First Mission

Just as Chloe expected, there were only mundane missions remaining when the number of people inside the Mission Hall finally decreased.

There were even missions for finding lost animals like dogs and cats, which made Ethan scratch his head.

According to Chloe, the missions posted in the Mission Hall were quests that were commissioned by the people in Eastshire. Meaning, these missions could have come from Royalty, Noble Families, and even the common folk who lived in the Magical World.

There were also Special Missions that came from Northshire, Westshire, and Southshire, and their rewards were just as good as the rewards given by the Royal Family and Nobles.

These missions were called International Quests, which were available to any academy, or race, within the Shire Continent.

There were also Special Quests that were issued by other Magical Academies as well.

Although these quests were rare, they were one of the most sought-after quests in the Mission Hall.