There’s No Need For You To Thank Me

When Ethan opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a beautiful lady, looking down at him with a smile on her face.

It took him a while to realize that the lady was none other than the Water Fairy Queen, who had forcefully broken his transformation, and in turn, dealt serious injuries to his body.

But instead of being afraid of her, Ethan felt attracted to her—but not in a romantic sort of way.

This attraction was like seeing a family member that he hadn’t seen for a very long time, making him feel warm and happy inside.

Ethan immediately thought that he might be under a Charm Spell because Fairies were capable of doing that.

However, after remembering that he was immune to such spells, he immediately tossed this idea to the side.

Suddenly, he felt it.

A strong connection between him and the beautiful lady with long blue hair and blue eyes, just like him.

Due to his strong mental powers, he was able to immediately notice the changes inside his body.