I Won’t Give You Spoilers This Time

While Ethan’s body had entered a comatose state, his spirit awoke on a place that he had visited in the past.

“Good morning, Ethan.”

“Good morning, Mimir.”

The young man was floating above crystal clear waters, with Mimir looking down on him with a smile.

“Can’t move your body?” Mimir asked.

“Yes,” Ethan replied. “How long have I been unconscious?”

“Two weeks.”

“… That long?”

Mimir nodded. “Your Other Half opened a connection within your consciousness to allow a Progenitor to descend into your body. He believed that it was the only way for you to get out of that dire situation.”

“And was there any other way aside from that?” Ethan asked out of curiosity.

When he was facing against Erass, his back was pressed on the wall. He could do many things, but after carefully considering his options, all of them proved inadequate to use against the Progenitor of Pestilence.