More Straightforward Than Words

Ethan stood on the small island at the center of the lake, waiting for Chloe’s arrival.

Their meeting time was set at midnight, and yet, he was there an hour early.

He was unable to sit still, so he decided to just go to the meeting spot earlier than the promised time.

Also, there was a possibility that Chloe would arrive before midnight, and just in case, he didn't want her to wait.

This was the first time that they were going to talk face to face since the day that they agreed to have a cool-off period in order to better understand how they truly felt towards each other.

Ethan might seem like he was fine with it, but in truth, he was not.

Chloe was the first girl in his life, and if possible, he wanted her to always be with him.

There were times when his Grandma Agnes would tease him that if he didn’t find anyone before he reached twenty, he should just marry Chloe.