Chapter 10

"Acker," whispered the woman, leaning in close. "Have you heard? Word had spread like wildfire throughout the town that a grand celebration was to be held at the Pack House in just a week's time." The excitement was palpable as the news reached every corner of the community, and whispers of the upcoming event could be heard in every conversation. It was said that no one was to be left out, as the invitation extended to all.

The Pack House was sure to be filled to the brim with guests from far and wide, eager to partake in the festivities. "Hey Acker!" Katty exclaimed with great enthusiasm, interrupting him from his frantic scribbling in his medical record.

Katty's words fell on deaf ears as he remained fixated on the task at hand, diligently jotting down his notes. Katty fixed her gaze upon her friend's countenance, which remained devoid of any discernible emotion.