Please Do Things In Moderation

“Hey, are you sure you should be drinking that many glasses of champagne?” Ethan asked.

“Shut up,” Nicole replied as she continued to sip from the champagne glass in her hand.

Her face was flushed, but the scarlet hue only highlighted her natural beauty.

If not for the fact that there were eight empty glasses right in front of her, anyone who saw her would think that she was blushing after being looked at by Ethan for a long time.

After downing her ninth glass, Nicole called out to the waiter so that he could give her another glass.

“She has already drunk enough,” Ethan said when the waiter got close. “Don’t give her another glass.”

The waiter nodded in understanding and left to go to the other tables.

Nicole glared at Ethan for getting in the way of her drinking.

“Nicole, what’s going on?” Ethan asked. “You’re not usually like this.”

Nicole didn’t answer as she closed her eyes. Truth be told her vision was starting to turn blurry, and she was feeling a bit drowsy.