Fate Has Other Plans For Him

“The Lord has left another important message in the letter,” Fortuna stated. “If the Young Master rejects this trial, he will not be allowed to return to Caer Wydion, and he will be excommunicated from the Valentin Family.”

“I-Isn’t that a bit too harsh?” Lilith couldn’t help but stutter after hearing Fortuna’s words. “Is this because of what happened during the party? Did the Lord perhaps not like what happened between the Young Master or the Young Miss?”

Fortuna shook her head. “I don’t know. All I know is that the Young Master needs to make a choice. Return to the Shire Continent and forget his background, or take the trial and learn about his true identity.”

Fortuna then glanced at Ethan with a worried gaze. Since her daughter was now Ethan's Promised One, she was worried that the trial would distance the two from each other.