The Truth Is Sometimes Bigger Than Life Itself

“Who is Arawn, by the way?” Ethan asked the Elven Queen.

The Elven Queen and the Fairy Queen glanced at each other before shifting their gaze at Ethan.

“Arawn isn’t really a Fomorian,” the Elven Queen, who went by the name Wynfiel, answered. “He used to be a member of the Tuatha De Danann, and he was a very powerful warrior. He briefly participated in the war against the Fomorians but soon backed out for reasons only known to him.

“There were even rumors that Arawn sided with the Fomorians and betrayed his race. But, these rumors were said to be unfounded.”

“Arawn liked hunting and carnage, as well as destruction,” the Fairy Queen commented. “Although he didn’t have a good reputation among the Tuatha De Danann, he never raised his blade against them nor killed any of his people.