I Thought You Would Never Ask

Several hours later, the three walked hand in hand in silence.

Chloe was averting her gaze, and the same could be said for Luna.

Both of their faces were red, unable to brush away the thoughts of what transpired between the three of them an hour ago.

Only Ethan was able to keep his calm as he walked in the middle of the two ladies, who held a special place in his heart.

He admitted that he got carried away and moved too fast. But, he didn’t regret it. He wanted to know if Chloe was ready to share him with others, and judging by how she reacted, she seemed to be a little open to the idea.

‘Things like this can’t be rushed,’ Ethan thought as he continued to walk at a steady pace. ‘I’ll take it slowly until Chloe is ready.’

Half an hour later, they arrived at the Oswald Residence to the relief of Selene, who had been non-stop pampered, petted, and kissed by Irene, Briana, and Rhea due to how cute and adorable she was.