For Every Action There Is An Equal Reaction [Part 2]

“Feel free to use me as your target practice,” Lord Edmond said as he faced everyone in Professor Nicola’s class.

“I will even ask Professor Rinehart to give you 10,000 additional Merit Points if you succeed in silencing me. However, I will also give you some facts about this spell, which your Professor didn’t tell any of you.

“If your opponent has a very high resistance to magic, or has deployed a magical barrier, this spell will not have any effect on them. Right now, you are still First Years and, although some of you are talented, my mental and magical defenses are fairly high.

“So, if you manage to silence me, it means that you have a very promising future. Just remember, for every action, there is an equal reaction. Please keep this in mind.”

The students glanced at each other and hesitated.

The majority of the students in Brynhildr Academy were the sons and daughters of Nobles, or aiming to have a good relationship with some of the Noble Families.