Filthy Casual

The next day…

Ethan was feeling more excited, and more tired than normal.

After watching the moonlit sky with Luna several hours ago, the Ethan had been unable to sleep until dawn.

“You look different today, Ethan,” Chloe said. “I’m sure that today isn’t your birthday, so why do you have that cheeky smile plastered on your face?”

“Cheeky smile?” Ethan asked back as he touched the corner of his lips.

Chloe sighed and made a circular motion with her wand.

“Magicae Speculum.”

A magical mirror appeared in front of Ethan, which reflected his face. A single glance was enough to tell him that Chloe was right. There was indeed a cheeky smile plastered on his face.

“I don’t see it as a bad thing,” Chloe stated. “In fact, I like it when you smile. I just want to know if something special happened today, which makes you happy.”

“Well, nothing special has happened yet,” Ethan replied. “But, maybe something special will happen later?”

“Oh? What will happen later?”