What A Rebellious Child

“W-What?!” Lyall almost dropped the Salmon in her hands. “E-Ethan?! Is that you?!”

“Calm down, Lyall,” the Salmon talked to Lyall through telepathy as it rose up from the robes. “It is indeed me.”

“W-Wait?! What is happening?!” Lyall asked in panic. “Are you a fish?! Did I fall in love with a fish?!”

“Um, it’s a bit complicated,” Ethan replied. “Let me just try an experiment.”

The Wizard Robes that Lyall was holding flew toward the Salmon and disappeared inside his body.

‘I see. So Morgan’s Ring is inside my body,’ Ethan thought. ‘Sebastian, can you hear me?’

‘Yes, I can,’ Sebastian answered.

‘I can hear you as well,’ Ethan’s Other Half commented. ‘It seems that it's only your body’s appearance that has changed. But over all, it’s 100% still you. I’m guessing that you can also use your power over water in this form.’

The White Salmon, which was two-feet long, manipulated the water around him, forming countless Water Snakes, making him nod his head.