All Is Fair In Love And War [Part 4]

Illumina’s beautiful voice spread across the Colosseum, affecting not only Lyall but also those who were watching the battle.

Professor Rinehart and Professor Barret faintly smiled out of pleasant surprise, not expecting Ethan’s Resonance to finally take form this soon.

While the song did have an effect on them, they had plenty of ways to counter the drowsiness that was assaulting them.

The two of them were even enjoying the lullaby of the Mermaid Princess because it had been a while since they had heard such a beautiful singing voice.

Professor Ophelia and Professor Nicola were able to stay awake since both of them also had ways to counter such magic.

However, they had to admit that fighting against Ethan while the Mermaid Princess was singing was going to be extremely hard unless the other side ended the battle quickly.

Contrary to the grown ups, Luna and Lilian were doing their best to keep their eyes open, but the beautiful melody was simply too much.