Chapter 12

With a sudden burst of energy, Ackerly forcefully pushed Alpha Killan out of his way. Ackerly stood frozen, his eyes fixed on the scene before him. The Alpha's actions had left him utterly stunned, his mind struggling to comprehend the gravity of the situation. He couldn't believe that there were people confined inside, and yet the Alpha had acted with such callous disregard for their safety.

Despite his shock, Ackerly remained stoic, refusing to show any outward signs of emotion. He was not the type of man to display affection, especially not towards someone who had earned his resentment like the Alpha.

"Alpha Killan, what exactly are you doing?" With a deep sense of reverence, he posed the question and humbly lowered his head in deference to the Alpha, even though he knew full well that his presence was of little consequence to the esteemed leader. He was cautious not to meet the Alpha's gaze.