuspecting masses.

The werewolves possessed an acute sense of hearing. In the distance, the sound of their Alpha's voice was unmistakable. Some individuals flinched, while others leaped up and down with excitement, and a few even whimpered in fear.

Terror coursed through their veins upon hearing the command of their Alpha. Completely devoid of any discernible pattern, his behavior was utterly unpredictable.

His countenance remained stoic and unyielding. There was no need for him to loosen up. He stood tall and proud, exuding an aura of power and dominance. His reputation preceded him, as he was already known as a formidable Alpha.

Within a minute, a resounding knock reverberated through the door. "Enter," he declared, his voice devoid of any emotion and icy in tone.

Trembling, the figure entered the room. Killan let out an exasperated sigh and gestured for the individual to have a seat. Without a moment's hesitation, he denied the man the opportunity to catch his breath.

With a quick inquiry, his gaze scanned the area for the wolves that sought his approval. "What motivates you to join this Pack?" he asked.

The man stuttered and gulped before giving his response. "The Pack exudes an aura of power, wealth, and security," proclaimed the man.

Killan was utterly exhausted. Four long hours had passed since he began interviewing the wolves. To his surprise, they responded with nothing but compliments.

Within the pages of any book concerning werewolves lies the knowledge to satiate one's inquiries. Killan let out a deep sigh before reaching for the phone to dial his secretary's number.

"I do hope that was the final wolf I had to interview today," he grumbled. The Alpha's acute senses picked up the sound of her gulp before she answered the phone.

Her voice faltered as she spoke, "T-there is one more person, A-Alpha." Killan's temper was on the verge of unraveling. The urgency in their tone was palpable.

"So, what are you waiting for?!?" he exclaimed. "Grant him entry!" He bellowed into the receiver.

Without hesitation, the secretary dutifully carried out the commands of her Alpha. Her agitation nearly caused her to stumble and fall flat on her face. The secretary was in a state of utter chaos.

With haste, she ushered in the final individual. Killan stood inside his office, his heart racing as the doorknob clicked, completely unaware of the impending danger that awaited him.

With a sudden jolt, he turned his head, a primal instinct deep within urging him that the moment had arrived. Killan was filled with joy, much like his wolf mate.

After an exhaustive search of neighboring territories, his long-awaited mate finally materialized before his very eyes. The wolf within him was going berserk, howling at the top of its lungs, "mate!"

The alluring scent wafted into his nostrils, tempting him with its irresistible aroma. Surprise washed over him, lifting his spirits and brightening his mood.

As his anticipation began to build, the individual abruptly retreated indoors, leaving him deflated.

The world as he knew it had crumbled before his very eyes, leaving him in a state of utter despair. His entire being had been let down by a system that was supposed to protect and support him.